
Ema Borcan

Campanie din trecut 0 days
42.621268656716% Complete

Amount received

11.423 €


26.800 €

You can donate directly by bank transfer to the following accounts:

Account RON: RO05BTRL00701205W82870XX

Account Euro: RO 28 BTRL EUR CRT 00 W828 7001

Account USD: RO 68 BTRL USD CRT 00 W828 7001

Payments made


Now you can donate extremely simple and fast through the new Application for Android and iOS "Salveaza o Inima"

Bank donors

Daniela D.
Surugiu G.
Revolut B.
Nicola A.
Ilin S.


Ema Borcan

Campanie din trecut

Campaign updates

31 May
Payments Fisier 1

Save a heart Association paid today the amount of 4830 RON according to the attached payment order.

Our fight continues!


31 May

Save a heart Association paid today the amount of 550 RON  according to the attached payment order.

Our fight continues!


22 May
Payments Fisier 1

Save a heart Association paid today the amount of 1114 RON according to the attached payment order.

Our fight continues!


18 Apr
Payments Fisier 1

Save a heart Association paid today the amount of 113519 RON  according to the attached payment order.

Our fight continues!


10 Apr
Payments Fisier 1

Save a heart Association paid today the amount of 700 RON according to the attached payment order.

Our fight continues!


01 Apr
Payments Fisier 1

In an extraordinary demonstration of solidarity and generosity, our community managed to raise, in record time, the necessary funds for the treatment of young Ema Daria Borcan. At just 16 years old, Ema faces a major medical challenge – scoliosis, a condition that has overshadowed her days and tested her stamina.

Thanks to the big hearts that answered our call, we raised the impressive sum of 26,800 euros, a true beacon of hope for Ema and his family. From the beginning, Save a Heart Association was actively involved, paying the amount of 2,250 RON for preliminary medical investigations. This crucial first step brought us closer to the long-awaited moment when Ema will be able to receive the necessary treatment at the prestigious Monza Hospital in Bucharest.

Your magnificent gesture not only paved the way for Emma to heal, but also renewed faith in the power of community to change lives. In these moments of profound humanity, every contribution, whether great or small, has turned into an echo of hope that resounds in the heart of every person involved.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts to everyone who chose to join this cause. Thanks to you, Ema now has the chance to a better life, a life where smile and hope find their place again. It is a time of celebration of solidarity, empathy and, above all, the love that unites us.

Together, we were able to bring light into Emei's life and give her the prospect of a future without pain and limitations. This success reminds us how strong we are when we join forces for a noble cause. On behalf of Emei and her family, we are deeply grateful for your generosity and unconditional support.

18 Mar

It is truly amazing and deeply moving to witness such a wave of solidarity and kindness, to see how 928 hearts joined in an impressive chorus of support for Emma, transforming every moment of doubt into one of hope and light. Each donation, each gesture of support brought us closer to our goal, raising the incredible amount of 25,808 euros out of the total required of 26,800 euros. We are so close, one more step and we will succeed!

Emei's story, full of courage and struggle, was embraced and carried forward not only by the generous hearts of her 928 supporters, but also by 19 online newspapers, who picked up her story and took it locally and nationally. This spread of her message was like a wave of hope, bringing together an entire community in support of her journey to healing.

In this landscape of solidarity, Divco has become a beacon of light, contributing the generous sum of 5000 RON, a gesture that reverberates the incredible power of corporate support in personal struggles. Every contribution, big or small, has strengthened our faith in human goodness and our collective ability to make a difference in the lives of others.

With only 992 euros left until our goal is reached, we feel more than ever that victory is within reach. This journey has shown us that, together, we can overcome any obstacle, turn any dream into reality, and offer hope where it never seemed to be.

We are glad and deeply grateful that Emei's story has become a story of all of us, a symbol of unity, hope and the power to change destinies. We look forward to celebrating together the moment when we can say, with joyful hearts, that we have succeeded. Until then, every gesture counts, every donation brings us closer to ultimate triumph.

