
Alexandru Ailioaie

Campanie din trecut 0 days
87.515625% Complete

Amount received

11.202 €


12.800 €

You can donate directly by bank transfer to the following accounts:

Account RON: RO05BTRL00701205W82870XX

Account Euro: RO 28 BTRL EUR CRT 00 W828 7001

Account USD: RO 68 BTRL USD CRT 00 W828 7001

Payments made


Now you can donate extremely simple and fast through the new Application for Android and iOS "Salveaza o Inima"

Bank donors

Dl P.
Cocean C.
Balauca M.
Ana-Maria-Andreea B.


Alexandru Ailioaie

Campanie din trecut

Campaign updates

08 May
Payments Fisier 1
Save a heart Association paid today the amount of 756 RON according to the attached payment order.
Our fight continues!
27 Apr
Payments Fisier 1

Save a heart Association paid today the amount of 220 RON according to the attached payment order.

Our fight continues!


05 Apr
Payments Fisier 1

Save a heart Association paid today the amount of 288 RON according to the attached payment order.

Our fight continues!


29 Mar
Payments Fisier 1

Save a heart Association paid today the amount of 220 RON according to the attached payment order.

Our fight continues!


25 Mar


Dear ones, I'm glad I got you used to the good news! Last weekend was the first day I took Alex out in the sun. He had gotten used to going to the doctors with him every time we took him out... But we have new horizons to explore now. This week, however, he needs to be re-examined in Pediatric Surgery, and the other in Pediatrics. The best news is from Ophthalmology, we received a consultation deadline just next year in 2025, and there were many babies there who came for injections, treatments. We are happy that we gained weight and we have over 3000g, we eat well, over 100ml at mealtime, but with colic after.

Best regards, Dad

13 Mar


We haven't been able to write you any updates because we are literally very tired, we welcomed Alexuț home! We are also very happy, but his schedule has put us on our feet. We received it at 2350g, a week early to avoid paying another week of hospital and to be with us at home. He is still very small, he does not hold his head at all, he has minimal reflexes and we must be very careful not to drown in particular. Our schedule no longer has day or night. We wake up every two hours to change him, nurse, take a bath, etc., etc... 🌱🚼🍼👶
Today he is scheduled to go again to the Ophthalmological consultation and tomorrow to the Hospital for the Neonato consultation and Pediatric Surgery. We hope he will be well and overcome these obstacles as well.
We go with him through states of nervousness and joy, strong fatigue and effervescent happiness.
We are glad that many of you continue to be with us, through good thoughts, prayers, advice.
Here is the first smile of little Alexuț, a cute as the doctor always says when we hear her on the phone.
We thank Sanador Hospital for all the efforts undertaken and the care it had and continues to have through post-hospitalization monitoring.
We thank the association for the continuous support they give us! https://salveazaoinima.ro/alexandru-ailioaie/
Thank you to close friends, work colleagues, neighbors and all friends who were involved in our case. 🙏
We are so much relieved after going through all these temptations together.

We hug you all! 🤗

04 Mar
Payments Fisier 1

Save a heart Association paid today the amount of 4190 RON according to the attached payment order.

Our fight continues!


01 Mar
Payments Fisier 1

Save a heart Association paid today the amount of 12345 RON according to the attached payment order.

Our fight continues!


28 Feb
Payments Fisier 1

Save a heart Association paid today the amount of 12600 RON according to the attached payment order.

Our fight continues!


26 Feb

Our dear friends and benefactors,

A month ago, we walked with timid steps and hearts full of hope to the holy places, to pray to Saint Nektarios and Saint Ephraim the New for health and an easy birth. In those moments, our hearts were filled with anxiety, but also with faith, hoping for a miracle.

And the miracle happened. Through the divine grace and intercession of the saints, around the venerable Three Hierarchs, our little Alexut came into the world. A new soul, a new beginning, boundless happiness that fills our lives.

We are deeply grateful to the association who, with extraordinary dedication and big hearts, quickly intervened to save the life of this little angel. These wonderful people, with their generosity and unconditional support, gave us hope and made it possible to raise the necessary amount for Alexut's care.

We thank you, dear ones, who have been with us every day, with every contribution, every prayer, building a better world for every soul who comes to meet us. Through your gestures, you teach us about true wealth, that which is found in our hearts, not in competitions or the desire for supremacy.

Yesterday, for the first time, I held in my arms our little Alexut, light as a flake at only 1900 grams, an angel who does not yet have the strength to scream, but who growled me slightly, perhaps reproaching me for my clumsy changes of position. We can't wait for the moment when we will take him home, hopefully in March, but everything depends on him. After three weeks in intensive care, I felt boundless joy seeing the ward empty, a sign that all the other babies were born healthy and full-term.

We turn our thoughts and prayers to all those who have stood by us and to those who silently fight their own battles. God help! Let us hold fast to each other, share love, and believe in miracles. For Alexut, for each of us, for a future full of light and hope.

22 Feb
Payments Fisier 1

Today, our hearts are filled with hope and gratitude, as little Alexander Ioan Raphael, whom we all call Alexuț, bravely went through one of the most important stages of his healing journey. After moments of emotional waiting, we received news that enlightened our souls: the cranial ultrasound showed that Alexuț has a healthy brain. It is an answer to our countless prayers and hopes, a sign that the little fighter is on the right track.

