
Ana Ivănescu

Campanie din trecut 0 days
41.588372093023% Complete

Amount received

8.942 €


21.500 €

You can donate directly by bank transfer to the following accounts:

Account RON: RO05BTRL00701205W82870XX

Account Euro: RO 28 BTRL EUR CRT 00 W828 7001

Account USD: RO 68 BTRL USD CRT 00 W828 7001

Payments made


Now you can donate extremely simple and fast through the new Application for Android and iOS "Salveaza o Inima"

Bank donors

Tecuceanu A.
Diaconu A.


Ana Ivănescu

Campanie din trecut

Campaign updates

29 Aug

Ana Ivănescu, a young woman with an iron will and a soul full of hope, went through a trial that would have brought many of us down. Diagnosed with 64-degree lumbar scoliosis, Ana's chances of leading a normal life were considerably reduced. But, as in any story with a happy ending, our heroes appeared at the right time.

After an exhausting 9-hour operation, the medical team led by Dr. Alexandru Thenry, from Monza Hospital, managed to restore Ana's hope for a brighter future. The success of the surgery was presented in the show "La Măruță", when the whole nation was able to see Ana's impressive transformation.

Of course, the cost of this operation, 21500 euros, was not easy to bear. However, people's generosity has known unsuspected limits. Tears of happiness flowed on the face of the mother, Roxana Ciuhulescu, who was by her daughter's side every moment of this trip.

It is hard to find words to express the gratitude and admiration we feel for those who donated and helped Ana overcome this difficult trial. Thousands of heartfelt thanks go to all those who made this miracle possible.


24 Aug
Payments Fisier 1


We are happy to inform you that, thanks to your generosity and constant support, the "Save a heart" Association managed to pay the amount of 28,947 RON for the implants needed by patient Ana Ivănescu. The transaction details shall be in accordance with the attached payment order.

Ana faced an uphill battle with severe health problems, including scoliosis. However, thanks to generous donors like you, the important step towards her healing has been achieved. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts to every person who contributed and believed in our cause!

The next stage in Ana's journey is the recovery period. We are confident that with your continued support and strong spirit, she will be able to overcome this stage as well.

Once again, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your support and for choosing to be part of this journey of hope and healing.

With deep gratitude,
"Save a heart" Association team

23 Aug
Payments Fisier 1

We are happy to announce that the surgery to which 15-year-old Ana Ivănescu was subjected has been successfully completed. This operation was crucial for the health and life of our young beneficiary.

Ana is now in a period of recovery and, thanks to your support. and exceptional medical intervention, the prospects are very good.

We would like to stress that this would not have been possible without the help of the community and all those who donated. The "Save a heart" Association paid today the amount of 75800 RON for this intervention, according to the attached payment order.

We sincerely thank you for your support! Every donation counts and contributes directly to saving and improving lives. Thanks to your generosity, Ana now has a chance at a normal and happy life.

Together, we can make a difference!

22 Aug

Today took place the surgery of my daughter, Ana Cleopatra, 15 years old, and who was diagnosed with severe scoliosis. If we had not had this operation, the risks would have been horrifying: from the deformation of Ana's gait and pelvic problems, to perforation of internal organs and unimaginable pain.

God the Good worked through men. And what people!
We are grateful to everyone and infinitely thank those who helped us to be able to perform this intervention.

We would like to thank from the bottom of our hearts Mr. Vlad Placinta, president of the "Save a heart" Association, for all his support and for everything he did for us, for Ana.

Thanks to him and the souls who joined this campaign, we managed to save my daughter from a painful and warped future.

Today, for 10 hours, I felt that I had no air, that I was dying and rising, that everything was a dream in gray, cold colors, from which I would not wake up.
It was the hardest 10 hours of my entire life and only trusting God and praying incessantly to Him strengthened me.
Trust in Him has never left me and I will continue to pray for my family, for the children I have Christianized, for all those who have helped us and not only. Let me pray and give thanks with gratitude. 🙏🏼❤️

We thank Monza Hospital and the medical team led by Alexandru Thiery and with Raluca Ghiță, Ionela Codiță, Anca Vișan, nurses and all the staff working at the surgery department.
Through you, God managed to do my little girl good!

21 Aug

Ana Ivănescu was admitted today at Monza Hospital, where tomorrow will take place the big day for scoliosis correction surgery, under the guidance of the talented Dr. Alexandru Thenry. Emotions are high, but hope, faith and patience guide our every step. We are confident that Ana will be in the best hands and look forward to good news post-surgery. Thank you all for your kind thoughts and support.

16 Aug


In a remarkable community effort, in a record time of 8 calendar days, the necessary amount of 21,500 euros was collected to help save the life of young Ana Ivanescu. A brave 15-year-old girl, Ana faces a major health challenge that requires urgent surgery, scheduled for August 22, 2023.

The sensitivity and generosity of 672 donors showed us that when we are united, we can achieve miracles. This collection is not just a sum of money; It is a testament to the hope, faith and determination of a community that refuses to leave someone in need to fight alone.

The result of this fundraising campaign is not only a financial victory, but also a victory of the human spirit. The joy that envelops us all at this moment is indescribable. In times when need is great and hope seems fragile, such a victory reminds us that kindness, compassion and solidarity can make all the difference.

