
Alexandra Adinaev

Campanie din trecut 0 days
63.646934782609% Complete

Amount received

29.278 €


46.000 €

You can donate directly by bank transfer to the following accounts:

Account RON: RO05BTRL00701205W82870XX

Account Euro: RO 28 BTRL EUR CRT 00 W828 7001

Account USD: RO 68 BTRL USD CRT 00 W828 7001

Payments made


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Anca L.
292428702 .


Alexandra Adinaev

Campanie din trecut

Campaign updates

06 Sep

You fought so hard and endured so much pain... but today you could no longer endure and went to the world of the righteous ... today's baby man you are an angel 🥺🥺🥺

Sincere condolences to mum and relatives... an indescribable pain...

28 Aug

The debts accumulated by the Adinaev family at the clinic with the days of hospitalization and intensive care reached the amount of 6800 euros.

Unfortunately, the family does not fail to pay this amount. Please join them with a donation.


26 Aug

Unfortunately, Alexandra went into a coma yesterday and every day of hospitalization costs a lot for the Adinaev family. Her mother is wracked with grief and wants nothing more than for her little girl to live. We ask you from the heart that each of you contribute a little of your little to save Alexandra.


04 Aug

Chemotherapy isno longer working and the specialists at Clinical Medical Park decided to give Alexandra five radiotherapy sessions. Today he performed the first radiotherapy session without anesthesia.. Alexandra has been very good, but the pain she's going through is unbearable. Alexandra still needs us and our prayers. Thank you!

30 Jul

Ninemonths since our lives changed radically from the days of joy and tranquility turned into tears of pain, sleepless nights, expectations of some tests but decided the program of a cruel treatment for such a small child. Unfortunately Alexandra's health is not at all good and she is fighting hard to live. Unfortunately, all this struggle is depleting us and financially all our resources have run out. Please help us carry out this fight to the end we wish Alexandra to be a healthy child again. I know there are many cases that appear in your facebook timeline but for us Alexandra deserves at least a minimum donation of 2 euros from you.

Thank you for all your support so far!

20 Jul

Unfortunately, little Alexandra's health is not exactly good. Doctors have decided not to continue chemotherapy sessions and after the medical board meeting it is possible to continue with radiotherapy. Please let's get the fight to the end for this baby OM.


24 Jun

Alexandra was admitted last night for the start of her third chemotherapy session. Let's help her financially with a donation and pray for her health. Thank!

14 Jun

We have good news coming from Istanbul.Following the MRI performed it was found that the tumor has shrunk and the body is responding to treatment.

28 May

Alexandra has completed her second chemotherapy session and the little girl's condition is stable.

Please be with him from the heart with a donation so that you can carry out the battle with cancer.


04 May

Alexandra on 02.05.2021 dropped herplatelets drastically and had a very large hemorrhage, doctors struggled for 3 hours to stop her bleeding. Unfortunately little Alexandra's health is not exactly good she will stay in the hospital until the little girl is better.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all your support and please continue to join us.

24 Apr

Dearly beloved, I would like to inform you that Alexandra has recovered from the operation, but with God's help she has started chemotherapy. On the first day he felt worse, had fever and vomiting. Around 1:30 a.m. he asked to listen to music and dance. We hope he gets better but in order to continue treatment unfortunately we still need the penny.

Thank you for all your support!

20 Apr

Hello dear people, todayour little one was taken to the operating room toinstallhis catheter. Weask youfrom the heart to help her to raise the amount needed to continue treatment. Alexandra wants to live!

14 Apr

Little Alexandra's condition is stable, the operation went well - fluid was taken from her brain to see if there was an infection. The results of the tests will come out in a few days and if the infection comes out antibiotics will be administered. Tomorrow the MRI will also be performed under anesthesia.

14 Apr

Alexandra was rushed to hospital. Her condition is not good being affected by the SarsCov 2 virus.

Let's pray for her health!

10 Apr

What is love between a mother and your own child? I think it's a feeling you can't play in thousands of words. The people we loved a week ago have completed the 33 radiotherapies and we need to have a two-week break for the treatment to take effect. Unfortunately on the evening of 08.04.2021 Alexandra was sick and we had to go to the Hospital for medical investigations . I ask you from the bottom of my heart to join us and to support us financially so that we can overcome this obstacle that has arisen in our lives.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your support!

