
Constantin Balanovici

Campanie din trecut 0 days
11.344141663502% Complete

Amount received

9.558 €


84.256 €

You can donate directly by bank transfer to the following accounts:

Account RON: RO05BTRL00701205W82870XX

Account Euro: RO 28 BTRL EUR CRT 00 W828 7001

Account USD: RO 68 BTRL USD CRT 00 W828 7001

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Constantin Balanovici

Campanie din trecut

Campaign updates

16 Jun

Today is two weeks since the last post about Constantin Balanovici . As you know unfortunately he lost his battle with the disease on June 3. It was a very tough fight for him and his family but they weren't alone in this fight. Joining them were the Save a Heart of Vlad Pieta and you beautiful people who gave some of your time for a prayer and some of your money for the operation. With your help, 20,000 euros were raised, money that Mr. Vlad Placinta decided to give to the family, in the form of a monthly scholarship. Because the family's hard work begins now, Costel was the source of income in the house, during the hospital period debts were collected and not to mention the traumas of the children to be treated. The 7-year-old girl has to go to the psychologist because she needs help to understand what happened to her father and that can best make her a specialist.

Thank you on behalf of the family to all those who have been involved and I urge you to continue to do well and donate, even 2 euros counts.

God help you and stay close to Save a Heart because they really save Hearts.

03 Jun

After a long battle with cancer today Cristian lost the fight. Unfortunately, two minor children are left without a father. God forgive him.

02 Jun

I haven't written about Constantine in a while. The situation has not been good at all so far and I have been blown away. He's facing big problems with a kidney that you're going to have to take out and you're going to have to resist with just one. His wife is fighting a very hard fight, besides the fact that Constantine is discouraged and tired of so much pain, she must also take care of the little girl. The paragraph is also going through a very difficult time for a little girl of only 7 years of age, which is why the mother turned to the support of a psychologist. However, I have not lost hope and I firmly believe that it will pass well and end up in the transplant. God is great

Campaign started on: 08.04.2021


First name: Constantine

Age: 44 years (father of two minor children)

Amount required: 84256 EURO (100,000 USD)

Diagnosis:: Neuroblastoma

Treatment will be performed in Turkey at the Anadolu Clinic

The story of Constantin Blanovici

Hello, beautiful people!

My name is Balanovich Costantin, I am 44 years old and I am a simple man from the country, with a wonderful family, a special wife and 2 wonderful children, a 15-year-old boy and a 7-year-old princess. They're everything to me and I'm their support or... I was until a disease fell on me and made me the person who needed help the most.

I don't know what's eating me the most, the disease or the fact that my loved ones can no longer rely on me as a pillar of the family. I look at my little girl and she cries my soul when I think what will she do if I'm no longer? I worked as hard as I could and where I could not miss anything, to have as many children as they have. And now...

It all started in December 2019, when three ganglia appeared under my left arm. We did a biopsy and the result shook us: cancer. From the hospital in Suceava we were sent to a laboratory in Iasi to see a second opinion. Same, cancer.

At the beginning of February 2020, I started chemotherapy at the hospital in Suceava but after 3 months they sent me home because the unit was affected by the COFID-19 crisis. Two months of sitting at home with unbearable pain followed, and then I started chemotherapy again. After seven months, I was transferred to Iasi where I had three months of chemotherapy.

In early January this year, I found out about Anadolu Hospital in Turkey and went there. I stayed in the hospital for a month and three weeks in which I spent over 50,000 euros, money I didn't have, but I sold everything I could and my family, brothers, sisters, friends and ordinary people who didn't know me helped me. And the believers at the church put money for me and I thank them from the bottom of my heart!

After a month and 3 weeks at Anadolu all the financial resources ran out and I decided to go back to the country, but this time I managed to intern on the Hematology department of the Fundeni Institute in Bucharest. Doctors at Anadolu said I needed two more chemotherapy sessions and a donor stem cell transplant. Chemotherapy can be done at Fundeni, but the transplant will have to be done at Anadolu, and the costs are beyond our control.

For the transplant package from brother or sister I'm asked $68,000 (if one of them is compatible), and if it's done from a foreign donor, the cost goes up to $100,000... To this amount are added other pre-transplant costs (remission chemotherapy, donor analyses, other investigations).

I never thought that my life would depend on money. I always thought I'd grow old nicely, looking at my kids and taking care of my grandchildren. Now, I appeal to the good Lord to give me days and you to help me financially so that I can survive.


You can donate for me to the accounts of the "Save a Heart" Association. Thank you and the Lord to reward you tenfold!

Donations can be made:

Entity Name: Association "SALVEAZA O INIMA"
Tax Registration Code: 31015982

Bank Account (IBAN):

RON Account: RO05BTRL00701205W82870XX

Euro Account: RO28BTRLEURCRT00W8287001




REVOLUT: 0752,753,540

Banca Transilvania Botosani

Please specify for bank transfer the name -BALANOVICI CONSTANTIN