Together, we are stronger. Together, for Ema, for healing, for the future.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

15 Mar

Today, we all face a profound human challenge, a history that touches our hearts and calls us to action. Ema Borcan, a 16-year-old girl, inspires us with her remarkable courage and resilience. Facing severe 70-degree scoliosis, Ema did not allow herself to be overwhelmed by adversity. Despite the pains and difficulties, she continued to excel academically, pursuing her passion for mathematics and computer science with exceptional dedication.

Emei's story is not only a lesson in courage, but also a call for compassion and solidarity. In the face of such a hard struggle, her family faces an overwhelming financial burden: the cost of surgery and the necessary recovery amounts to 26,800 euros, an astronomical sum for their possibilities.

This is the moment when we can show what community and mutual support really mean. Any contribution, no matter how small, can make a huge difference in Emei's life. Now you have the opportunity to donate easily and quickly via SMS by sending the word "Ema" to the number 8832. Each message is a gesture of hope, a step towards the recovery and better future that Ema deserves.

Thank you for any help and for choosing to be part of this journey to hope and healing. Together, we can build for Ema a bright future, a future where she can follow her passion and dreams without restrictions. On behalf of Emei and her family, we are deeply grateful for your generosity and support. Let us be the pillars on which Ema can lean on her journey to healing and realization.

12 Mar


  1. HOT NEWS-Hope in a smile - The surgery that can save Ema costs over 26,000 euros

  2. NEWS ON SOURCES-Hope in a smile - The operation that can save Ema costs over 26,000 euros

  3. ACTUALITY NEWSPAPER-Hope in a smile – The surgery that can save Ema costs over 26,000 euros

  4. BUSINESS CLUB-Hope in a smile – The surgery that can save Ema costs over 26,000 euros

  5. NEWSPAPERS 24-Ema urgently needs help. The operation that can save her costs more than 26,000 euros

  6. MEDIA NEWS-Hope in a smile. Ema suffers from idiopathic scoliosis. The life-saving operation costs over 26,000 euros

  7. REGIONAL EVENT OF MOLDOVA - Hope in a smile - the operation that can save Ema costs over 26,000 euros

  8. SUCEAVA NEWS-Hope in a smile – The surgery that can save Ema costs over 26,000 euros

  9. CLUJ DAY - Hope in a smile - The surgery that can save Ema costs over 26,000 euros

  10. MONITORUL EXPRES-Ema urgently needs help. The operation that can save her costs more than 26,000 euros

  11. TÂRGOVIȘTE NEWS-Ema urgently needs help. The operation that can save her costs more than 26,000 euros

  12. GAZETA DE BOTOȘANI-Ema urgently needs help. The operation that can save her costs more than 26,000 euros

  13. LIVE ARAD-Hope in a smile – The surgery that can save Ema costs over 26,000 euros

  14. INFO Iasi – Hope in a smile – the surgery that can save Ema costs over 26,000 euros

  15. BOTOȘĂNEANUL-Hope in a smile - The surgery that can save Ema costs over 26,000 euros

  16. AS IN GORJ-She is Ema, the 16-year-old teenager, whose life hangs on an operation that costs over 26,000 euros

  17. ARGEȘAN UNIVERSE-Hope in a smile. The operation that can save Ema costs over 26,000 euros
  18. DOROHOIAN REALITY - Hope in a smile - The surgery that can save Ema costs over 26,000 euros

  19. PRO BRĂILA-Hope in a smile – The surgery that can save Ema costs over 26,000 euros

09 Mar

A wave of hope comes from DIVCO PROTECT, who donated 5000 RON, a gesture that symbolizes faith and unity.
Every help counts, turning despair into hope, fear into peace. Let's contribute to a better future for Ema, where every beat of her heart brings joy.
Thank you for your support. Together, we are strong.

08 Mar

At the heart of every fight is hope, and in the last 72 hours, hope has begun to take shape for young Ema Daria Borcan, a 16-year-old fighter, faced with a health challenge that threatens not only her present, but also her future. Diagnosed with scoliosis, Ema faces a battle that requires not only courage, but also our unconditional support.

