
Sara Botez

Campanie din trecut 0 days
89.635919696148% Complete

Amount received

8.260 €


9.215 €

You can donate directly by bank transfer to the following accounts:

Account RON: RO05BTRL00701205W82870XX

Account Euro: RO 28 BTRL EUR CRT 00 W828 7001

Account USD: RO 68 BTRL USD CRT 00 W828 7001

Payments made


Now you can donate extremely simple and fast through the new Application for Android and iOS "Salveaza o Inima"

Bank donors

Tibuleac T.
Oana B.
Alexandra V.
Dra E.
Pop M.


Sara Botez

Campanie din trecut

Campaign updates

24 Apr
Payments Fisier 1

Save a heart Association paid today the amount of 750 RON according to the attached payment order.

Our fight continues!


30 Mar

On this day, with hearts full of hope and gratitude, Save a Heart Association wishes to share a news that has enlightened our souls and strengthened our faith in the power of our united community. We had the privilege and honor to contribute 45,316 RON, a small gesture for a big dream, to bring smiles, hope and, above all, a chance for a better life.

Our fight against suffering knows no break, and today, more than ever, we feel that our joint efforts beautify the world. We thank each of you from the bottom of our hearts, for every gesture of generosity, for every word of encouragement, for being with us and with those we support.

Today, our heart is lighter and joy envelops our souls, thanks to the success of the operation of Sara, a 17-year-old girl, full of life and dreams. Under the golden hands of Dr. Sergiu Stoica, Sara overcame a difficult challenge, an extraneuralaxial tumor that had found its place in the middle third of the sinus. It is a turning point in her life and a huge step towards recovery and normalcy.

The treatment will continue at Monza Hospital in Bucharest, where Sara will be cared for with the same dedication and professionalism. Every day is a testimony to struggle, courage and hope, and its success is also the success of our community.

In this moment of deep joy, we want to remind you that every contribution counts, every help can change a destiny. Thanks to you, Sara and other young people like her can dream of a bright future, free from the weight of suffering.

Our struggle continues, and your trust and support are needed more than ever. Let us join forces and hearts to make other miracles possible, to bring light where there is darkness and hope where there is despair.

With infinite gratitude and hearts full of hope,

01 Mar

We would like to express our deep gratitude for your solidarity and generosity in supporting the campaign for Sara. In just 72 hours, thanks to you, we managed to raise 6361 euros from the total necessary for Sara's surgery, which will take place at Monza Hospital in Bucharest, under the guidance of Dr. Sergiu Stoica. Your collective effort brings us closer to reaching the final goal, with 2854 euros still needed.

With every donation, regardless of its size, you demonstrate that human kindness and compassion can change destinies and offer hope where the situation seems hopeless. Your efforts inspire and motivate us to continue fighting for every case, every child, every soul who needs our help.

To continue supporting the case of Sara and other children like her, we encourage you to share the campaign and contribute, if you can, by following the link: https://salveazaoinima.ro/sara-botez/. Every donation counts and brings us closer to the day when Sara and her family will be able to breathe a sigh of relief, knowing that the necessary intervention was possible thanks to your generosity.

Thank you for choosing to join this cause and supporting us in our mission to bring hope and healing to the lives of those in need. Together, we can work miracles and change lives, step by step, heart by heart.

With deep gratitude and hope!

Campaign initiated on: 27.02.2024

Name: Baptism

First name:Sara

Age: 17 years

Amount required: 9215  euro

Diagnosis: Extraneuralaxial tumor starting in the middle third of the sinus

The treatment will be performed at Monza Hospital in Bucharest

Young Sara's story

Today, our appeal to you bears the name and hope of a courageous young woman, Sara Gabriela Botez, a 17-year-old student, who faces a challenge that no teenager should meet. Sara, a diligent student at Decebal Theoretical High School in Bucharest, is battling an upper sagittal sinus brain tumor, diagnosed in January 2023.

Sara shares her story with us: "A year ago, severe headaches led me to a neurological checkup, and a subsequent MRI revealed the presence of a brain tumor. Initially, the tumor being small, I was recommended to monitor it. However, a February 2024 follow-up MRI showed that the tumor had doubled in size. Without surgery, my life is in danger. My mother, who is my only parent, is unable to bear the costs of this vital intervention."

The heart of our Association is with Sara and her mother in these difficult moments. Their only hope is surgery under the guidance of Dr. Sergiu Stoica from Monza Hospital in Bucharest, with an urgent need for funds worth 9,215 euros.

Sara continues: " I have always managed to get very good grades in school and I really want to overcome this obstacle, graduate from high school with my colleagues and take the baccalaureate exam. My dream is to go to college and have a normal life, free from suffering and constant fear."

We call on your generosity, empathy and support to give Sarah the chance to a normal and safe life. Every contribution, no matter how small, can make a difference in Sara's fight for health and the future. Together, we can banish the shadow of illness and pave the way for healing and hope for Sarah and her mother.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for any support you can offer. Let us stand by Sara in this struggle, give her the strength, courage and support to overcome this trial.

Name of entity: Association "SAVE A HEART"

CIF: 31015982

RON Account: RO05BTRL00701205W82870XX

EUR Account: RO28BTRLEURCRT00W8287001

USD Account: RO68BTRLUSDCRT00W8287001


BIC code: BTRL

Bank: Banca Transilvania Botoșani

Please specify in the bank transfer, in the payment details, the name: SARA BOTEZ