Campaign updates
Words are superfluous in these difficult times for Andrei's family. Their cub this morning lost the battle with his life but won the kingdom of heaven.
Sincere condolences to the family and strength to overcome this difficult trial!
Hello! Madalin has been at the ICU since Thursday (24.feb ), Friday the doctors told us that he is in a critical condition. The infection from the lungs has worsened and now he can only breathe with the help of a tube put directly into the lungs
The only thing and wonderful fact that has not been changed by this relentless disease is Mădălin's smile and the positivity that he can have at only 13 and a half years old.
Both we( his mother and sister) and the medical staff are amazed at how quietly he says that "I'm fine ! " to every question of the doctors during the consultation, to every question of the nurses, to every question " What are you doing, how are you?"
Even in his hardest moments fighting this disease, he feels good,very good,feels healthy. We are glad that this wretched disease did not change the purity of his soul.
In a clip below you will see Mădălin during this fight, in all the moods and hypostases he went through, but I assure you that his pure smile is the same!
Let's fight alongside him, let's not let his smile perish in the face of this misfortune...

Please help us continue to be able to pay the costs of hospitalization, of treatment!! 

Ps: When we were hoping that we would leave the hospital and go to the hotel room, Mădălin this time was found with a lung infection.
On Sunday, he finished the second session of chemotherapy and we expected to leave the hospital, suffering after 2 months and a week, but on Monday morning he woke up in cough, with a respiratory failure and fever. After three days ,following an X-ray... pulmonary infection...
It is very difficult for him to breathe ,without the oxygen mask his saturation reaches 84 or less. We started treatment on Thursday and we hope that soon we will come up with good news ... we continue to sit in the hospital and pray for his good...
Thank you to all those who help us!!

Both us and he went through a very difficult time.
After many prayers, God was by our side and one morning Mădălin woke up with a much better state, talked to us, looked at us without having that lost gaze, he could move his hand, the control of needs also appeared, but most importantly: Mădălin began to eat and spend more time with us, she no longer has the states of fatigue and drowsiness, the states of nausea and vomiting have also disappeared.
On February 1, a puncture was medically intervened to take a sample of a fluid from the column. According to the doctors, the result is positive, that is, there is nothing to be scared of ,there is nothing abnormal and not to worry.
On February 5, he began his second chemotherapy; it should last a week, the states that Mădălin has are I mostly drowsiness(currently) ,we hope to pass this cure well, without more serious symptoms.
For a future and safety treatment, to keep the disease in check, the doctors decided to add another type of chemotherapy, TARGET CHEMOTHERAPY. But as you can imagine... not for nothing, of course it is for a fee, so our amount increases to $ 100,500 ( 88,000 euros).
With many emotions and the hope that people would continue to help Mădălin, he wanted to send a few lines to the people who submitted aid for his treatment, so that he could be well and return home healthy.

As you know Madalin has been hospitalized since December 11th ,after a long period of admission and changed treatments ,in Mădălin's condition there was no change for the better. Vomiting, lack of appetite and drowsiness states continued until recently, to prevent an infection doctors decided to remove his nasogastric probe.
A week ago she suffered a seizure because of the tumor that still has her brain. It is very difficult to communicate with him , the gaze has it fixed in an empty point, it blinks abnormally, the muscle of the left hand is stiffened ... all manifestations of an epileptic seizure.
He also underwent surgery, had to be changed and a new port-catheter had to be inserted.
We are waiting for the good news to come... but until then please continue to join us... 

