Campaign updates
The Save a Heart Association paid today the amount of 7500 RON according to the attached payment order.
Our fight continues!
Today we want to share with you some news about Natalia Bîrsan, a brave little soul who continues to fight with all her strength against neuroblastoma. With tears of hope and prayer, Natalia's mother told us about the latest evaluations and the uncertainty the family is facing these days.
In December, Natalia underwent complex investigations, including bone marrow punctures and biopsies. The doctors discovered that there were still 0.01% neuroblastoma cells on the left side, which led them to repeat the analysis. Fortunately, the scintigraphy and CT scan showed positive results: there are no more metastases, and the remaining tumor is localized.
Now, the family is waiting for the final results of the spinal cord puncture and the doctors' decision on the surgery that could be a crucial step in Natalia's healing. With unwavering trust in God, parents hope for good news, and we, as an association and community, want to be with them in this fight.
Behind these words is a family that needs our support, both morally and financially. The fight against this ruthless disease is long and expensive, but together we can give Natalia the chance for a happy childhood, free of suffering.
The Save a Heart Association paid today the amount of 7500 RON according to the attached payment order.
Our fight continues!
The Save a Heart Association paid today the amount of 7500 RON according to the attached payment order.
Our fight continues!
The Save a Heart Association paid today the amount of 7500 RON according to the attached payment order.
Our fight continues!
Hello, dear friends,
We write to you from the heart, thinking of Natalia Ioana Bîrsan, a 6-year-old girl, who is fighting with all her strength against a harsh diagnosis: grade 4 neuroblastoma. Natalia is at the last cycle of immunotherapy, an intense 10-day treatment that gives her hope and strength for better days.
We are grateful to tell you that Natalia's condition is good, and our little fighter manages to overcome each challenge with a heart full of courage. After this cycle, a complex re-evaluation follows – we will do a spinal cord puncture and aspirate, MRI, scintigraphy and CT scan – to see how much she has progressed in her fight.
In the meantime, Natalia needs our prayers and support. His treatment at the "Bambino Gesù" Children's Hospital in Italy requires an amount of 18,000 euros, vital funds for the continuation of life-saving therapy.
We are optimistic and we want to arrive with good news, to be able to say that, one day, Natalia will be a free girl again to enjoy her childhood. We will keep you updated on the results of the re-evaluation and, until then, please join us on this difficult but hopeful journey.
The Save a Heart Association paid today the amount of 7500 RON according to the attached payment order.
Our fight continues!
The Save a Heart Association paid today the amount of 7500 RON according to the attached payment order.
Our fight continues!
The Save a Heart Association paid today the amount of 7500 RON according to the attached payment order.
Our fight continues!
The Save a Heart Association paid today the amount of 7500 RON according to the attached payment order.
Our fight continues!
Save a heart Association paid today the amount of 7500 RON according to the attached payment order.
Our fight continues!
Under the gentle rays of a spring sun, little Natalia Ioana Bîrsan, 7 years old, continues to write her story of courage and hope. Three weeks after the hospital was left behind, her family is now preparing for another reassessment, scheduled for May 13. There, an MRI will show how effective the transplant was in the ongoing fight against a formidable adversary: Neuroblastoma Gr. 4.
The transplant, while failing to completely eliminate the tumor's active cells, paved the way for a new strategy: chemotherapy administered directly into the tumor. It is a battle carried out step by step, with each day contributing to the fortress of hope.
Natalia's treatment is carried out under the dedicated care of doctors from the "Bambino Gesù" Pediatric Hospital in Italy, a place where every smile of a child turns into a promise for the future. With each passing day, Natalia, surrounded by the love of her family and the competence of the medical team, continues her journey, teaching us all about the incredible power of hope and the courage to dream of more.
Save a heart Association paid today the amount of 7500 RON according to the attached payment order.
Our fight continues!
In the shadow of the sterility of a hospital ward, our heart breaks and rebuilds every day, with the unseen struggle, but felt in every breath of little Natalia. For two weeks, the cold walls of this medical fortress have become our temporary home, a sanctuary of hope and pain. During this period, Natalia crossed an ocean of challenges: six days of high-dose chemotherapy, a process that aims to rebuild, but which demolishes at the same time. On Thursday, her courage was tested by a new transplant, a beacon in the night that guides our hope.
