
Bianca Ifrim

Campanie din trecut 0 days
100.33645454545% Complete

Amount received

55.185 €


55.000 €

You can donate directly by bank transfer to the following accounts:

Account RON: RO05BTRL00701205W82870XX

Account Euro: RO 28 BTRL EUR CRT 00 W828 7001

Account USD: RO 68 BTRL USD CRT 00 W828 7001

Payments made


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Bank donors

Marian A.
Marian A.
Morosanu C.
Marian A.
Pavel I.


Bianca Ifrim

Campanie din trecut

Campaign updates

09 Jan

We want to share good news with you: the doctor confirmed that the surgery went very well! Bianca has successfully gone through the process of removing the lengthening fixator, and now her leg has been lengthened by 6 cm!

Currently, Bianca has a plate mounted inside and a plaster splint that helps her keep her foot straight. Her condition is stable, the pain is minimal, and the hope for a full recovery is growing!

The doctor said that the next lengthening operation will take place in about a year.

However, in order to move forward, Bianca needs our support. A new operation and expensive treatments are coming, and those who want to be with her can continue to donate. Every contribution, no matter the size, means a step forward for Bianca and a chance at a better life.

18 Oct
Payments Fisier 1

The "Save a Heart" Association paid today the amount of 11800 EUR for Bianca Ifrim, according to the attached payment order. 

02 Oct

Today I want to share with you the story of a brave little girl, named Bianca Andreea Ifrim, a little girl of only 11 years old, who is struggling with a difficult diagnosis – left femur aplasia. This means that Bianca was born without her left femur, and this affects her ability to enjoy her childhood like all other children. However, her heart is full of hope and determination.

The doctors determined that Bianca needed an operation in Turkey, one that would give her the chance to walk normally, without pain. The first intervention is scheduled for October 21, but the family faces a huge financial challenge. The amount needed for this first stage is 13,800 euros – money that would mean a new beginning for Bianca, the possibility of lengthening the missing femur by 5 centimeters, and the first step towards a better life.

Now, we need you! Any contribution counts and any help can bring us closer to Bianca's dream – to be able to walk, to be able to smile without thinking about physical limitations. We are confident that, together, we can make a huge difference in the life of this wonderful child. Every gesture of generosity will bring a drop of light to Bianca's struggle and help her step into her future with confidence.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for being with us and that, together, we make this dream possible! Every good thought, every prayer and every donation brings us closer to the success of this vital operation.

11 May

Hello! Yesterday, Bianca underwent foot surgery. The operation consisted of mounting other screws, they cut them from the bone to adjust the knee, and after 3 hours the doctor told us that it was a successful operation. 

There follows a period when he will no longer be able to wear prosthesis, and he will decide when the elongation will be able to begin. We hope you will be with us at the next surgeries too! 🙏🙏🙏

(Genoveva Ifrim, Bianca's mother)

01 May
Payments Fisier 1

The "Save a Heart" Association paid today the amount of 28000 EUR for Bianca Ifrim, according to the attached payment order.

07 Mar


  1. HOT NEWS–Childhood in one leg. The touching story of a 10-year-old girl who never walked

  2. NEWSWEEK-Bianca, the 10-year-old who is living a terrible drama. It never worked: Why was I born like this?

  3. THE REALITY OF BRAILA-Childhood in one leg. The touching story of a 10-year-old girl who never walked

  4. THE REALITY OF GALAȚI-Childhood in one leg. The touching story of a 10-year-old girl who never walked

  5. THE NEWS NEWSPAPER-The touching story of a 10-year-old girl who never walked.

  6. THE ROMANIAN CHRONICLE- Let's give Bianca's smile back to her! The touching story of a 10-year-old girl who never worked!

  7. WORLD OF PRESS-The touching story of a 10-year-old girl who never walked


  9. THE NEWSPAPER ON THE NET-Drama and the touching story of a 10-year-old girl who never walked: "Why am I not a normal child, like everyone my age?"

  10. LIVE ARAD-The touching story of a 10-year-old girl who never walked

  11. ALBAIULIANUL-The touching story of a 10-year-old girl who never walked

  12. AGORA PRESS-Childhood in one leg. The touching story of a 10-year-old girl who never walked


  14. POSITIVE ROMANIA-The touching story of a 10-year-old girl who never walked

  15. NEW WEATHER-Childhood in one leg: the drama of a 10-year-old girl who never walked!

  16. BAIA MARE TV-Childhood in one leg. The touching story of a 10-year-old girl who never walked

  17. SVNEWS-Childhood in one leg. Pove

emotional star of a 10-year-old girl who never walked
  • TELE M-The touching story of a 10-year-old girl from Galati who never walked

  • GAZETA DE BOTOȘANI-Childhood in one leg. The touching story of a 10-year-old girl who never walked

  • NEWS ON SOURCES-Childhood in one leg. The touching story of a 10-year-old girl who never walked

  • NEWSLIST-Childhood in one leg. The touching story of a 10-year-old girl who never walked

  • CLUJ-Childhood MONITOR in one leg. A 10-year-old girl needs 30,000 euros to take her first steps

  • THE GUIDE OF BANAT - Childhood in one leg. The touching story of a 10-year-old girl who never walked

  • BOTOSANEAN-Childhood in one leg: The painful story of a 10-year-old girl who never walked

  • NEWS OF IASI- The dream of a 10-year-old girl who never walked: to be a normal child like all children her age

  • INFO IASI-Childhood in one leg – the touching story of a 10-year-old girl who never walked

  • CONSTANT 100%-The drama of Bianca, the little girl who was born without a femur. "Why am I not a normal child?"

