
Alex Ene

Campanie din trecut 0 days
4.733171875% Complete

Amount received

15.146 €


320.000 €

You can donate directly by bank transfer to the following accounts:

Account RON: RO05BTRL00701205W82870XX

Account Euro: RO 28 BTRL EUR CRT 00 W828 7001

Account USD: RO 68 BTRL USD CRT 00 W828 7001

Payments made


Now you can donate extremely simple and fast through the new Application for Android and iOS "Salveaza o Inima"

Bank donors

Maria L.
Maria L.
Ilie R.


Alex Ene

Campanie din trecut

Campaign updates

19 Feb
Payments Fisier 1

Save a heart Association paid today the amount of 35000 RON according to the attached payment order.

Our fight continues!


14 Feb

Alex had the medical evaluation, and the doctors' decision remains the same as in November: he will follow the protocol with the four courses of immunotherapy, plus a new drug. Thank God that the necessary funds have been raised for Qarziba, which, as you know, is extremely expensive.

It was a very hard, stressful and busy time. On Thursday I paid for the doses of Qarziba needed for the first course. From previous experience, we know that it takes about two weeks for the medicine to reach the hospital from the European Medicines Agency. Being an orphan drug, it is distributed only by nominal order. It was necessary to submit a file to the Turkish Ministry of Health, where we obtained all the necessary approvals. The payment was made to the Turkish Union of Pharmacists, which will take care of its purchase. From now on, we will have to make the payment two weeks before each cure.

05 Dec


  1. HOT NEWS-Beyond the Dark: Fighting cancer since he was 2 years old, the drama of a young man who does not let himself be killed by the disease

  2. ROMANIA TV-Alexandru has been fighting cancer since he was 2 years old, the drama of a young man who does not let himself be killed by the disease. Where to make donations

  3. PROFIT NEWSPAPER-Beyond the darkness: Fighting cancer since he was 2 years old, the drama of a young man who does not let himself be killed by the disease

  4. NEWS ON SOURCES-Beyond the dark: Fighting cancer since he was 2 years old, the drama of a young man who does not let himself be killed by the disease

  5. NEWS NEWSPAPER – The drama of a young man who has been fighting cancer since he was 2 years old


  7. ARGEȘAN UNIVERSE – Beyond darkness! She has been fighting cancer since she was 2 years old. The drama of a young man who does not let himself be killed by illness

  8. NEW WEATHER-Beyond the Dark: Battling Cancer at 2 Years Old, the drama of a young man who does not let himself be killed by illness

  9. BOTOSANI NEWS-A 19-year-old shouts his helplessness." My whole childhood was a struggle for survival, and for my parents it was a struggle to find solutions to pay for all treatments."

  10. CLUJ-Alexandru DAY has been fighting cancer since he was 2 years old. The drama of a young man who does not let himself be killed by illness

  11. DOROHOIAN REALITY – Beyond the dark: He has been fighting cancer since he was 2 years old, the drama of a young man who does not let himself be killed by the disease

  12. NEWS PAȘCANI-Beyond the darkness: He has been fighting cancer since he was 2 years old, the drama of a young man who does not let himself be killed by the disease

  13. NEWS BOTOȘANI-Beyond darkness: the drama of a young man who does not let himself be killed by the disease, has been fighting cancer since he was 2 years old

  14. INFO IAȘI-Beyond darkness: Fight cancer since 2 years old. The drama of a young man who does not let himself be killed by illness

  15. INFO IAȘI ONLINE-Beyond the darkness: Fighting cancer since he was 2 years old, the drama of a young man who does not let himself be killed by the disease

  16. GAZETA DE BOTOȘANI-Beyond the darkness: Fighting cancer since he was 2 years old, the drama of a young man who does not let himself be killed by the disease
  17. DOTTO TV-Beyond the Dark: Fighting cancer since she was 2 years old. The drama of a young man who does not let himself be killed by illness

  18. ABC NEWS ROMANIA-Beyond the darkness: He has been fighting cancer since he was 2 years old, the drama of a young man who does not let himself be killed by the disease

  19. COMMISSIONER DE PRAHOVA-Beyond the Dark: Fighting cancer since she was 2 years old, the drama of a young man who does not let himself be killed by the disease

04 Dec

At the dawn of a new year, we are facing a journey full of hope and, at the same time, uncertainty. Alex, a tireless fighter, is preparing to begin the four courses of treatment that will stretch from January to July. Every step in this journey is marked by an uphill battle, not only with the disease, but also with the financial challenges that accompany it.

Our hearts ache when we think that, 15 days before each treatment, we have to provide the vital medicine Qarziba (Dinutuximab beta), available exclusively through the EMA (European Medicines Agency). The fixed cost of around €10,000 per ampoule represents an enormous burden; each cure requiring 5 ampoules, we reach the amount of 50,000 euros just for Qarziba.

Yet, despite these seemingly insurmountable figures, a flame of hope remains in our hearts. In the past, Alex has received this form of immunotherapy, and thanks to this, our hopes for the success of the treatment are high. Advances in medicine, such as improved genetic testing, fuel our optimism.

We are grateful for the understanding and support we have received so far from the hospital management to cover the other costs related to treatment and hospitalization. This solidarity has given us the strength to continue.

We look back to previous times, when we faced the same despair generated by the large sums needed, and remember how we managed to overcome those obstacles. This memory reinforces our belief that even in our darkest moments, there is a path to the light.

Every day brings us closer to victory in this difficult battle. We are proud of Alex's courage and resilience, and with community support, we will continue to fight for every day of hope and healing. Together, we are stronger.

The American Hospital Clinic in Turkey issued us the invoice of 75,000 euros for the first treatment.

