
Alesia Bratu

Campanie din trecut 0 days
31.307053941909% Complete

Amount received

7.545 €


24.100 €

You can donate directly by bank transfer to the following accounts:

Account RON: RO05BTRL00701205W82870XX

Account Euro: RO 28 BTRL EUR CRT 00 W828 7001

Account USD: RO 68 BTRL USD CRT 00 W828 7001

Payments made


Now you can donate extremely simple and fast through the new Application for Android and iOS "Salveaza o Inima"

Bank donors

Tasnadi O.
Cocean C.
Mitrache M.
Nicolae I.
Ionut A.


Alesia Bratu

Campanie din trecut

Campaign updates

07 Jun
Payments Fisier 1

The Save a Heart Association paid today the amount of 5250 RON according to the attached payment order.

Our fight continues!


27 Apr
Payments Fisier 1

Save a heart Association paid today the amount of 700RON according to the attached payment order.

Our fight continues!


25 Apr
Payments Fisier 1

Save a heart Association paid today the amount of 890 RON according to the attached payment order.

Our fight continues!


24 Apr
17 Apr

In a world where we often get lost in small details, there are stories that remind us why it is really important to join forces. Alesia Maria Bratu, a 9-year-old girl, offers us such a life lesson. Diagnosed with multiple vertebral malformations, congenital thoracic scoliosis and muscle hypotonia, Alesia's fight for a normal life is far from easy. However, hope never left her, especially now that a big-hearted company, Voestalpine Railway Systems, has joined her cause with a generous donation of RON 70,000.

This remarkable gesture of solidarity reminds us how much we can achieve when we work together. Alesia's treatment will take place at Monza Hospital in Bucharest, a crucial step on her road to recovery. The amount needed for this vital treatment is 24,100 euros, and with each donation, we are closer to giving Alesia a chance at a better life. Every contribution, big or small, makes a huge difference in this race against time.

Let's unite and give Alesia the strength to fight and dream of a future without limits. Because, after all, it is generosity and empathy that define us as a community. Be part of this story of hope. Help Alesia move forward.

15 Apr

Today, we turn to you with hope and gratitude, to share the story of little Alesia Maria Bratu, a 9-year-old fighter, who faces challenges that no child should face. Alesia suffers from multiple vertebral malformations, congenital thoracic scoliosis and muscle hypotonia, conditions that overshadow her days and limit her childhood.

Our hearts are filled with gratitude to the 333 heroes of our community, the most beautiful and generous donor community in Romania. So far, with the help of your donations, we have managed to raise 12,552 euros, each euro bringing us closer to the smile that Alesia deserves.

However, our journey is not over. We still need €11,548 to reach the €24,100 needed for Alesia to benefit from scoliosis correction surgery at Monza Hospital in Bucharest. This treatment represents for her not only a hope, but a chance for a normal life, for a childhood without pain and limitations.

We invite you to join this wave of solidarity and contribute to changing the destiny of an innocent life. Every donation, regardless of size, means a step towards a better future for Alesia. Together, we can bring light into her life and the family that supports her unconditionally.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your continued generosity and support. Let us not forget that, together, we are a force, a great family that can move mountains for the hearts that need us.

With hope and gratitude!


04 Apr

In a world where every day brings new challenges, the story of Alesia Maria Bratu, a 9-year-old girl, reminds us of the fragility of life, but also of the incredible strength of the human spirit. Alesia faces an uphill battle from birth, diagnosed with multiple vertebral malformations, congenital thoracic scoliosis and muscle hypotonia. Behind these medical terms lie hours of pain, countless visits to the doctor and hope for a better life.

For Alesia, every move is a challenge, every day a struggle for normalcy in a world that sometimes seems too hard to navigate. But in her big, hopeful eyes, we see a flame that never goes out, an undefeated spirit that refuses to be overwhelmed by adversity.