  • 04 Mar

    Unfortunately, little Bianca Ifrim's fight is not over, she still needs our support. Following the discussions with the attending physician, he was issued an estimate for surgical interventions and treatment worth 30,000 euros.

    Thank you for your support!

    11 Apr

    We're 3 more days apart. So far, 1396 SMS of 2 euros have been sent.

    Send an SMS with the text "Bianca" to the number 8832! 

    06 Apr

    In 21 days since the launch of the SMS fundraising campaign for Bianca Ifrim, 1,209 SMS of 2 euros were sent. 

    Send an SMS with the text "Bianca" to the number 8832! 

    28 Mar

    In the first 13 days since the launch of the fundraising campaign by SMS for Bianca Ifrim, 942 SMS of 2 euros were sent. 

    Send an SMS with the text "Bianca" to the number 8832! 

    25 Mar

    In the first 10 days since the launch of the SMS fundraising campaign for Bianca Ifrim, 843 SMS of 2 euros were sent. 

    Send an SMS with the text "Bianca" to the number 8832! 

    21 Mar

    In the first 6 days since the launch of the fundraising campaign via SMS for Bianca Ifrim, 569 SMS of 2 euros each were sent.

    Send an SMS with the text "Bianca" to the number 8832!

    17 Mar

    2€ it costs you to send an SMS with the text "Bianca" to the number 8832 and thus give a 10-year-old an extra chance at a happy childhood.

    From March 15, 2022 to April 14, 2022, Bianca Ifrim will benefit from the fundraising campaign via SMS.


    12 Mar

    Bianca has to perform a new surgery in April. Our little girl is already in her fourth operation to lengthen her leg and urgently needs another 20,000 euros!


    06 Sep

    In July last year I had my first hip surgery at Emsey Hospital in Turkey. Following the operation I was given an internal fixer and an external one! During this time, I was only able to move with a medical professional and a wheelchair. Since then, I've been doing X-rays, and now the doctor has decided that I have to go for the second operation, in October. The costs are $20,000 and my parents can't cover them...

    02 Oct

    Today, his leg lengthening fixator was removed. He's fine, he's moving, now he's got a supporter! The doctor is going to tell us the next steps we need to follow! Thank you very much for your help! 

    09 Jul

    Bianca came out of surgery safely.

    04 Jul

    The big day has come - little Bianca is expected tomorrow at the Emsey Clinic in Turkey! 

    Campaign started on 02.03.2023

    Name: Bianca Andreea

    First name: Ifrim

    Age: 10 years

    Required amount: €30.000

    Diagnosis: Left femur aplasia (lack of left femur)

    The clinic where he will perform the operation: Medistanbul, Turkey


    Bianca Ifrim's story

    At the age of 10, Bianca constantly needs her mother's help to move. Genoveva helps her get out of bed, to prepare for school, to get to classes, to meetings with playmates... A surgery, extremely expensive for a simple, middle-income family in Galați – 30,000 euros, could give Bianca the opportunity to take her first steps by herself. 

    At the age of 10, Bianca is totally dependent on her parents when she has to move. The little girl was born without her left femur and can only walk with the help of a prosthesis.

    "It's very hard! It's just a kid! She would like to play with her teammates, but she can't. It's hard for a mother to witness your child's helplessness. Bianca is sociable, she quickly makes friends. However, he often asks me questions like: Why was I born like this? Why am I not a normal child, like everyone my age? Although it is extremely difficult for me and my husband to cope with the emotional challenges arising from such a situation, we try to be strong for our child. We as parents are by her side and we encourage her all the time!" said Genoveva, the girl's mother.

    Only parent not to be when you know that your little girl is struggling to walk, and her entire childhood is overshadowed by a congenital malformation.

    "We try as much as we can to support it. Her schoolmates behave well with her because they know her since she was in kindergarten, they have become accustomed to her  health problems and they do not find anything unusual. The same thing doesn't happen when we walk down the street -- although they don't speak words to us, the eyes of passers-by speak every time. It pains me to know that my little girl is suffering," Bianca's father confessed.

    The little girl, however, is a fighter and lives with the hope that one day the pain will pass and she will also be a normal child like her classmates at school. So far, Bianca has undergone several surgeries. The last should take place, in May, in a clinic in Turkey. Through a rather complicated procedure, the doctors there are going to rebuild his hip, later his femur will be elongated. Such an intervention would restore the childhood of a girl of only 10 years old who spent her life mostly in hospitals. These are difficult times for the Ifrim family, because they cannot afford to pay the costs of the operation: $ 35,000.

    The father is the head of maneuver at CFR, and the mother does not work, being forced to take care of Bianca. The Ifrim family cannot raise alone the amount needed to save their own child.

    "They have no way to raise the money, so they appealed to the goodwill of those who care about the future of an innocent child who needs help, a chance at a normal, happy childhood and life. With humility, the Ifrim spouses make an appeal to all those who can contribute any amount to the rescue of the child from a tormented life. Together, we can offer Bianca a happy future! Vlad Pie, President Save a Heart.


    Entity name:   Association "SAVE A HEART"

    Tax ID: 31015982

    Ron account: RO 05 BTRL 0070 1205 W828 70 XX

    Euro account: RO 28 BTRL EUR CRT 00 W828 7001

    ACCOUNT USD: RO 68 BTRL USD CRT 00 W828 7001



    Banca Transilvania Botoşani

    Please specify the last name of the child for whom you are making the donation (Ifrim)!