You can donate directly by bank transfer to the following accounts:

Account RON: RO05BTRL00701205W82870XX

Account Euro: RO 28 BTRL EUR CRT 00 W828 7001

Account USD: RO 68 BTRL USD CRT 00 W828 7001

Account CHF: RO 12 BTRL CHF CRT 00 W828 7001


At 3 years old, Denis is battling a rare generic disease that can kill him at any time

An experimental treatment, created by doctors of a hospital in Rome, may be the salvation of little Denis. Investigations, surgeries, further treatments are free of charge, being covered by the Italian state. However, the Nitu family needs 17,000 euros for daily expenses – rent, transport, food, hygiene products – for an as yet indefinite period.

It all started two and a half years ago with a trivial red throat. How many babies don't catch a cold or have a fever? However, the symptoms worsened with each passing day, despite the usual treatments recommended by the family doctor. Elena and Nicu arrived with the little one at the emergency room. After numerous medical investigations and many sleepless nights spent in the hospital, came the diagnosis: Chédiak-Higashi syndrome.

We are talking about a rare and extremely serious disease that affects his entire immune system, making him vulnerable to infections and complications. With an average life expectancy of just two years for patients with this condition, parents face a bleak future. With hearts weighed down by fear and uncertainty, however, they decided not to give up the fight and sought solutions abroad.

"We chose Italy because it is the only country that has agreed to try an experiment, a newly discovered treatment whose effectiveness has not yet been tested. The costs amount to many millions of euros, fortunately we pay nothing, being an experiment. If we manage to go through all the stages presented by specialist doctors, there are real chances that Denis will heal. He has already exceeded the expectations of doctors, most children with his syndrome do not live more than two years. Without treatment, however, Denis' organs disintegrate. Without treatment, my child can die at any time," Nicu, Denis' father, said with tears in his eyes.

In the darkness of this journey, Save a Heart Association extended a helping hand. He started a fundraising campaign and has already paid a small part of the family's bills.

"Financially we are doing very hard. We often eat once a day to save money. At the moment we still have 400 euros, all the money", Nicu confessed.

Due to stress and worries, the man had a pre-infarction a few months ago. Fortunately, doctors intervened quickly, and the young father can still take care of his much-tried little boy.

"I have to take care of everything. I often feel overwhelmed and this has been reflected in my health. I also have to help my wife, because she can't handle it on her own. Due to an accident suffered in childhood he has semiparesis. It's not easy with so many medical, financial problems."

"With our generosity and compassion, we can stand with this family on their journey of pain and hope. For Denis and his parents, every day is a struggle, but also an opportunity to celebrate life and the love that binds them together. Any donation counts, any form of help takes part of the burden off the shoulders of hard-pressed parents and gives them hope" – Vlad Placinta, president of Save a Heart Association.

For donations from companies visit: https://salveazaoinima.ro/denis-nitu/

Association "SAVE A HEART"
CIF: 31015982

RON Account: RO05BTRL00701205W82870XX
EUR Account: RO28BTRLEURCRT00W8287001
USD Account: RO68BTRLUSDCRT00W8287001
BIC code: BTRL
Bank: Banca Transilvania
Please specify in the bank transfer, in the payment details, the name DENIS NITU.