08 Apr

Next week he has to go back to the hospital for investigations, his hand starts shaking and he has walking disorders.

The association "Save a heart" paid to the clinic today the sum of 3400 euros needed for investigations.

02 Apr

The tumor couldn't be operated on because it was so big the doctors said we were operating but I-I got half the brain and it's still a vegetable.

Now we've done 33 sessions of radiotherapy and three of chemotherapy their goal is for the tumor to be shrunk so that the baby can be taken for surgery but if God forbid it doesn't shrink the ear and give us more serious and harsher chemotherapy.

Unfortunately, we cannot speak of a final price of treatment because in this case everything is taken in stages of treatment and one stage costs about 23,000 euros. A huge amount for little Alexandra. That's why we've increased the amount on the platform to 46,000 euros to provide the little one with the following two treatment plans.


02 Apr

Alexandra is currently in a break between the two radiotherapy meetings. He's due to return to the hospital in two weeks for medical investigations. Little Alexandra's fight doesn't end here she needs our continued support.

Thank you from the heart!

13 Mar

The first chemotherapy session to hope that the good Lord will work miracles Unfortunately the immunity has dropped to zero and put the net today and given an injection to increase immunity too much pain for her but we have no choice but to go forward.

09 Mar

Today he performed a VXI-a radiotherapy session with God's help Alexandra's condition is stable not looking at what she went through and is going through. I feel like he's a big man as a child, I ask you from the bottom of my heart to help us and be with us in these harrowing moments for a little soul like her. He needs you!

Campaign started on: 08.03.2021

Name: Adinaev

First name: Alexandra

Age: 3 years

Amount required: 16500 euro

Diagnosis:: Tumor on the brain stem

Treatment will be performed by Medical Park-Turkey

Alexandra's story

Suffering and illness do not discriminate, do not take into account age, social status or sex. It affects even the most innocent souls, putting them to the test when they still don't have the strength to deal with them.

Alexandra Adinaev was living a beautiful, clean and energetic child life until October last year, when her mother noticed that she was beginning to have walking disorders, shaking hands, headaches and vomiting for no particular reason.

Doctors found that the 3-year-old girl has a grade 4 rradoide teratoid tumor, a rare and very aggressive type of cancer. Due to hydrocephalus (liquid in the cranial box), Alexandra was operated on, and since then she has been walked for months from one hospital to another, with doctors giving her little chance of survival. Because the tumor was too large, the risk of death was too high, which is why the little girl was prescribed 33 sessions of radiotherapy.

For a mother with three, all the expenses involved in saving Alexandra were unthinkable, but her life was with her and a family that lost their child donated the money needed to save Alexandra.

I went to the Oncological Institute and there I was told that the treatment would not be useful, to understand that the child has no chance and so they discharged us. I came home with the baby, but I couldn't live with it and decided to go all the way. I ran into a clinic in Turkey that could save my Alexandra, but the amount to be paid 16,500 euros is way too high. I can't afford to raise that much money, I have two more children, two boys 8 and 6, respectively, and I live with my elderly parents. Please help me save my little girl!, begged Tatiana Adinaev.

The situation of this mother is a critical one. She's financially tied to her hands and feet and despairs at the thought of losing Alexandra. If life gave her a chance through the family that lost her child, it would be a shame not to give her one, through our donations.

Any amount transferred to the Accounts of the Save a Heart Association is an extra hope of survival for the 3-year-old. Together we can defeat cancer again and restore joy to a family hard-pressed suffering and poverty.

Donate to Alexandra Adinaev, be her angel in this unjust battle!


Donations can be made:

Entity Name: Association "SALVEAZA O INIMA"
Tax Registration Code: 31015982

Bank Account (IBAN):

RON Account: RO05BTRL00701205W82870XX

Euro Account: RO28BTRLEURCRT00W8287001




REVOLUT: 0752,753,540

Banca Transilvania Botosani

Please specify for bank transfer the name of the child -ADINAEV ALEXANDRA