Unfortunately, since Friday, her health has deteriorated. The reactions were intense and painful, a nightmare that resulted in unbearable abdominal pain, repeated vomiting and continuous diarrhea. At this time, Natalia is fed only by infusions, her body refusing any other form of support. It is devastating to see how such a pure soul is subjected to such a trial, how innocence is shrouded in suffering.
Despite this bleak landscape, our faith remains steadfast. We firmly believe that we are accompanied on this journey by a greater force, that somewhere in this vast universe there is a plan for Natalia. She is a born fighter, an indomitable spirit who, even in the darkest moments, shines with remarkable inner strength.
In this battle we are not alone. Today, Save a Heart Association has joined our fight, offering us not only financial support, but also a ray of hope. Through their generosity, a sum of 7500 RON was allocated for Natalia's treatment, a gesture that strengthens our conviction that human kindness knows no limits.
Our struggle is far from over, but every day brings us closer to victory. We want to thank every heart that has been by our side, every good thought that has warmed our souls in these difficult moments. Together, we are stronger, and together, we will weather this storm.
Natalia, you know that you are not alone in this fight. Your every breath is a testimony to your courage and desire to live. And we, along with all those who support you, bear witness to unconditional love and hope that never dies.
We continue to fight, hope and believe. In the end, light will overcome darkness, and suffering will give way to joy. Until then, we hold hands tightly, our hearts joined and our gaze to heaven, knowing that together we are invincible.
Save a heart Association paid today the amount of 7500 RON according to the attached payment order.
Our fight continues!
Today, Ioana Birsan and her family have begun a new chapter in their courageous struggle. On this day, with hearts full of hope and determination, Ioana was hospitalized for a second course of radiometabolism combined with chemotherapy. This challenging treatment has a noble purpose: to bring his marrow to an optimal level so that he can perform an autotransplant next week.
There will be weeks in which Ioana and her family will remain in hospital, a time of struggle, but also of hope. The hope that each passing day will bring them closer to the long-awaited news - that of improvement. Every moment spent in those hospital rooms is a step towards a brighter future, towards healing.
On this journey, we are not alone. Today, Save a Heart Association once again showed solidarity and unimaginable generosity, covering the amount of 7500 RON needed for Ioana's treatment. Words cannot express our deep gratitude for this incredible gesture.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for joining us. Every good thought, every prayer, and every help offered strengthens us and gives us the strength to continue. Joanna's fight is our fight, and together, we believe we will win.
Our struggle continues, but we do not do it alone. Next to us are big and generous hearts, people who support us and give us hope. For each of you, we have only words of thanks and eternal gratitude.
Ioana Bîrsan, a 6-year-old girl, was confronted with one of the hardest challenges life can bring: a diagnosis of Gr. 4 Neuroblastoma, a severe form of cancer. Despite immense hardships, Joan and her family stood firm in the face of adversity, armed with faith, hope, and love.
In a remarkable show of solidarity and compassion, 913 generous hearts came together to support Joanna's struggle. Thanks to these wonderful donors, we were able to collect the necessary amount to cover a whole year of additional expenses at the Bambino Gesu Clinic in Italy, a center of excellence in treating serious conditions.
Each donation represented more than a financial contribution; it was a message of hope, a gesture of love, a hand extended to Ioana and her family in a moment of deep need. The community responded with overwhelming generosity, proving that, together, we can meet our greatest challenges.
Today, Ioana, surrounded by the love and support of 913 anonymous heroes, continues to fight with courage and determination. Every smile is a victory, every day an extra step towards healing. Her family thanks you from the bottom of their hearts, wanting to convey that each of you has become a part of their story, a source of strength and light.
'Joan is our warrior, and you are her army of angels. We thank every soul who chose to join us on this journey. The faith, hope, and love you have shown us give us the strength to keep going. Each of you contributed to the miracle of her life," says Ioana's mother with eyes full of gratitude.
Joanna's story is not only a struggle for life, but also a testament to human kindness, the strength of community and the power of hope. Each of us can make a difference in the world, and the story of Ioana and her 913 donors proves it every day.
Save a heart Association paid today the amount of 7500 RON according to the attached payment order.
Our fight continues!
Today, my heart is filled with mixed emotions as I tell you about the latest news in Joanna's courageous struggle. On Wednesday, I came for admission and did another biopsy. The moment was loaded with anticipation, with a heavy silence floating in the air, waiting breathlessly for us to learn more.
The doctor shared with us news that pierced our hearts: a lymph node appeared on Natalie's tumor. Her words echoed deeply, bringing with them a storm of thoughts and questions. 'Where did this ganglion come from?' we asked silently, as our hopes were intertwined with fear of the unknown.
