
Ștefan Ciocoiu

Campanie din trecut 0 days
47.629981024668% Complete

Amount received

12.551 €


26.350 €

You can donate directly by bank transfer to the following accounts:

Account RON: RO05BTRL00701205W82870XX

Account Euro: RO 28 BTRL EUR CRT 00 W828 7001

Account USD: RO 68 BTRL USD CRT 00 W828 7001

Payments made


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Bank donors

Catalin C.
Florin F.
Revolut B.
Anica T.
Farmacia Tei


Ștefan Ciocoiu

Campanie din trecut

Campaign updates

15 May
Payments Fisier 1

Save a heart Association paid today the amount of EUR 1200 according to the attached payment order.

Our fight continues!


27 Apr

In the vast universe of life, there are times when a child's destiny moves us and unites us in hope and action. Today, it is the story of Stefan Mateo Ciocoiu, a little boy of only 9 years, whose courage in the face of an unimaginable challenge touches our hearts deeply.

Diagnosed with a brain tumor, Stefan faces a battle that no child should have to fight. Doctors have prescribed a crucial treatment for the next 12 months that could save his life, but its cost, €5,725, far exceeds his family's possibilities. Without this treatment, little Stefan's life is seriously threatened, with the risk of cancer cells returning that could have fatal consequences.

In these moments, each of us can make the difference between despair and hope for Stephen. Your help, no matter how small, can help continue Stephen's story, not as a tragedy, but as a story of courage and triumph over adversity.

We appeal to the generosity and kindness of our community to unite in support of Stefan Mateo. Let's give him a chance at a childhood full of play and laughter, not hospitalizations and treatments. Every donation, every gesture of support means a step closer to the day when Stefan will be able to run freely, without the burden of a disease that overshadows his smile.

It helps save a young life. Help Stefan fight and win this battle. Together, we can bring the light of hope into the lives of Stefan Mateo Ciocoiu and his family, transforming fear and uncertainty into safety and future.

30 Nov

Stefan Ciocoiu, after more than 12 hours of surgery, came out well, to the immense joy of his family. This day was the longest and most emotional for them. Thanks to the generosity of donors, Stefan will now have a happy life. Love, hope, and deep gratitude flood everyone's hearts. Thousands of thanks to those who contributed to this miracle. Every gesture of help was a ray of hope, turning a day of worry into one of triumph and gratitude.

30 Nov

Stefan Ciocoiu had the investigations yesterday, and 5 minutes ago he entered the operating room of the Medical Park Clinic in Turkey for a brain surgery. 

We hope with all our hearts that Stefan will be home for Christmas, healthy, with his family! 

27 Nov
Payments Fisier 1

Tomorrow, at the dawn of a new day, little fighter Stefan Ciocoiu will set off for a new beginning. With souls full of hope and hearts beating in rhythm with the tick-tack of the clock, the Ciocoiu family will take the decisive step on the road to the Medical Park Clinic in Turkey. There, in a room where time seems to stand still, Stefan will enter the operating room for brain surgery.

It's a journey no family should have to travel alone, and thanks to their unfailing generosity and compassion, they're not alone. Today, the "Save a Heart" Association has become more than a support; He became a true travel companion, paying 26,350 euros to fully cover the costs of intervention and hospitalization.

In this season of giving, our deepest wish is for Stephen to return home, decorate the Christmas tree and open the gifts under the warm light of the holidays, surrounded by his family. We pray that these holidays will bring long-awaited healing and fulfill the dreams of a brave little boy.

Stephen is the symbol of faith that knows no bounds, of hope that shines even on the darkest nights, of love that unites us and of hope that never fades. As he approaches the day that will mark a new chapter in his life, everyone who has contributed to his journey is witnessing what it means to truly give.

On behalf of Stefan and the Ciocoiu family, we thank you for every kind thought and gesture of support. You are part of the miracle that is being written, a miracle of life and hope reborn.

27 Nov

With  deep gratitude, "Save a Heart" Association wishes to inform you about a new chapter of humanity and solidarity within our community. In the midst of the challenges we face every day, there is news that reminds us of the extraordinary strength of union and generosity.

Sabrini, known for its social commitment and the values it promotes, has become a shining example of altruism and empathy. Through her generous contribution of 36,000 RON, Sabrini joined the fight for the life of Stefan Ciocoiu, a 9-year-old boy facing a merciless disease - a brain tumor. The urgency of the situation and the need for immediate surgery mobilized us all to act quickly, and Stefan's deteriorating health, which was deteriorating alarmingly, demanded a corresponding reaction.

Through this remarkable gesture, Sabrini not only contributed significantly to the amount needed for Stefan's surgery, but also sent a strong message to the community: love, empathy, hope, patience and strength are the values that unite and define us in critical moments.

