
Darius Grec

Campanie din trecut 0 days
68.295862068966% Complete

Amount received

19.806 €


29.000 €

You can donate directly by bank transfer to the following accounts:

Account RON: RO05BTRL00701205W82870XX

Account Euro: RO 28 BTRL EUR CRT 00 W828 7001

Account USD: RO 68 BTRL USD CRT 00 W828 7001

Payments made


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Bank donors

Stefanescu M.
Cojocnean C.
Dan G.


Darius Grec

Campanie din trecut

Campaign updates

07 Jun

The operation lasted 15 hours, and at 2 in the morning, the medical team completed the complex intervention. At the moment, Darius is in intensive care, still sedated, but stable and in good condition. The doctors did their best to ensure that the surgery went smoothly, and although it was extremely difficult and lengthy, they are happy with how it went. Due to the complexity of the intervention, Darius will remain sedated to allow his body to recover in optimal conditions.

Today, throughout the day, we will receive more information about Darius' condition and the results of the operation. However, the most important thing is that Darius demonstrated, once again, incredible strength and successfully overcame this major ordeal. His courage and resilience are impressive and give us all hope and confidence.

A moment of great joy was when Darius was disintubated and began to breathe on his own. It is a positive sign that shows us that he is heading towards recovery. This news fills our hearts with happiness and gives us the strength to continue to hope and pray for a full recovery.

We thank the medical team from the bottom of our hearts for their dedication and professionalism. We know that Darius is in good hands and we are grateful for every effort made for his health.

Darius was deintubated and breathing on his own 🥳🥳🥳💪💪💪

05 Jun
Payments Fisier 1

Dear ones,

We ask you from the bottom of our hearts to join us in praying for Darius. The surgery he is about to undergo is extremely complex, with many risks, and he needs all the divine help to succeed. The doctors do their best and do everything possible, but we are sure that the prayers of all of us will guide his hands and help Darius get through this trial.

Save a Heart Association paid £39,400 today, according to the attached payment order, to cover the costs of this vital intervention.

Our fight continues, and together, we can make a difference!

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your support and prayers!

With gratitude,

19 Dec
Payments Fisier 1

In life's journey, we sometimes witness stories that remind us of the extraordinary power of hope and human resilience. Today, we have the privilege of sharing with you the story of Darius, a young fighter who showed us what courage and determination really mean.

After a hard and intense struggle for life, Darius emerged victorious, giving us all an unforgettable lesson about the strength of the human spirit. Over the next 3-4 months, he will return to England to continue his battle, this time for vital spinal surgery. This step is crucial in his journey to recovery and a brighter future.

With a heart full of gratitude, we want to announce that Save a Heart Association has paid today the amount of £ 7380, according to the attached payment order. This gesture is not just a financial contribution; It is a symbol of solidarity, compassion and a shared belief in a better future.

Our struggle continues, not just for Darius, but for every heart that needs help. Every gesture, every help offered, regardless of size, is a step forward in this battle for life and hope.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts to everyone who is with us and Darius in these moments. Your support and generosity not only change lives, but are also a source of inspiration and strength to us all.

Together, we continue to fight, hope and dream of a world where every fight is recognized and every victory is celebrated.

With deep gratitude and hope, the "Save a Heart" Association Team

12 Dec

Dear friends and supporters,

Today, with a heart full of hope and joy, I want to share with you the remarkable progress of Darius Grec, a 16-year-old boy, fighter and full of life, who is facing a difficult diagnosis - multiple aggressive vertebral hemangioma.

Since starting treatment, Darius has made huge strides towards recovery. Day after day, with determination and courage, he overcomes his limits: now he manages to walk a few steps alone, an incredible triumph for all of us! Not only did he regain his mobility, but his daily life improved significantly. She can eat and drink fluids without problems, something that seemed so difficult just a few months ago.

And there's another reason to rejoice: Darius' eyesight has improved considerably. The light and colors of the world smile on him again, bringing him hope and joy. With each passing day, he becomes more cheerful and energetic, reminding us of his indomitable spirit.

