
Cristian Ciprian Radea

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Cristian Ciprian Radea

Campanie din trecut

Name: Radea
First name: Ciprian Cristian
Diagnosis: spastic tetraparesis grade 1
Recovery treatment: Romania

A typical day's work turned a nightmare for a 20-year-old. Following a road accident, the boy was taken to hospital in a critical condition. He was going to die from very serious injuries...

However, God gave him a new life, but also a struggle to fight. Cristian Radea suffers from spastic tetraparesis, a terrible disease that has kept him bedridden for a year. Although he can no longer use his hands or feet as he did before, he uses his soul. And he hopes... believes in God and people, who could help him walk again, feel, smile, live a normal life.

"I was on duty, doing a scooter distribution.  I was on my way back to the firm's headquarters when, above the Baneasa Passage, I had a collision with a RATB bus. From that moment on, I knew nothing for almost two months."

It all happened in a split second, Cristi tells me.  He doesn't know how this could have happened to him, especially since he never had any traffic problems and was always properly equipped.

"About 30 meters above the Baneasa Passage, I can't say That I saw black in front of my eyes, I saw the white in front of my eyes, there was something big, white, huge, that didn't stop. In the next seconds, I heard cleats, ambulance sirens, angry drivers... For me then, basically, the movie was cut."

He was in a very serious condition, and his mother, Virginia, was devastated upon hearing the news. For more than two months, while Cristian was in Intensive Care, the woman prayed day and night to God for a miracle.

"Following an MRI, I found out he was paralyzed from the chest down. In the Floreasca Chapel, I spent those 77 days alone on my knees, praying and begging: "Lord, please don't take it away from me, and give me the strength to help him with what I can and give him my strength, which I still have! And his condition has changed. He took the first step to good."

Cristian's mother is once again his basic man: he feeds him, changes him, and is by his side during the difficult times. His father is the only one who works in the house, and the money is not enough for medication, physiotherapy and the rest of what is needed for recovery.

"Every day, I need 169 lei for physiotherapy, which I do with a physiotherapist at home, for drug treatment, for leg pain, that I also have very great pain, I also have spasticity that this is my disease - spastic tetraparesis of the 1st degree. I don't feel from the chest down, I need pampers, alles... I have a pension of 290 lei of disability, and my mother 530, because she is a permanent companion. There's no way they're going to get to us."

As I look at Cristi, I think I might be him, and it terrifies me that I might come to the mercy of the state. It's superfluous to say why.  I know, however, only that: if we humans don't help each other, no one will. God works through us, and where there is love, miracles happen, no matter what.  That's why Cristian is convinced, who is waiting for the day when he will once again have a normal life.

"Every man goes through some difficult times of life. We have to move forward and we have to have faith in God because that's where it all comes from. God gave me a new life, as if I were reborn.  Basically, I'll learn to walk again.  I began to be patient once and once I know that my dream will come true and I will walk back on my feet."

Details on how to help Cristian Radea can be found on his blog at:


You can donate money to your accounts:
Raiffeisen BANK
R O 7 6 R Z B R 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 1 1 7 1 2 6 4 8

SWIFT code: R Z B R R O B U
Radea Viorel

(the account is on n
my father)

Media appearances

Antena Observatory 1

The Lumina newspaper

Christian Resources