Yes, his condition is good, and he is developing step by step, at a speed that is his own, but safe, as the doctor assured us. And there is something else that warms our hearts: Alexuț is the best baby, adored by all nurses, a true magnet of love and affection in the neonatology department.

On this significant day, the "Save a Heart" Association took a crucial step in supporting Alexuț's fight, paying the amount of 8250 RON, according to the attached payment order. This is only part of the amount needed to cover the complex treatment Alexandru needs at Sanador Hospital in Bucharest, given his diagnosis of pre-eclampsia and HELLP syndrome.

Our fight does not end there. Next, we need your support and generosity to raise the total amount needed of 12800 euros, to ensure that Alexuț receives all the care and treatment he needs to grow strong and healthy.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts to all those who have been with us so far, whether you contributed financially, shared Alexuț's story or offered us good thoughts and prayers. Each gesture of kindness brings us closer to the day when Alexandru Ioan Rafael will be able to go home, surrounded by the love and warmth of his family.

Every smile, every progress of Alexut is a victory against hard trials, and each of you is part of this victory. Our struggle continues, and hope and love are our strongest weapons.

21 Feb

Dear friends and colleagues, I would like to thank you for having managed to raise in such a short time almost half of the amount needed by our baby.

I am grateful to the association "Save a heart" is like God's hand extended over our little child to protect him and raise him to the light. We also thank all those who pray for the health of little Alexuț, Father Marcel, Father Vasile and the whole community!

Tomorrow he is scheduled for a head ultrasound, and by the end of next week for his first eye exam. We have every hope that he will pass all the tests well, and the expectation of being able to take him home will scurta._Alexandru Ailioaie, Alexander's father)

19 Feb
Payments Fisier 1


 Save a Heart Association took a huge step towards light and healing, paying 8250 RON to support the heroic struggle of a fearless soul. According to the attached payment order, every leu contributes to an extra chance for the future, a sign of solidarity and compassion that unite us.

Our noble struggle continues, armed with love and determination, for every day is a victory against darkness. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts to all of you who have chosen to join this cause, offer hope and believe in miracles. Every gesture of generosity is a ray of light in the lives of those who fight.

Today, Alexander's heart beats stronger, illuminated by your love and support. After days of trials, when every breath was a struggle, he now feels the breeze of freedom, without the burden of therapy. It is the first day of the rest of his life, a day of rebirth and hope. We watch with hopeful hearts as Alexander adjusts to this new page of his life, a page written with courage and love.

In these moments, when vulnerability turns into strength, thank you for joining us. Every step we take together is proof that goodness and humanity can change destinies. 🙏

Together, we save hearts and write life stories that inspire the world.


Campaign initiated on: 16.02.2024

Name: Ailioaie

First name: Alexandru Ioan Rafael

Age: 3 weeks

Amount required: 12800  euro

Diagnosis: pre-eclampsia and HELLP syndrome

The treatment will be performed at Sanador Hospital in Bucharest

Alexuț's story

In the heart of a lively city, the Ailioaie family - Mihai and Alina, together with their little Alexut, live their story, a story about courage, hope and fighting for a new beginning. With modest incomes from their work as a customer service analyst and economist, the Ailioaie family faced challenges that no one should have to experience.

Alina's pregnancy was carefully monitored, under the close supervision of a renowned gynecologist. By month seven, however, destiny would test their strength and drive: pre-eclampsia and HELLP syndrome, two severe medical conditions that threatened the lives of both mother and newcomer. This unexpected turn of events precipitated a premature birth on a cold January night, turning the emergency room into a place of miracles mixed with anxiety.

Alina was discharged after two weeks with ongoing treatment for tension and thyroid, and hope for a full recovery is beginning to blossom. But the real fight is just beginning for little Alexut, who, saved at the last moment, is still under close medical supervision at the Sanador clinic. Every day in intensive care, every infusion, gavage feeding and oxygen support, is an extra day towards healing, towards a life that is just beginning.

The story of the Ailioaie family is one of extraordinary power to hope and fight against all odds. In the face of medical costs that far exceed their financial possibilities, estimates reaching over 12,800 euros, they now turn to the community, to you, with open hearts and hope that, together, we can make a difference for Alexut.

Every contribution, whether small or large, can help cover medical costs and ensure a healthy future for Alexut. This story is not just about one family's struggle, but about the power of community to come together and provide support to those facing watershed moments.

We invite you to join this cause, to become part of the victory of the Ailioaie family, offering you support and generosity. Together, we can bring hope, turn fear into courage and uncertainty into the certainty of a bright future for little Alexut.

Thank you in advance for any help offered, every gesture of kindness being a ray of hope in this fight for life.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for every gesture of support and for choosing to be by Alex's side in these critical moments.

Name of entity: Association "SAVE A HEART"

CIF: 31015982

RON Account: RO05BTRL00701205W82870XX

EUR Account: RO28BTRLEURCRT00W8287001

USD Account: RO68BTRLUSDCRT00W8287001


BIC code: BTRL

Bank: Banca Transilvania Botoșani

Please specify in the bank transfer, in the payment details, the name AILIOAIE ALEX