In the midst of this fight, a drop of hope comes from Allianz-Tiriac Asigurari, which chose to join Alesia's battle through the generous contribution of 5,000 euros. This gesture of solidarity is not only a helping hand in money, but also a powerful message of encouragement for Alesia and her family, a signal that they are not alone in this difficult journey.

The treatment needed to give Alesia a chance at a better life will be carried out at Monza Hospital in Bucharest, a center recognized for excellence in medical care. The amount needed to cover the costs of treatment is 24,100 euros, an amount that far exceeds the family's resources. Every euro raised is a step closer to realizing Alesia's dream of having a life where pain is no longer a constant, a life where she can run, play and laugh freely, without constraints.

Now, Alesia needs the support of us, the community, all those who believe in the power of solidarity and compassion. Through every donation, regardless of size, we can make a significant difference in Alesia's life. It is a call to kindness, to be with a family struggling for the happiness and health of their child.

Let us join forces and show that, together, we can turn hope into reality. Let's give Alesia the chance to a life full of possibilities, a life where every day is less about fighting pain and more about discovering simple joys. Together, we can write a success story, a story about how community can work miracles when our hearts beat in unison for a good cause.


03 Apr

A wave of hope comes from DIVCO PROTECT, who donated 5000 RON, a gesture that symbolizes faith and unity.
Every help counts, turning despair into hope, fear into peace. Let's contribute to a better future for Alesia.
Thank you for your support. Together, we are strong.

Campaign initiated on: 02.04.2024

Name: Bratu

First name:Alesia Maria

Age: 9 years

Amount required: 24100  euro

Diagnosis: multiple vertebral malformations, congenital thoracic scoliosis and muscle hypotonia

The treatment will be performed at Monza Hospital in Bucharest

Alesia's story

Alesia Maria Bratu, a nine-year-old little heroine, whose radiant smile and remarkable courage hide a painful reality: a ceaseless struggle for life and hope.

Faced with multiple vertebral malformations, congenital thoracic scoliosis and muscle hypotonia, Alesia Maria carries a huge burden of pain, uncertainty and struggle. Every day in her life and that of her family is a demonstration of extraordinary courage and infinite love.

In Alesia's universe, every day is a challenge, every move a victory, and every laugh an echo of her unwavering resilience. Together with her loving parents, Gabriel and Alesia, they face a complex and rare medical condition that threatens to hinder their flight from the very first moments of childhood.

But Alesia's story isn't just about battling adversity. It is a story about unconditional love, about a family that refuses to capitulate to destiny, about a father dedicated to protecting and securing a future for his daughter, and about a mother, pillar of strength, who knows no fatigue in fighting for the good of her little one.

Even in the face of the news that Alesia Maria requires surgery of extraordinary complexity and precision, at a cost of 24100 euros, hope in human kindness and generosity has never left them.

Alesia's mother, full of emotions, shared with us: "With a heavy heart, but also full of hope, we tell you about our struggle. We are the Bratu family, and day by day, we pray and hope for the health and happiness of our little Alesia Maria. Her diagnosis reminded us how precious every moment is, but also how fragile life is. Every step towards surgery is a mixture of fear and hope, the hope that together, together with you, Alesia's generous supporters, we will be able to raise the funds needed for a life without pain and limitations for her."

In the face of this necessary amount for the surgery that could transform his life, we appeal to your generosity and solidarity. Each contribution brings us closer to restoring Alesia's free smile, a painless and hopeful smile.

We invite you to join us on this exciting journey. Let's weave together a story of hope, courage and healing for Alesia Maria. Any donation, regardless of size, is a step towards a bright future for Alesia, where she can run, play and live without constraints.

Thank you for choosing to share light in Alesia's life.

Name of entity: Association "SAVE A HEART"

CIF: 31015982

RON Account: RO05BTRL00701205W82870XX

EUR Account: RO28BTRLEURCRT00W8287001

USD Account: RO68BTRLUSDCRT00W8287001


BIC code: BTRL

Bank: Banca Transilvania Botoșani

Please mention " ALESIA BRATU" in the payment details.