
Raluca Ianchiș

Campanie din trecut 0 days
22.477536735504% Complete

Amount received

9.056 €


40.288 €

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Account RON: RO05BTRL00701205W82870XX

Account Euro: RO 28 BTRL EUR CRT 00 W828 7001

Account USD: RO 68 BTRL USD CRT 00 W828 7001

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Dan N.


Raluca Ianchiș

Campanie din trecut

Campaign updates

24 Feb

Raluca Ianchiș, a light in the hearts of those who knew her, left us far too soon at the age of 42, leaving behind a huge void and heartbreaking pain. With a big heart and boundless kindness, Raluca was not only a loving mother to her 14-year-old daughter, but also a devoted friend, an unwavering support to those around her and an inspiration to all who had the privilege of knowing her.

Her story is not only one of the tragic loss of a life too soon ended, but also of the profound imprint she left on the world. Raluca lived passionately, loving unconditionally and giving her best to those around her. She was a fighter, facing life with courage and determination, and taught everyone around her what it means to live every moment to the fullest.

For her daughter, Raluca was not only a mother, but also her best friend, guide and mentor. Together they shared laughter, tears, dreams and hopes. Their deep bond will remain eternal, a beacon of light in the darkness of separation. In her daughter's heart, Raluca will live forever, inspiring her to follow her dreams with the same passion and courage she has always shared.

As we gather to pay our last respects to her, let us remember Raluca not only for the emptiness she left behind, but also for the love, light and joy she brought into our lives. Let us keep her memory alive by living according to the values she embraced: love, generosity, courage and hope.

Raluca Ianchiș will always remain in our hearts, a symbol of unconditional love and undefeated spirit. Even in her physical absence, her free and loving spirit will continue to inspire and guide us on the path of life. Rest in peace, our dear Raluca, until we meet again.

13 Feb

Raluca went through the third cycle of chemotherapy and chose to return to Romania. It will arrive in the country tomorrow. We ask you now, as a family, to raise a prayer or have a good thought for Raluca, because she is very weak. In Romania, she will be hospitalized in a hospice and it is possible to undergo a fourth cycle of chemotherapy, depending on how things develop. He was able to receive good treatment in the Vienna hospital thanks to your kindness. Thank! 🙏

07 Feb

Raluca decided to undergo a third chemotherapy session, although she is very weak after two months of feeding only on water and tea. During this time, she was intravenously fed with nutrient solutions, which provided her with about 1000 kcal per day. The pancreatic tumor stopped evolving, but metastases spread to the intestines, causing small, but frequent, intestinal obstructions to form. The doctor indicated that only 10-20% of patients manage to escape from this situation with the intestines in a state that allows normal transit. The situation is extremely delicate, requiring Raluca to remain under close medical supervision. The costs for the necessary care are substantial, and only thanks to the funds raised through your generosity have we been able to provide the necessary treatment on time.

01 Feb
Payments Fisier 1

In a world where every day brings with it new challenges, Raluca Ianchiș' story is a symbol of courage, hope and the ceaseless fight for life. At 42, Raluca faces one of the harshest diagnoses possible: pancreatic cancer. Despite the hardship of the moment, she did not allow herself to be overcome by fear or despair. Instead, she chose to fight with all her might for her future and, especially, for her daughter, Eva, the light of her life, just 14 years old.

Raluca's incredible battle story continued at the prestigious WIENER PRIVATKLINIK clinic in Austria, where she was received under the careful guidance of Prof. Dr. Wolfgang J. Koestler. Here, Raluca began a complex treatment, full of challenges, but also hopes, in a heroic attempt to defeat the disease that threatens her life.

We recognize that this road to healing is arduous and expensive. Treatment abroad involves considerable sums of money, and the Ianchiș family is facing a double struggle: one for health and another for raising the necessary funds. It's a heavy burden, but not one they have to carry alone.

Today, the "Save a Heart" Association takes a step forward in this fight, paying part of the costs with an initial amount of EUR 10,000. It is a gesture of solidarity, but also an appeal to the wider community, to each of you, to join this cause. This is not just financial support; It is a message of hope, a sign that together we can overcome any obstacle.