In these moments of waiting, every second seems to stretch endlessly. We hope, with tight hearts, that this ganglion will not be an obstacle to Natalie's healing. Every night is a battle with thoughts, with fears that try to engulf us, but also with hope that refuses to be extinguished.
I tell you this with tears in my eyes, with a heavy soul, but also with an unwavering faith that, regardless of the results, we will face it with strength and courage. In every moment of doubt, we remember Natalie's smile, her laughter that fills the corridors of the hospital and gives us strength.
In this struggle, we are not alone. Our thoughts and prayers unite with those of all who have known our story, forming a network of support and unconditional love.
Despite the uncertainties, we remain optimistic, eagerly awaiting the results of the biopsy. Every day is a step forward, a step towards hope and light. And despite all the challenges, we believe that love and willpower will guide us through this journey, bringing us closer to the moment when Natalia will be able to run freely, without the shadow of illness to follow her.
With love and hope, I share with you these words, a small fragment of our hearts, on this journey of life, full of challenges, but also endless possibilities.
Save a heart Association paid today the amount of 7500 RON according to the attached payment order.
Our fight continues!
With big and curious eyes, childlike dreams and hope in her soul, Ioana Bîrsan, only 6 years old, fights a merciless disease - Neuroblastoma Gr. 4. A battle that can only be won with the help and love of those around you.
In the midst of this battle, there was a moment of hope. A moment when we had the chance to lend a helping hand. Today, Save a Heart Association has taken a step towards Ioana's healing, paying 15,000 RON for the treatment to be performed at the prestigious "Bambino Gesù" Pediatric Hospital in Italy.
The images of this little girl, with her shy smile and desire to live a normal life, push us forward. We give him the chance to a better life, better days and joyful memories.
Our fight doesn't stop there. Thousands of children like Ioana are waiting for a gesture of hope, a sign that their lives can be saved.
For all those who supported us, for every leu donated, for every message of encouragement, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts! Thanks to you, Ioana has an extra chance at life.
Our fight continues! For every beating heart waiting to be saved. We are grateful!
Dear ones,
Today, we wanted to share with you a real story of courage, hope and the relentless battle with illness. It is the story of little Natalia, a little girl whose smile and courage inspire us all, every day.
Every time we return to the hospital for routine checkups, the emotions are overwhelming. We feel every step in the barren corridors, every sound of a monitor, every worried look. Today was one of those days. Natalia had the dressing change from the catheter called CVC. We know it's a necessary procedure, but for her it's always a challenge, a moment of fear. We are now preparing for the next stage of treatment: morphine immunotherapy and chemotherapy.
And in all this struggle, you are with us. Today, thanks to your generosity, the "Save a heart" Association was able to cover the amount of 7500 RON for Natalia's treatment, as can be seen from the attached payment order. It is much more than a sum of money. It's hope, it's a chance, it's the future.
We want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for every gesture, for every donation, for every message of encouragement. Together we can make a difference. Together we can bring a smile to a child's face. Together we can save a heart.
We are grateful for your support. Thanks to you, Natalia and many other children get a chance at life and happiness. ❤️
Together we can do more.
Dear ones,
My motherly heart is weighed down with pain and hope at the same time. Our little Ioana Birsan, with her angelic smile, at only 6 years old, fights a merciless disease, neuroblastoma. On Friday I got out of the hospital, and there was a trace of fatigue on Ioana's face, but also of courage. We started a new stage in this battle, one of immunotherapy, with morphine and chemotherapy. We do 3 cycles, because, with a tight heart I tell you, the results were not as we hoped. The evil in her body has not completely disappeared; We still have metastases of 11%.
We decided, with tears in our eyes, to postpone the surgery. 🥹 It is a difficult road, one that demands us from all points of view. But what keeps me strong is my love for Ioana and the belief that, together, we will get through this.
Thank you all for your kind thoughts, encouragement and prayers. In these moments, every shred of hope matters enormously.
With love and gratitude,
A mother with a soul full of hope. 🌸
It is with a heart full of emotion and enthusiasm that we announce that the draw of the winner of the charity raffle took place today at 18:00!
It is news that fills our souls with joy and gratitude. The winning number is 194, and the lucky one is named Vlad Adam, a young man with a big heart. What a wonderful choice he made! He decided to offer this special bear to Ioana, thus doing an unforgettable deed.