It is with deep emotion and boundless gratitude that we share with you the news that, thanks to your generosity and kindness, in just three days of launching our fundraising campaign, we managed to raise the impressive sum of 6,343 euros out of the required total of 26,800 euros. Yesterday, the day became memorable, marking itself in the history of Ema's struggle, thanks to the 372 great souls who chose to contribute, with donations ranging from 2 to 250 euros.

This wave of solidarity and support is not just a financial gesture, but a strong signal that, together, we can bring change for the better in the lives of those in need. Each donation, big and small, is a step toward Ema's victory over scoliosis, a disease that not only causes her pain but also limits her ability to enjoy life as a teenager.

Ema, a young woman full of dreams and hopes, looks to the treatment at Monza Hospital in Bucharest as a chance to regain not only her health, but also the freedom to live life to the fullest. Her fight is also our fight, and each contribution brings us closer to the moment when Ema will be able to look back on this period as a closed chapter.

We are deeply moved and inspired by your solidarity and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for every gesture of support. However, the journey is not over. We still have a significant amount to raise to achieve the ultimate goal and give Ema the chance to a pain-free and possible life.

We invite you to continue to join this cause, share Ema's story and contribute, so that together we can write the happy ending that Ema wants so much. Every donation counts, every gesture of support is a ray of hope.

For Ema, for her future, for all the beautiful moments that still await her. Let's be together for Ema, to give her the chance to a normal life, to the joy of moving freely, without constraints and without pain. Thank you for joining us on this journey.

With gratitude and hope, the Jarcan Family and all those who believe in Ema's dream.

Campaign initiated on: 05.03.2024

First name: Ema Daria
Age: 16 years

Amount required: 26800 euro

Diagnosis: Scoliosis
The treatment will be performed at Monza Hospital in Bucharest

Emei's story

16-year-old Ema Borcan faces a life-threatening challenge – a severe 70-degree scoliosis that affects not only her physical structure, but also her emotional state and future prospects.

Since her diagnosis in January 2020, Ema and her family have gone through a challenging road, from painful treatments to misunderstood looks from those around them. The burden of this condition was amplified by the difficulties encountered with orthopedic corsets, which, instead of bringing relief, caused pain and more suffering. Every day is a struggle for Ema, a struggle that consumes time, energy and emotional resources as she continues her excellent education in the Mathematics-Computer Science profile.

In these critical moments, prayer and hope unite us in a common effort to give Ema the chance to a normal life. The costs of surgery and necessary recovery, which amount to 26,800 euros, are a difficult cost to cover without your support.

"During these difficult times, I learned what the power of community, love and prayer really means. Every day brings us closer to the dream of a normal life for Ema, but also more aware of the challenges that stand in our way. I see in my daughter's eyes the burning desire to overcome this ordeal, to continue her dreams and live without pain or restrictions. My faith in good and divine help is unwavering, but I know that together, as a community, we can work miracles. Please give us your support, help us raise the necessary amount for the surgery that will change his life. Every contribution, no matter how small, is important," Ema's mother told us.

Please join our efforts and donate to Ema Jar. Every euro she collects is a step towards a better life for her, a life where she can breathe easy, walk painlessly and follow her dreams without fear.

 Together, we can bring hope and healing into the life of a brave young woman. Together, we can demonstrate that love, faith, and the power of community can make a difference.

Together we can change a destiny. Together we can bring hope and healing into the life of a child who deserves to live. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for every gesture of support and for choosing to be by Emma's side in these difficult times.

Name of entity: Association "SAVE A HEART"

CIF: 31015982

RON Account: RO05BTRL00701205W82870XX

EUR Account: RO28BTRLEURCRT00W8287001

USD Account: RO68BTRLUSDCRT00W8287001


BIC code: BTRL

Bank: Banca Transilvania Botoșani

Please specify in the bank transfer, in the payment details, the name of EMA JAR