On behalf of Stefan, his family and Save a Heart Association, we convey our entire gratitude and appreciation for this act of charity. Demonstrating that social responsibility and community support are integral to Sabrini's ethos, it sets an example for the entire business community.

We are honored to have partners like Sabrini by our side, who choose to invest in the most precious capital - human life. This collaboration not only changes destinies, but also reaffirms the belief that together we can overcome any obstacle.

With the hope that this partnership will inspire other entities to join our cause, we thank you and assure you of all our consideration.

14 Nov


  1. HOT NEWS-Stefan's chance at a happy childhood: Help him defeat the disease!

  2. ROMANIA TV-The only chance at life for Stefan is in our hands! At 5 years old, she struggles with a terrible disease, and the hospital is her second home

  3. PROFIT NEWSPAPER-Stefan's chance to a happy childhood: Help him defeat the disease!

  4. REPORTER-Stefan's chance at a happy childhood: Help him defeat the disease!

  5. NEWS NEWSPAPER – Stefan's chance to a happy childhood: Help him defeat the disease!

  6. ZIARUL24-Stefan's chance at a happy childhood: Help him defeat the disease!

  7. CLUJ DAY-Save a heart! Help Stephen defeat the disease. An operation can save his life!

  8. NEW WEATHER – Stefan's chance for a happy childhood are people with big hearts!

  9. BOTOȘĂNEANUL-Cry for help for a little boy who urgently needs money for surgery

  10. ARGEȘAN UNIVERSE – Stephen's chance to a happy childhood. Help him defeat the disease!

  11. SUCEAVA NEWS-Stefan's chance to a happy childhood: Help him defeat the disease!

  12. NEWS BOTOȘANI-Vlad Placintă, appeal for little Stefan, the little boy hit by a terrible illness: "Let's offer together a happy ending to this story"

  13. DOROHO REALITY – Stefan's chance to a happy childhood: Help him defeat the disease!

  14. NEWSLIST-The only chance at life for Stefan is in our hands! At 5 years old, she struggles with a terrible disease, and the hospital is her second home

  15. MONITORUL EXPRES-A 5-year-old boy's chance at a happy childhood: Stefan urgently needs help to overcome the disease

  16. INFO IAȘI-Stefan's chance to a happy childhood: Help him defeat the disease!

  17. INFO IAȘI-Stephen's chance at a happy childhood: Help him defeat the disease!
  18. GAZETA DE BOTOȘANI-Stefan's chance to a happy childhood: Help him defeat the disease!

  19. BOTOȘANI NEWS-The child for whom, from the age of five, the hospital became a second home. "The kids avoid him, and he feels ignored and excluded

Campaign started on 06.11.2023

Name: Ciocoiu

First name: Stefan Mateo

Age: 9 years

Amount required: 26350 €

Diagnosis: Brain tumor

The clinic where he will perform the operation and treatment: Medical Park Hospital, Turkey

Save Mateo: A Fight for Life

Three years ago, little Mateo Stefan's vibrant life was clouded by news that brought fear and uncertainty to his family's heart. A brain tumor was discovered and a fight for life began. Despite an initial surgery, Mateo's destiny remained in suspense, a small part of the tumor hidden, like a dangerous secret in the child's growing brain.

Now, three years after that fateful day, time is uncertain again. The tumor grew, threatening not only Mateo's health but also his future. But there is a ray of hope — a procedure that can finally eliminate this nightmare, allowing Mateo to dream again of his days on the playground, not in hospital rooms.

The Ciocoiu family faces a battle on two fronts: one for Mateo's health and one for raising the 26,350 euros needed for the life-saving operation. This is our call for help. Every contribution can make the difference between a limited hospital life and a life full of possibilities.

Now, Mateo needs heroes in his real life – people who will give him a chance at a future. Your donations They can change the course of this struggle, turning fears into hopes and dreams into realities. Every euro collected brings us closer to victory over this disease that stole so much of his childhood.

Whether it's a small donation or a long-term commitment, every gesture counts. Together, we can raise the money needed to help Mateo fight – not just for days, but for years of health and happiness.

Be part of Mateo's story. Contribute to the health and life fund for this brave little boy. Let's give a happy ending to this story together.

For donations:
Name of entity: Association "SAVE A HEART"
Tax identification number: 31015982
RON Account: RO05BTRL00701205W82870XX
EUR Account: RO28BTRLEURCRT00W8287001
USD Account: RO68BTRLUSDCRT00W8287001
BIC code: BTRL
Banca Transilvania Botoșani

Please specify in the bank transfer, in the payment details, the name Stefan Ciocoiu!