18 Nov

❗️Alex has successfully passed the first stage of this new protocol. 
I !️just want to share with you the good, bad and painful news we have all known for so many years. Even  though further investigations have confirmed "neuroblastoma", it is now genetically framed much more favorably and with much higher chances of cure. If in 2017 when we first arrived in Istanbul genetic standardization  was within 0-10% chances of success, now it has exceeded 80%. 🙏 
🔷️You will receive immunotherapy in combination with a new drug. Alex is determined to fight no matter how hard it is and he is optimistic hearing every time that doctors from the committees that have been analyzing his medical  situation for 7 years find solutions for him❤️. Despair arises only when he realizes that his life depends on money. 🍀

13 Nov
Payments Fisier 1

Dear friends and supporters of hope,

Today, with hearts full of faith and eyes on the future, the "Save a heart" Association takes an important step in the fight against a ruthless disease: neuroblastoma. Alexandru Ene, a fearless fighter, a symbol of courage and hope, carries on his shoulders the burden of this battle for life.

On this day, we are proud to announce that we have paid EUR 6000 for Alexander's treatment, as evidenced by the attached payment order. This is not just a financial transaction, it is an investment in hope, a proof of our solidarity and confidence that together we can overcome any obstacle.

Our struggle, however, does not stop there. We continue to join forces, to close ranks around Alexandru and his family, because every day counts, every gesture of help can tip the balance in favor of life. We cannot afford to stand by when a child's future hangs in the balance.

At this moment, we call for unity, compassion, generosity. We invite you to join us, to contribute to this noble cause, to offer your best so that Alexandru has the chance to a normal life, to play, to laughter, to precious moments within the family.

Your contribution can make the difference between an ordinary day and a day of celebration, between a tear of sadness and a smile of joy. Do not underestimate the power of a small help, for every euro raised is a cornerstone in building hope for Alexander.

Let us give hope together, let us weave together a future in which Alexander can say: "We have won!" Let's make faith in a better world tomorrow's reality.

With gratitude and hope,
"Save a heart" Association team

Campaign initiated on: 08.11.2023

Last Name: Ene
First name: Alexandru
Age: 19 years
Amount required: 13,040 Euro

Diagnosis: Tumor on the spine

Chemotherapy and radiotherapy sessions will be performed at a private clinic in Turkey

"Alexandru Ene: The story of a fighter - Together to victory against neuroblastoma"

In a few days, I will begin the fourth battle in my fight against this insidious disease - the relapse of high-risk neuroblastoma. The first time was when I was only 2 years old, and even though I encountered many obstacles, I succeeded. The danger of the disease coming back was very high, having a positive genetic test. Unfortunately, it returned much more aggressively in 2017, when day by day a tumor gradually fractured a vertebra, and after 7 months of suffering and pain, but without any diagnosis and with the refusal of doctors to hospitalize me, I became paralyzed. In the country I had no chance, but my parents took me to Istanbul in an ambulance plane and I was determined to survive. After a year and a half of hospitalization, I overcame both paralysis and cancer and returned home on my own two feet, with the same uncertainty that he could return, but with the hope that in Istanbul I still had three treatment options. In 2019, I resumed school after a two-year break and I am now a student in the eleventh grade at St. Sava National College. I'm not bragging, but I'm glad I proved to myself and others that I can.

In August 2021 came another blow. At a regular check-up in Turkey (less than two months after I was tested at the IOB), Turkish doctors discovered a new tumor on my spinal nerve and my spine was in danger of collapsing again. I arrived "5 minutes before" another fracture and I consider this lucky. The surgery was extremely difficult and I now have 20 screws and rods in my body and I have received five more chemotherapy sessions plus immunotherapy. The results were very good; There are no more active tumors, but the danger still persists because genetically they are prone to recurrence of high-risk neuroblastoma. That's why Turkish doctors had a backup medical plan. I spent the next two years doing regular checkups every three months. In August, a suspicion arose in the same T7 vertebra, which was fractured by the tumor in 2017, as well as in two other areas. After three months of nightmare and waiting, I returned to the control, where the suspicions were confirmed: tumor formations were found in three areas and doctors decided to continue treatment. For the fourth time, I am face to face with the treatment plan and I have to start a new fight. I'm an Aries and I don't want to give up. In the fight against the disease, I managed to win every time, but it seems that I have no chance with the Romanian medical system. They never found a solution for me, no financial aid was ever approved, even though every time I ended up on the edge of the abyss due to their negligence. In their eyes, everything happened. I know I'm the uncomfortable patient, the one who stubbornly lives. I am convinced that I will heal myself with the help of people, but I am afraid of them, because every time I return home, the system is sicker, more dangerous and more ruthless than the disease I fought all my childhood. Sometimes I feel like a beggar, but what can I do when I see that my worst enemy is lack of money? My whole childhood was a struggle for survival, and for my parents it was a struggle to find solutions to pay for all treatments. I pray to God to find a solution for me too. He will definitely not abandon me and will act through people, because I am 19 years old and I want to live. To start this new stage of treatment, the sum of 13,040 euros is needed, a sum difficult to raise for me and my family, but I know that together, with your support, I will be able to achieve it.

Name of entity: Association "SAVE A HEART"

Tax ID: 31015982

Bank account (IBAN):

Account in RON: RO 05 BTRL 0070 1205 W828 70 XX

For donations in Euro: RO 28 BTRL EUR CRT 00 W828 7001

For donations in USD: RO 68 BTRL USD CRT 00 W828 7001


BIC code: BTRL

Banca Transilvania Botoșani

Please mention "Alexandru Ene" in the payment details.