Soon, the bear will be sent to Joanna's house, ready to welcome her when she returns home. Certainly, this generous gesture will bring a smile to her lips and a warmth to her heart.
We want to send a sincere "Thank you!" to all those who contributed to this charitable raffle. Each donation was an expression of generosity and solidarity, and now, with this wonderful news, we feel truly blessed to be able to make a difference in people's lives.
This experience shows us how wonderful community can be when it gathers around a noble purpose. With every act of love and every act of kindness, we make the world more beautiful and hopeful. Together, we can work miracles. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for every contribution and for every open heart.
Today, we think with hope and gratitude of little Ioana Bîrsan, a 6-year-old fighter who does not give up in front of neuroblastoma gr. 4.
Thanks to your generosity, we managed to pay 7500 RON for her treatment. It is an important step on the road to healing, a journey that we walk together, day by day, with hope and love.
Our fight continues! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for every gesture of support!
🌟✨START Charity raffle with a big heart! ✨🌟
Get ready for a magical moment, an opportunity to do good by participating in our charity raffle! 🌈
Imagine cuddling the adorable crocheted teddy bear Bulica the Enchanted, measuring no less than 80 cm of delicious fluffy! 💖 This adorable companion can be yours for as little as $25, and you can be the hero contributing to a worthy cause.
✅ Each donation of 25 lei brings you a number in the raffle – how many numbers will you have?
✅ Tickets are allocated in the order of registration – hurry up to be among the first!
✅ Donations are made to the account of the "Save a Heart" Association, mentioning the name Ioana Bârsan in the bank transfer details (details below).
✅ After making your donation, send me proof of payment in private message and I will confirm your assigned numbers.
💖 Discover the touching story of Ioana Bârsan and let yourself be inspired to help:
Registration closes on 18.09.2023, at 16:00, giving you the chance to be part of a community that mobilizes to bring positive changes in Ioana's life.
🎉 At 6pm, I will go live on the YouTube channel Georgi & The Enchanted Crochet to make the draw, promising you excitement and suspense as we discover together who is the big winner!
Let's join forces and create together a wave of kindness, bringing hope and smiles into Ioana's life! 💖
Campaign started on 11.09.2023
Name: Bîrsan
First name: Natalia Ioana
Age: 6 years
Amount required: 18.000€
Diagnosis: Neuroblastoma Gr. 4
The treatment will be performed at the Pediatric Hospital "Bambino Gesù", Italy
The story of little Natalia Ioana
The story of the Bîrsan family is one that impresses, mobilizes and brings together the entire community around a single goal: saving little Natalia Ioana. A story of struggle, dedication and faith.
The mother, Bîrsan Bianca, and the father, Bîrsan Ionel, are two young people who fought day by day, hour by hour, alongside their little angel, Natalia Ioana, who at only 6 years old was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma grade 4. After 9 months of intense treatment in Romania, the family decided to continue their fight at the Bambino Gesu Clinic in Italy, a place where they hope Natalia will receive the best possible treatment.
With the beginning of the new school year, Natalia Ioana should have enjoyed her first bell, to discover the joys and emotions that come with this stage. Unfortunately, the little angel struggles with a merciless disease, but with dedication and supported by the unconditional love of her parents, she continues to fight day by day for life.
In these difficult moments, mother Bîrsan Bianca shares in a trembling voice: "Every day is a battle, a fight that we are determined to win. Natalia is our heart, our strength, and we will do everything humanly possible to give her a chance at a normal life. It is a long and hard road ahead, and the amounts required for treatment amount to 18,000 euros per year. We need your help, your support, to be able to raise this amount. Natalia Ioana needs all of us to have a chance at healing."
In this regard, the family started a fundraising campaign, praying that people with big hearts would contribute, each according to their possibilities, to raise the necessary amount for expensive treatment. It is a fight against time, a fight for life, for Natalia Ioana's smile.
Let us join forces and show them that they are not alone in this struggle. Let's donate, share, and offer hope and faith. For Natalia Ioana, for a future full of smiles and for the chance to grow healthy and happy.
To donate, you can use the following details:
Association "SAVE A HEART"
Name of entity: Association "SAVE A HEART"
CIF: 31015982
RON Account: RO05BTRL00701205W82870XX
EUR Account: RO28BTRLEURCRT00W8287001
USD Account: RO68BTRLUSDCRT00W8287001
BIC code: BTRL
Bank: Banca Transilvania Botoșani
Please specify in the bank transfer, in the payment details, the name Bîrsan Ioana!