Account RON: RO05BTRL00701205W82870XX
Account Euro: RO 28 BTRL EUR CRT 00 W828 7001
Account USD: RO 68 BTRL USD CRT 00 W828 7001
Account CHF: RO 12 BTRL CHF CRT 00 W828 7001
We are grateful for the care you take of them. The nobility of your soul gives us energy and inspires other good deeds. In December , 2,422,476 RON and 76170 Euro were raised from donations via SMS, from company sponsorships and on the platform. 147 companies contributed with the amount of RON 1,745,632, representing 152 signed contracts.
62 children and adults with serious conditions and precarious social situations benefited from financial support for surgeries and treatment. The amounts are between 200 RON and 125250 RON.
The total amount we donated in December 2024 to cases 1,155,165 RON.
20 orphaned children are ours and we offer them monthly financial support for the necessities of daily living. The allocated amounts are between 1,500 RON-5,000 RON/month.
Good deeds increase from month to month because every day we are joined by people like you who know that every day we must do everything in our power so that someone's life and health no longer depend on money.
In December we opened 3 fundraising campaigns: Vlad Necula, Selena Harasim and Nectaria Petrovici
We run several campaigns in parallel, because you know, there are so many people who need help.
Marketing: We invested 2.59% of the total amount collected in email marketing, Facebook ADS, email marketing and press releases, to increase the visibility of humanitarian cases and thus increase donations.
Salaries and administrative expenses, payment processors' commissions, and web development we allocated, 2.42 % of the amount collected.
I want to tell you a few more details about the good you do.
On the platform, 4293 online donations were made through the platform, and our beautiful community was joined by 277 friends who donated for the first time.
On behalf of the Save a Heart family, we send you and your family a lot of health.
Thank you for fighting with us!