Doctors are optimistic and predict that in just 3 to 4 months, Darius will be able to return to England for spinal surgery. This is his chance at a normal life, at a childhood and adolescence that he deserves.

Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your support and love. Every good thought, every prayer, every help offered contributes to the miracle Darius is experiencing. Let us continue to be with him on this journey of healing and hope.

With love and gratitude, Livia Grec (sister of Darius)

20 Nov

Darius Grec, at just 16 years old, showed the world the true meaning of courage and hope. I bring you news full of light and joy: Darius is a true fighter who strives tirelessly every day.

On Friday, it was a new beginning for him, with the transfer from the intensive care unit to a ward on the ward. He escaped danger and now, with every effort he makes, he seems to regain his life piece by piece. Today he took his first steps and, in a moment of respite, was allowed to feel the breeze again and breathe the fresh air of freedom. Two weeks after the surgery kept him out of the world, after two weeks in which the only landscape was hospital light bulbs, nurses and monitors, Darius went outside. He felt the warmth of the sun and saw a squirrel playing next to us.

He overcame two major complications, extremely serious and rare, overcame an infection and pneumonia. And with each passing day, I think he amazes all doctors with his unwavering strength and strength.

13 Nov

In this hour of great trial, words are lost in the silent echo of the struggle for life. Darius Grec, a young man of only 16, thriving in the promises of his age, now faces a reality that defies our understanding and expectations.

Recently, fate has turned the course of his life in a way that no soul could have foreseen. Complications woven into a frightening web, causing not one but multiple strokes, each bringing with it an even greater trial. In the shadows of the night, doctors fought not to repair a wound but to save Darius' life, a brain surgery to relieve the pressure that was suffocating him inside.

The column operation, which once seemed to be the largest mountain to climb, has been left behind. Now, all that matters is Darius' struggle to return to consciousness, to breathe on his own, to open his eyes and see the light of a new day.

Our hearts are heavy at the thought that Darius, in the prime of his youth, lies in an induced coma at the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery. Every ticking of the clock is a companion waiting for news of its condition, every past moment is a step into the unknown.

Our hope and prayer are intertwined in heartbreaking silence, waiting for the inflammation that engulfed his brain to recede, leaving room for healing. Despite the darkness that seems to surround us, we cling to every thread of hope, to every possibility for Darius to awaken, to fight, to triumph.

At this hour, our thoughts and hearts are with Darius and his family. We send them our unconditional love and support, hoping that out of this nightmare will spring a morning of peace and health for this brave young man.

17 Oct

Darius Greek: A Warrior, a Hope, and a Marvel in Wait

In the midst of the turmoil of life, news came to change everything for Darius Grec. Diagnosed with multiple aggressive vertebral hemangioma, Darius' days turned from ordinary to a continuous marathon of searches, hopes and, above all, struggle.

After an exhaustive journey and a challenging journey in the medical system, we discovered the place that could give us an answer: the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital in the United Kingdom. And even though life's paths aren't always easy, today, I received a ray of light: the date of surgery, 07.11.2023, arrived by email. After so much uncertainty, especially due to the doctors' strike in the UK, we finally have a definite moment to prepare for.

This journey would not have been possible without the help and generosity of donors who chose to join our fight. With every gesture, with every help, you have shown us that trust, hope and love can move mountains.

And if providence or destiny have a role in our lives, it is hard to overlook that the operation takes place just two days before the feast day of our dear Saint: Saint Hierarch Nektarios, the miracle worker. We feel deep down that this coincidence is not just an accident, but a sign, a confirmation that hope and faith are with us.

So we move forward with hearts full of gratitude, with the hope that our struggle will continue and that, together, we will get through this stage well.

Thank you all for your love, faith and for standing by us. At every turn, you are part of the miracle we have been waiting for.

