
Eva Ilie

Campanie din trecut 0 days
54.026855895197% Complete

Amount received

12.372 €


22.900 €

You can donate directly by bank transfer to the following accounts:

Account RON: RO05BTRL00701205W82870XX

Account Euro: RO 28 BTRL EUR CRT 00 W828 7001

Account USD: RO 68 BTRL USD CRT 00 W828 7001

Payments made


Now you can donate extremely simple and fast through the new Application for Android and iOS "Salveaza o Inima"

Bank donors

Oana M.
Ilie R.
Bujenita M.


Eva Ilie

Campanie din trecut

Campaign updates

29 Feb
Payments Fisier 1

Save a heart Association paid today the amount of 111975 RON according to the attached payment order.

The surgery was fully paid by the "Save a heart" Association

Our fight continues!


28 Feb

Eva Ilie Campaign :https://salveazaoinima.ro/eva-ilie/
Yesterday was the longest day of my life, sitting with emotion every second and waiting for news from the surgery performed on my daughter, Eva Ilie, who underwent surgery for scoliosis. Thanks to your invaluable support, both moral and financial, and especially thanks to the "Save a heart" Association, which was by our side, we managed to get through this difficult moment. Now, with a heart full of joy and gratitude, I want to share with you that my daughter is well and, thanks to your help, will now have a normal life.

I want to thank from the bottom of my heart all of you who have been with us in these moments. Your help made possible not only surgery, but also the hope of a full recovery for Eva. We have achieved our goal and, thanks to your generosity, there is no need for additional funds.

I am deeply grateful for all your support and kindness. Together we managed to bring a smile and a new hope into Eva's life. Thank you for joining us and helping write this success story.

With all gratitude,
Eva's mother

15 Feb

In a world where every act of kindness brings light, you, our incredible community, have shone brightest. Thanks to your generous hearts, we witnessed true magic: together, we gathered the necessary amount to change the life of little Eva Maria Elijah. This is not only a triumph of solidarity, but also proof of the united strength of humanity.

Eva Maria, a 12-year-old fighter, was facing a huge challenge - a complex scoliosis operation. Cost? A sum of 23,000 euros, a figure that seemed unattainable. But then, something wonderful happened. You, 228 noble souls, chose to donate by bank transfer. Another 924 heroes have used our online platform, Save a Heart, to contribute to her cause. Last but not least, 1075 hearts full of hope sent SMS, each adding 2 euros to our great hope.

In this adventure of solidarity, we were not alone. Allianz-Tiriac joined our effort, contributing with a generous donation of 5000 euros. This remarkable gesture of support brought not only the necessary funds, but also a ray of hope for Eva and her family.

Thanks to you, dear people, we managed to collect the necessary amount. The surgery will take  place at Monza Hospital in Bucharest, on 27.02.2024  where Dr. Alexandru Thenry has masterfully worked to restore hope and smile on Eva's face.

This success is not just about numbers and amounts raised. It is about the life of a little girl who now has the chance to a normal childhood, to dreams unfettered by physical limitations. It's about the community that came together to say to a child, "You're not alone. We're here for you."

For every donation, regardless of its size, for every message of encouragement, for every good thought sent in Eva's direction, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. You have shown that together, regardless of obstacles, we can work miracles.

Eva Maria, along with her family, is deeply grateful to you. Thanks to you, she can now dream of a bright future full of possibilities. Let us remember that when our hearts beat together, there is no challenge too great to overcome.

On behalf of Eve, her family, and everyone who has been a part of this incredible journey, thank you. You have shown that even in the most difficult moments, humanity and compassion can change destinies.

07 Feb
Payments Fisier 1

Save a heart Association paid today the amount of 890 RON according to the attached payment order.

Our fight continues!


19 Jan

Today we turn to generous hearts that have worked miracles before. Eva Ilie, a 12-year-old girl full of dreams, faces a major challenge: scoliosis. In just four days after launching our 8832 SMS campaign, we received 179 messages, each contributing €2 for Eva's treatment. It's a promising start, but our journey is far from over.