In our hearts, Ana Ivanescu will always be a symbol of hope and unwavering faith. Thanks to the generosity of donors and collective strength, Ana will be able to overcome this challenge and have a fair chance at a healthy and happy life.

This story shows us that, regardless of circumstances, faith and hope are the engines that lead us to victory. Today, we are all proud, grateful and hopeful for Ana's future.

11 Aug

A day that changed everything. We still need 9645 euros

A hope pulsed at the heart of our community. Ana Ivănescu's story touched each of us in a way words can barely describe. A miracle was needed, and through unity and generosity, we turned that hope into a reality.

As the news spread, the impressive numbers began to pile up: 448 people opened their hearts and wallets to contribute. Each donation, regardless of size, was a step closer to our goal, a tangible proof of solidarity and love.

Allianz-Tiriac Asigurari, with their civic spirit and big heart, came as a ray of light, contributing with a generous amount of 5000 euros. A noble gesture, which reiterated the power of collaboration between the private sector and humanitarian causes.

And, as if these gestures were not enough, the Save a Heart Association community managed to donate the heartfelt sum of 6,000 euros in one day. A wave of joy, hope and love enveloped everyone involved, demonstrating that together we are much stronger.

Now, we are approaching the big day of intervention. A day that will bring not only a new beginning for Ana, but also a living proof of what can be achieved when our hearts unite in a noble cause.

We want to express our deep gratitude to every person, institution and organization who has chosen to be part of this miracle. For Ana, this is not just an operation, it is a rebirth, a chance to a life full of smiles, love and hope.

On behalf of Ana's family and all those who contributed, we say from the bottom of our hearts: Thank you!

11 Aug

Dear ones,

I want to share with you a moment of gratitude and hope, due to a remarkable collaboration. Ana Ivănescu, a courageous young woman facing scoliosis, received a ray of hope thanks to the support of Allianz-Tiriac Asigurari. In a demonstration of solidarity and compassion, this institution contributed with the impressive sum of EUR 5,000, a financial support that brings with it not only concrete help, but also a renewal of hope.

We have joined forces and, thanks to your efforts and generosity, Ana is now firmly on her way to victory, to become one of many stories of winners. It is proof that when we join forces and believe in good, we can make a difference in the lives of those in need.

From the bottom of our hearts, we thank Allianz-Tiriac Asigurari for this valuable contribution and for the fact that you chose to be part of Ana's recovery journey.

With sincere gratitude and hope in my heart.

07 Aug

It has already been 24 hours since the launch of the campaign for Ana Ivănescu, a young and talented ballerina whose life is in imminent danger. So far, only 23 people have joined our cause and donated online for Ana. We would like their number to increase significantly, because time is running out against it.

We strongly believe that every gesture counts, every help, no matter how small, can bring a major change. Your donation of just 2 euros can radically change the life of the young ballerina, giving her a chance to recover and continue her promising career.

We urge you to join our efforts. Donate too, do not remain indifferent to Ana's suffering. Every donation counts, and together, we can make a huge difference in her life.

Campaign started on 06.08.2023

Name: Ivănescu

First name: Ana Cleopatra

Age: 15 years

Amount required: 21500 €

Diagnosis: Scoliosis

The treatment will be performed at Monza Hospital in Bucharest


The story of Anna Cleopatra


When you first meet Anna Cleopatra, you see her as any other 15-year-old. With bright eyes and a smile that radiates enthusiasm, he tells you about his friends at school, his passion for ballet and how much he wants to go to high school. But there is something that is not seen at first glance - a devastating diagnosis: acute scoliosis of 64 degrees.

For Ana, this diagnosis came as a shock, given that sports have been an integral part of her life since she was only 3 years old. From ballet and gymnastics, to swimming, volleyball and horse riding, Ana has shaped her competitive spirit and discipline through sports activities. But since the onset of the disease during the pandemic, she no longer practices any form of movement. Her spine began to deviate unexplained, initially she was diagnosed with 36-degree scoliosis.

A difficult period followed for Ana and her family. She wore a medical corset for more than two years, an experience that barely allowed her to breathe. However, the corset and the therapies followed failed to prevent her spine from curving. On the contrary, in record time, scoliosis evolved from 36 to 64 degrees, a worsening that overshadowed the joy and expectation of going to high school.

Today, doctors say surgery is Ana's only hope. Without surgery, his scoliosis will continue to progress, with a major risk of damaging his internal organs. Her parents are now struggling to raise the €21,500 needed for surgery and hospitalization. It is an amount that for them is enormous, but which for Ana means salvation.

After long searches, they found at Monza Hospital in Bucharest doctor Alexandru Thierry, who accepted the challenge of this complicated case. Despite all obstacles, Ana remains optimistic and hopes that, with everyone's help, she will be able to raise the necessary money for the surgery.

This is Ana's story, a story about courage, hope and strength to move forward despite all difficulties. Any help, no matter how small, means a lot to Ana and her family. Every donation counts, every good thought gives him hope and strength to fight. Let's be with Ana in this fight! God bless us all!

For donations:

Name of entity: Association "SAVE A HEART"

Tax ID: 31015982

RON Account: RO05BTRL00701205W82870XX

EUR Account: RO28BTRLEURCRT00W8287001

USD Account: RO68BTRLUSDCRT00W8287001


BIC code: BTRL

Banca Transilvania 

Please specify in the bank transfer, in the payment details, the name of ANA IVĂNESCU!