Campaign updates
I know that many of you are wondering what happened to our little girl because on the website of the Save a Heart association does not appear Nadia's case for some time because she was transferred to a state hospital because of a very severe abdominal complication. After many other complications and surgeries Nadia still resists, but the doctors no longer give us hope. For several months we returned home, Nadia being currently admitted to the Palliative Care Department at St. Mary's Hospital. No improvement occurred in her neurological state, being still in a vegetative state, but still we hope for a miracle, because if she is so strong and has gone through so much, we must be able to do so much. And that gives us the strength to move forward and not give up the desire to adopt again, because they are wonderful children who can't wait to love and be loved.
We thank from the bottom of our hearts all those who were with us and helped us known and unknown!! The association @Salveaza a heart that really helped us enormously! And I really encourage you to keep donating because the money actually reaches people in need. They paid off our debts before all the money was raised!
Nadia will surely thank all those who brought her a smile and a good thought! And there are so many wonderful little children who also deserve a chance at a normal life. So don't hesitate to adopt if you have the opportunity! We do not regret anything, we are very glad that we have it as much as it will be and that it has someone by its side in these difficult moments! Life is very hard sometimes but still we must look at it with joy and confidence that we will be able to get over everything, especially if we have support and love from those around us! Thank you all!
The Save a Heart Association paid today the amount of 44479.83 RON according to the attached payment order.
Nadia's health condition is serious and she was transferred to the Marie Curie Hospital in Bucharest.
We only have to pray for it to be done well!
Our fight continues!
After a weekend in which we thought we would lose it, it seemed like there was another spark of hope. Finally it seems like our Nadia responds to this new treatment and sees an improvement in her analyzes. The danger is not yet outdated, but at least we see some improvement.
Our joy is overshadowed by the payment of bills. Only for the last 2 weeks the invoice was 58800 lei. The pennies that have been raised so far are already over and I appeal again to the kindness of the people who can still distribute or donate as much as possible.
A small and innocent threaded soul should not have to go through such torments! But Nadia showed me what it really means to fight for your life! So I'm going to fight with everything I can to help her succeed!
# Come on Nadia!
The Save a Heart Association paid today the amount of 58882.30 RON according to the attached payment order.
Our fight continues!
Beautiful people, with your help we managed to raise the necessary amount for our Nadia to continue the treatment for another time. I have no words to thank you so that you feel my gratitude from the bottom of my heart stronger. I didn't expect everyone to mobilize so quickly and be so eager to help us. Thank you once again!
Nadia's health is still uncertain, she has very low immunity, she does not respond to treatments as we want, she has also done meningitis and she cannot be given ventricle-peritoneal drainage at the moment due to these complications. Nadia is a strong child, she fights with all the forces, it is seen that she suffers but does not give up! We hope, however, that things will start to improve for us as well and the sun will rise on our street as well! We hope, hope and hope again!
(Daniela Bondariu, Nadia's mother)
The Save a Heart Association also paid today the amount of 25694.45 RON according to the attached payment order.
Our fight continues!
The Save a Heart Association paid today the invoices worth 48686.08 RON and 1250 RON according to the attached payment order.
Our fight continues!
Campaign started on 22.06.2022
Name: Bumblebee
First name: Nadia
Age: 4 years
Required amount: €22,000
Diagnosis: brain tumor, hydrocephalus
The treatment will be performed at Monza Hospital (Brain Institute), Bucharest
Nadia's story
One of the noblest gestures you can make as a man is to adopt a child, to take him and raise him as if he were yours, to love him and to give him the family he needs to live a beautiful life, to develop harmoniously and to be, in turn - when he will grow up - a wonderful man.
Being the parent of a child who is not yours involves a lot of responsibility, a lot of courage, a lot of dedication and a dose of unpredictability. Also unpredictable was the situation of Nadia Bondariu, a cheerful, loving, sociable and zglobie 4-year-old girl. Adopted by Daniela and Victor in November last year, the child began to have increasingly frequent and stronger headaches just ten months after she officially began to have a mother and father.
The Bondarius went with her to the hospital and there they found out that Nadia had a deep brain tumor 5 centimeters in diameter, which also caused her a significant hydrocephalus.
We stayed hospitalized for twoweeksat the Neurosurgery Hospital in CountyIaand, althoughher condition was getting worse, no progress was made. The little girl beganto have a bigger and bigger locomotor difficulties. Thus, we startedlooking forother alternatives where we could givethis childI would love more chances at anormal life, says Daniela Bondariu, Nadia's adoptive mother.
This is how they arrived at Monza Hospital in Bucharest, where doctors extirpated 80% of the tumor, the rest being a common body with the optic nerve. Unfortunately, the situation has not been resolved, the girl's hydrocephalus has not improved, so her condition has not improved either. More than two months have passed since the operation, and Nadia still does not move, does not speak, and when she opens her eyes she does not seem to be present. No six other surgeries have been able to reduce hidrocefalia.
At the moment, the child is in intensive care, the parents waiting for an improvement so that she can undergo another operation to drain the fluid that floods her brain.
We have tried, as far aspossible, tokeep up the costs of treatments and hospitalization ourselves financially, but after two months they begin toexceed ourbills. At the moment we have debts of over 100,000 lei and we do not know what will come next. We continue with the hopethatNadia will recover completely and thatwe will go to the asshole, to anormal life, andourmuch-desired little girl will be able to enjoy all the activities ofthe country's child, Daniela and Victor wrote to us.
The two young parents are overwhelmed, both by the situation of the little girl to whom they want to offer a beautiful life, and by the financial situation caused by her serious health problems. They don't even know what to do anymore, where to ask, who to turn to... As a last resort, they appealed to us, hoping that they would find the mercy and support they needed to give Nadia an extra chance at life.
Any donation made to the accounts of the "Save a Heart" Association is a ray of hope for the innocent angel on the hospital bed. Donate to Nadia!
For donations:
Entity name: Association "SAVE A HEART"
Tax registration code: 31015982
Ron account: RO05BTRL00701205W82870XX
EUR account: RO28BTRLEURCRT00W8287001
USD account: RO68BTRLUSDCRT00W8287001
BIC code: BTRL
Banca Transilvania Botoşani
Please specify in the bank transfer, at the payment details, the name of Nadia Bondariu!