Despite the devastating diagnosis, Raluca remains a symbol of human resilience, a mother who fights not only for her own life, but also to make sure she will be there for her daughter, to see her grow, learn and fulfill.

We invite you to join this fight, to offer hope and support, so that Raluca can continue the treatment without being overwhelmed by the financial burden. Every contribution, no matter how small, means an extra step towards Raluca's healing, towards a future where she and Eva can be together, healthy and happy.

Our fight continues! Thank you for every gesture of generosity, for every moment you choose to be with Raluca and her family. Together, we can bring change, we can bring hope, we can make a difference.

27 Jan

I want to bring you the latest news about the condition of Raluca Ianchiş, a tireless fighter in her battle against a difficult disease. With great courage and resilience, Raluca completed the second cycle of chemotherapy. Although we are still waiting for signs of a positive evolution, it is admirable to see how emotionally and spiritually stable Raluca remains.

On Monday, Raluca will repeat a series of essential analyzes that will determine the effectiveness of the current chemotherapy treatment. These results are crucial because they will decide whether to continue with the same treatment method or to change the approach. Our hope is, of course, that the treatment has had the desired effect and will be able to continue on this road to healing.

We must be aware that Raluca's struggle is not only medical, but also financial. Prolonged hospitalization and necessary treatments are extremely expensive. In these moments, any financial help can make a huge difference in her life.

In this regard, we appeal to your generosity and empathy. If you have it on your heart to support Raluca's fight, please consider a donation, no matter how small. Each contribution brings us closer to ensuring the continuity of the necessary treatments and to offering Raluca the chance to a better life.

Thank you for every kind thought, prayer and financial support you give. Together, we can make a significant difference in Raluca's fight for health and happiness.

26 Jan

Yesterday, on a day full of emotion and solidarity, over 300 generous hearts united in a noble cause, bringing a ray of hope in Raluca Ianchis' life. At just 42 years old, Raluca, a devoted mother of a 14-year-old girl, faces a huge challenge - the fight against pancreatic cancer. A fight that is not only hers, but of all those who chose to stand by her.

With each donation, regardless of its size, a new tab is added to Raluca's story of courage and hope. The amount required for surgery and treatment is 40,288 euros, a large amount, but not impossible when hearts unite for a common goal. This life-saving treatment will take place at the WIENER PRIVAT KLINIK in Austria, a place where advanced technology and doctors' experience meet to offer a new chance at life.

Every contribution is more than material aid; it is a message of love, an outstretched hand to Raluca and her family, a sign that, together, we can face the biggest challenges. In every donation hides the strength of our community, the power to fight, hope and dream of better days.

So let's continue to write this impressive story of solidarity together. Let's show that when it comes to life, there are not too many obstacles, and love and hope are the strongest weapons in the face of adversity. Raluca is not alone in this battle; She has by her side an army of hearts that beat in unison for life, for hope, for healing.

20 Jan

Raluca, with remarkable inner strength, continues her fight in the hospital to defeat the bacteria that put her health at risk. In these difficult days, she is weakened, not only by illness, but also by the inability to eat. However, her hope and resilience know no bounds. Infusions of nutrients and electrolytes provide her with vital energy, supporting her on this arduous journey, every drop being a promise for a better day.

Looking to the future with courage, Raluca is preparing for the second cycle of chemotherapy, scheduled for Monday, January 22. This stage, although intimidating, is a necessary step in her struggle for healing, a journey traveled with the hope and prayers of all who love her.

A moment of light in her difficult days was the visit of Eve, her beloved daughter. Eva's presence brought a wave of joy and a breath of life to the hospital room. Raluca's eyes lit up with happiness and her heart was full of love. This magical moment, a mother hugging her child, is such a precious memory, a symbol of the indestructible bond between them. It is this kind of unconditional love that gives Raluca the strength to fight, hope and enjoy every moment she spends with her loved ones.