06 Oct

Darius Grec, just 16 years old, faces a difficult diagnosis: multiple aggressive vertebral hemangioma. With hope in her heart, she headed to the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital in the UK. But destiny brings challenges: the operation was postponed due to medical strikes. Nevertheless, his family remains steadfast in faith, waiting with love and hope for the day when Darius will once again be on the path of healing.

02 Oct

Help Darius continue his story!

Darius Grec, just 16 years old, struggles with a challenge that no teenager should face. Together, with the help of your generosity, we have managed to collect 26,584 euros so far. We are close to reaching the required amount of 29,000 euros.

An impressive 547 people showed their compassion and donated online for Darius to receive the treatment he needs. In addition, 22 companies and 203 individuals chose to make a difference by donating via bank transfer.

It is incredible how much hope and faith can accumulate when a community unites for a noble cause. Just as Our Lady never leaves us when we ask for her help, we, at Save a Heart Association, strongly believe that, with your help, Darius will get the chance to a better life.

We want to express our sincerest thanks to each person who contributed and made this possible. Continue to spread hope and support Darius, because every euro counts. With hearts full of gratitude, we thank you for your generosity and support.

29 Sep

Community mobilization in support of Darius

The efforts were not fruitless. In less than 48 hours since the launch of the campaign, not only individuals, but also companies have mobilized in an extraordinary way. 469 people donated the impressive amount of 9832 euros, while 20 companies collected a contribution of 4500  euros. These figures, in addition to highlighting people's generosity and empathy, remind us of the essential role of solidarity in society.

However, the road is still long. The amount needed to fully help Darius' cause is 29,000 euros. This shows us that although the community responded promptly and with love, help is still needed.

In moments like these, hope, faith, love, and hope become more than just words. They turn into action and mobilization. It is often said that divine help comes through the hands of men, and this campaign seems to be living proof of the intervention of the Mother of God.

In conclusion, this initiative reminds us of the power of community to change lives and the importance of active involvement in the causes that matter. Every contribution, regardless of its size, has the potential to make a significant difference in one's life.

Campaign started on  26.09.2023

Name: Greek

First name: Darius

Age: 16 years

Amount required: 29000 €

Diagnosis: multiple aggressive vertebral hemangioma

He will undergo treatment at the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital-United Kingdom

Darius Grec - a struggle for life and hope

At first glance, Darius seems like an ordinary 16-year-old enjoying the little pleasures of life. But behind his bright smile and hopeful gaze lurks a story that would shake anyone's heart.

In December 2020, Darius' world changed completely. In just a month, he lost the ability to walk, and the diagnosis came like lightning: multiple aggressive vertebral hemangioma. This rare condition caused multiple venous tumors to form on his spine. The first step was an operation in February 2021, in Cluj-Napoca, followed by intense physical therapy sessions. With a lot of courage, determination and the support of his family, Darius managed to regain his gait.

But destinies are not always predictable. In January 2023, the disease returned with even more anger. A second emergency operation was required, which brought with it an even bleaker diagnosis: imminent risk of paraplegia.

But Darius' mother, a woman of unconquerable spirit, did not let hope disappear. After months of searching and negative responses, a message from London brought a new ray of light. The Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital offered a possibility: a revolutionary total resection operation that could change everything for Darius.

With eyes reddened with tears and a trembling voice, she says, "Every day is a fight for my son's life. We managed to raise almost half of the necessary amount, but the trip to London and the surgery that could save his life are expensive. Please help us give Darius a chance at a normal life and a bright future."

Any help can mean an extra chance for Darius to overcome this ordeal and enjoy the beautiful years ahead. In these moments, our generosity and solidarity can bring a smile to the face of a teenager who just wants to live a pain-free life.

To donate, you can use the following details:

Association "SAVE A HEART"

Name of entity: Association "SAVE A HEART"
CIF: 31015982

RON Account: RO05BTRL00701205W82870XX
EUR Account: RO28BTRLEURCRT00W8287001
USD Account: RO68BTRLUSDCRT00W8287001
BIC code: BTRL
Bank: Banca Transilvania Botoșani
Please specify in the bank transfer, in the payment details, the name  Darius Grec