Eve is more than a number or a statistic. She is a lively being who wants to run, play and grow like any other child. Scoliosis is not just a curvature of the spine, but a barrier to its normalcy and daily happiness.

But there is hope. Hope in every text message sent, in every gesture of kindness and in every smile we can bring to Eve's face. Through your contribution, you not only support necessary treatment, but you convey a powerful message of faith, love, and hope.

Please don't underestimate the power of a small gesture. Every €2 SMS sent to 8832 is a stepping stone in building a better future for Eva. Let us join forces to turn hope into reality. Every moment counts, every help counts.

15 Jan

Eva Ilie, 12, suffers from serious scoliosis. In order to give him a chance at a better future, 23,000 euros is needed for the treatment that will be performed at Monza Hospital in Bucharest. Each of us can contribute to this noble cause. Starting today, you can donate by sending an SMS worth 2 euros to 8832, with the message "Eve, chance, faith, love". Every donation counts and can make a huge difference in Eve's life. Let us be united in hope and solidarity to give Eve the chance to a better life!

08 Jan

Eva Ilie, 12 years old, faces a major challenge in her life: severe scoliosis, with a deviation of 75 degrees. In a world full of uncertainty, however, there are also rays of hope. Allianz-Tiriac Asigurari demonstrated a remarkable act of kindness, supporting Eva with a generous donation of 5,000 euros. This significant contribution had a major impact on the fund created to support Eva's treatment.

Eva's surgery and treatment are planned to take place at the prestigious Monza Hospital in Bucharest, under the careful guidance of Dr. Alexandru Thenry, a specialist recognized for his expertise. But the support doesn't stop there. In an impressive gesture of solidarity, 23 newspapers nationwide decided to join the cause, helping to spread little Eva's touching story. This exposure shed new light on her situation, attracting the attention and support of the general public.

So far, 9,144 euros have been raised, an important step towards reaching the necessary amount of 23,000 euros for the complete treatment. Every donation, regardless of size, came from people with big hearts, demonstrating that empathy and generosity can make a real difference in the lives of those in need. Already, 323 people have chosen to join this noble cause, each contribution bringing us closer to the final goal.

It is a story of courage, hope and community, reminding us that, together, we can overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles. The continued support of the community, both nationally and internationally, is essential if Eva is to get through this difficult stage of her life and move towards a brighter and more possible future.

08 Jan



  1. A mother's cry for help: 'Ribs will puncture her lungs without emergency surgery!'


  3. PROFIT NEWSPAPER-A mother's cry for help: 'Her ribs will puncture her lungs without emergency surgery!'

  4. ROMANIA TV-Little Eva needs support! The child's mother, desperate and helpless. "I would do anything to take away his suffering. His ribs will puncture his lungs without emergency surgery!"

  5. "Without surgery, his ribs will puncture his lungs."

  6. CRIȘANA-You can start the year with a good deed - Help Eva breathe normally!

  7. INFO IAȘI-A mother's cry for help: "Her ribs will puncture her lungs in the absence of emergency surgery!"

  8. A mother's cry for help: "Her ribs will puncture her lungs without emergency surgery!"

  9. REGIONAL EVENT OF MOLDOVA-A mother's cry for help: "Her ribs will puncture her lungs without surgery!"

  10. NEWSPAPERS 24-A mother's cry for help!

  11. A mother's cry for help: "Her ribs will puncture her lungs without emergency surgery!"

  12. CONSTANTA 100%-A 12-year-old girl who struggles every day to breathe needs help

  13. BOTOȘANI NEWS-A mother's cry for help: "Her ribs will puncture her lungs without emergency surgery!"

  14. SUCEAVA NEWS-A mother's cry for help: "Her ribs will puncture her lungs without emergency surgery!"

  15. MONITORUL EXPRES-A 12-year-old girl urgently needs help: "Her ribs will puncture her lungs without emergency surgery!"
  16. TÂRGOVIȘTE NEWS-A mother's cry for help: "Her ribs will puncture her lungs in the absence of emergency surgery!"