Every day is a new challenge, but also a new opportunity for Raluca to demonstrate her incredible power. We keep our fingers crossed and pray for her, knowing that every little progress is a huge step toward full recovery. 🙏

17 Jan

Yesterday, Raluca, a young woman of remarkable will and courage, completed the first cycle of chemotherapy, a treatment known for its aggressiveness. But Raluca is not just a name on a medical record, she is a symbol of resilience and hope.

Despite the hardships of this process, Raluca keeps her smile and optimism. Even though solid food is still forbidden to him, every tablespoon of soup he eats is a small but significant step toward recovery. We can clearly see improvements in her general condition, a sign that her struggle, although hard, is not in vain.

In these difficult times, the generosity and support of those who have donated so far have been a source of comfort and hope for Raluca and her family. But her journey is not over. Every day she spends in the hospital is a testament to her ongoing need for financial help to support her treatment and recovery.

We invite you to join this fight, not only with donations, but also with good thoughts and prayers for Raluca. Let's give him together the strength and support he needs to overcome this trial. Let us show that, in the face of suffering, we are not indifferent, that our empathy and solidarity can make a difference.

Raluca is an example of resilience, an inspiration for all of us, a reminder that, regardless of life's hardships, we can find the strength to fight. Let's join her on this journey, show her that she is not alone and that together, we can face any challenge. Raluca, you are a true fighter and we support you with all our heart! 🙏

Campaign initiated on: 16.01.2024

Name: Ianchiş

First name: Raluca

Age: 42 years (mother of a 14-year-old girl)

Amount required: 40288  euro

Diagnosis: pancreatic cancer

The operation and treatment will be performed at WIENER PRIVAT KLINIK in Austria

The story of fighter Raluca

In the heart of each family beats a unique rhythm, a song of love and unity. For the Ianchiș family, this rhythm was abruptly interrupted on December 22, 2023, when Raluca Ianchiș, a dedicated mother and passionate researcher at ICECHIM for 19 years, was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.

Raluca's story is one of courage and uninterrupted struggle. It all started in October, when initial symptoms — inability to eat, nausea, abdominal pain and weakness — began to make their presence felt. The initial diagnosis was gastritis, but after months of suffering and repeated investigations, the grim reality was discovered: pancreatic cancer with metastases.

Despite this devastating diagnosis, Raluca remained undefeated, traveling to the WIENER PRIVATKLINIK clinic in Vienna to receive the care she needed. Here, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Wolfgang J. Koestler, Raluca began a complex treatment, hoping to regain her health and return home to her 14-year-old daughter, Eva.

But the road to healing is an expensive one. The costs of treatment and care abroad are huge, and the Yanchiș family faces a financial struggle as hard as the medical battle.

Now, more than ever, Raluca needs our help. Your donations can make the difference between despair and hope, between suffering and recovery. Every contribution, big or small, brings us closer to our goal of giving Raluca a chance at life.

And now, words from Raluca herself, who despite the suffering, found the strength to share her thoughts with us:

"In these moments of darkness, I see the light in every message of encouragement, in every smile of Eve, in every gesture of support. I feel that every day is a gift, a struggle, a blessing. Every night, I pray for a new day, for a new chance. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your efforts, for your unconditional love and support. You provide me not only with the material means for my struggle, but also with faith and hope that I will be well. Every donation, every word of encouragement, every kind thought strengthens me in this battle. Together, we can defeat this unseen monster. With each passing day, with each treatment, I feel that I am getting closer to the moment when I will return home, to hold my daughter in my arms and continue to live. This dream is made possible by your generosity and love. I am deeply grateful to you."

In these moments, each of us can be a hero for Raluca and her family. Let's join forces to give Raluca the chance to a normal, healthy and happy life. Donate now and become part of her story of healing and hope.

Name of entity: "Save a Heart" Association

Tax ID: 31015982

Bank account (IBAN): RON Account: RO 05 BTRL 0070 1205 W828 70 XX

Euro Account: RO 28 BTRL EUR CRT 00 W828 7001

USD Account: RO 68 BTRL USD CRT 00 W828 7001

Please specify in the bank transfer, under payment details, the name: RALUCA IANCHIS