  17. CLUJ DAY-Save a heart! Eva is only 12 years old and risks suffocation if she is not operated on urgently

  18. PRO BRĂILA-A mother's cry for help: "Her ribs will puncture her lungs without emergency surgery!" 

  19. BOTOȘĂNEANUL-A mother's desperate cry: Her daughter risks suffocation if she is not operated on URGENTLY

  20. ARAD NEWS-Humanitarian appeal. A little girl needs financial help for surgery

  21. AGORA PRESS-A mother's cry for help: "Her ribs will puncture her lungs without emergency surgery!"

  22. SOUTHERN GAZETTE-A mother's cry for help!

  23. A mother's cry for help: "Her ribs will puncture her lungs without emergency surgery!"

  24. INFO IAȘI-A mother's cry for help: "Her ribs will puncture her lungs in the absence of emergency surgery!"

  25. LIVE ARAD-A mother's cry for help: "Her ribs will puncture her lungs without emergency surgery!"

  26. NEWSLIST-Little Eva needs support! The child's mother, desperate and helpless. "I would do anything to take away his suffering. His ribs will puncture his lungs without emergency surgery!"

  27. NEWS PAȘCANI-A mother's cry for help: "Her ribs will puncture her lungs without emergency surgery!" 

  28. A mother's cry for help: "Her ribs will puncture her lungs without emergency surgery!" 

Campaign initiated on: 02.01.2024

Name: Elijah

First name: Eva Maria

Age: 12 years

Amount required: 23000 euro

Diagnosis: Scoliosis

The treatment will be performed at Monza Hospital in Bucharest

Eva's story

With a soul full of hope and driven by love, I turn today to each of you to share with you the story of Eva Maria, an 11-year-old girl, who is battling a relentless disease. Diagnosed with severe thoracolumbar scoliosis, Eva faces imminent danger to her life, and the only hope remains an emergency operation.

Imagine a child at the age when playing and discovering the world should be the only concerns, but for Eve, the days are filled with pain and the struggle for a normal life. "Her spine, from a curvature of 30 degrees, reached 75 degrees today," her mother says, her eyes welling up in tears. The situation is desperate: if she is not operated on urgently, Eva risks losing her life.

The operation, which will be performed by Dr. Alexandru Thenry at Monza Hospital, costs 22900 euros, an unattainable amount for a modest family. Eva's mother, a minimum wage personal assistant, and her father, a day laborer, struggle every day to provide for the family, but this amount is beyond their means.

Despite the suffering, Eva does not drop out of school. She carries her heavy backpack, and her mother accompanies her daily, wanting to lighten her burden. "If I could take away his suffering, I would. Unfortunately I can't," says Eva's mother, her voice trembling with emotion.

Her family cannot count on the reimbursement of the operation by the Health Insurance House, and the cost at a private hospital is colossal. "We need over 100,000 lei for spinal surgery and the implant that includes plates with metal screws. We desperately ask you, people with big hearts, to help us", is the message of the desperate mother.

Today, I call on each of you to become part of this struggle. Eva's story is not just about individual destiny, but about an appeal to humanity, compassion and solidarity. Every contribution, no matter how small, to the account opened in the name of the child's mother, can make the difference between life and suffering for Eva.

Together we can change a destiny. Together we can bring hope and healing into the life of a child who deserves to live. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for every gesture of support and for choosing to be with Eva in these critical moments.

Name of entity: Association "SAVE A HEART"

CIF: 31015982

RON Account: RO05BTRL00701205W82870XX

EUR Account: RO28BTRLEURCRT00W8287001

USD Account: RO68BTRLUSDCRT00W8287001


BIC code: BTRL

Bank: Banca Transilvania Botoșani

Please specify in the bank transfer, in the payment details, the name EVA ILIE