We waited to give you good news about Mădălin, but the disease does not let us rejoice.
Mădălin on December 11th he was hospitalized to start chemotherapy sessions, but his condition was not good at all. The states of nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, helplessness, were not shy to appear and Mădălin is fighting hard.
Because of the very low immune system, Mădălin had an infection in the blood, which left with high fever, lack of appetite, lack of strength. Antibiotics no longer work and has a fever every day. His treatment has changed 2 times so far... but in vain.
We can no longer feed it naturally so the doctors have turned to the artificial path, the nasoon, we are at the 4th day but there is no change.
The days of internment add up and count ... and we need your help. With a pain in the soul ,please help us!
"In other years I spent the holidays at home, surrounded by my family and my friends." but this year I will spend the holidays in another country , Foreign to me, my mother and my sister; away from our friends, our relatives and away from dad. I miss my house, I miss waiting for Santa Claus and St. Nicholas in a space known to me ,but for this year I just want to get well and get home as soon as possible,bu I want toys,I do not want sweets,I just want to get home well. Me and my family thank you for your effort, for the donations made for me, to make me well. I wish you happy holidays, filled with warmth of mind, with good things and to be with your loved ones! I have finished the radiotherapy sessions, the doctors will make a board to decide the treatment further."
The aftermath of the radiotherapy began to appear... Mădălin is in a very difficult fight against cancer; although his appearance has changed, he has remained the same strong boy, who has the hope that everything will be fine and will recover all the lost time away from friends, family and home.
We are at the 19th radiotherapy session. After an ophthalmological check-up I took possession of the glasses because it also has astigmatism.
Dear ones, in Mădălin's states there are no changes. It is not at all easy for him, we try to be with him as much as possible and to ease all his suffering and loneliness on this long and extremely demanding road.
We do weekly analyzes to prevent any infection or problem, daily radiation therapy and drug treatment.
Please all the time because we are going to have a long period of hospitalization and the costs are very high.
We know that whoever wanted to mobilized to help us and we thank those who have been and are still with us!
The fundraising campaign through SMS ended for Andrei Mădălin
6676 SMS of 2 euros each were sent.
The campaign remains open on the organization's platform.
Thank you for your support!
In the 29 days of the fundraising campaign by SMS were sent: 6510 SMS.
Today is the last day when you can send SMS to 8832 madalin message.
In the 27 days of the fundraising campaign by SMS were sent: 6183 SMS.
We are still 48 hours apart until the end of the fundraising campaign for Mădălin
In the 24 days of the fundraising campaign by SMS were sent: 5260 SMS.
In the first 21 days after the launch of the fundraising campaign via SMS, 4521 SMS were sent.
In the first 19 days after the launch of the fundraising campaign via SMS, 4191 SMS were sent.
In the first 17 days after the launch of the fundraising campaign via SMS, 4030 SMS were sent.
In the first 14 days after the launch of the fundraising campaign via SMS, 3276 SMS were sent.
After more than 7 hours, Andrei Mădălin came out of the operation and is currently in intensive care. It will be a long night for both us and Mădălin's family. Let's pray for his health and support him financially!
Mădălin went into surgery half an hour ago. The doctors have made the decision that he can no longer wait, every hour that passes can be fatal to him. It needs our support both financially and the prayers of all of us. His mother is killed by grief and has been crying since he keeps crying, she is afraid of losing him.
How hard can you fight for a lifetime? Out of contrary, especially when it comes to the life of a child. A child who can do absolutely nothing, parents are beyond their powers
Can not do absolutely anything, just wait for people with a big heart to help. People with soul and God
Folks! He started a race against the clock. Claudiu Madalin has a very aggressive brain tumor that has already begun to catch on in several places. Doctors have decided as soon as possible to put the surgery to remove the main tumor
The operation is planned on Tuesday, because of the money it is possible for this surgery to be canceled. The clinic is waiting for the approval of the parents to start the preparations of the operation This is the message of the
mother "What I do,I can no longer resist to see the boy melts every day
I can not anymore. I pray day and night "İa me Lord my days and give my child "I have no power
I brought the boy ın abroad with the thought that ıl not I will lose and ıl you will keep near me,because of Romania we have told us that it no longer has much time Out of despair I did not know what to
do, ıncotro to grab it,I did not think about money,the nothing. I couldn't sit and accept what I was told. With tears in the eyes with the soul sfışıiat please everyone to help me save the child
I beg you
have to ıl put in the surgery as soon as possible,time is against
him 5 lei,10 lei does not matter to us is a big amount
Please help me from the soul help me to save the boy
Just you, doctors and God can help me

In the first 8 days after the launch of the fundraising campaign by SMS, 1491 SMS were sent.
In the first 6 days after the launch of the fundraising campaign by SMS, 1013 SMS were sent.
With the help of the Good God and those who helped us, we managed to reach the first stage of recovery of the little one.
Arriving in Turkey , today we started the first investigations with great hopes that here are chances of success.
Next we pray to God and we ask you, those of you who know or read the story to help us give Mădălin a chance at a healthy life.
We prepare our luggage and leave with emotions as much as the sky to a road full of hope and hope that Mădălin will return home with good time. On Monday, he will undergo medical investigations and then the operation and treatment will be established. But we still have a pain in our hearts that things are not going the way we want financially are at 10% of the amount required for treatment and surgery. But we hope in the mercy of God and the Mother of God that we will succeed.
Please do not leave us alone in this fight for life!
In the first 48 hours after the launch of the sms fundraising campaign, 332 SMS were sent.
If I told you that you can spend 2€ usefully, that those almost 10 lei can bring you a fulfillment, a joy that changes a life, would you be willing to offer it?
2€ is the cost of an SMS with the text "MADALIN" that if you send it to the number 8832 you will give an angel of 13 years an extra chance at a happy childhood.
Campaign started on: 03.09.2021
First name: Mădălin
Age: 13 years old
Amount required: 75000 euro
Diagnosis:: Tumor on the brainstem
The operation will be performed in Turkey at EMSEY HOSPITAL ISTANBUL
Mădălin's story
This thought frightened me terribly! As a parent you want to do the most good to your child, not to end up him...
Between the hammer and the anvil, between the life and death of the only son, mădălin Andrei's parents were felt, when the doctors told them that if they operate it, they risk to remain either paralyzed or with sequelae, and even to "stay" on the operating table.
The 13-year-old boy was diagnosed with malignant brain tumor and hydrocephalus, after before the start of last school year he had begun to walk, read and watch TV with his head to one side.
Since then, for almost a year, he has spent more time in hospitals. Despite the treatments, chemotherapy and other medical procedures, the disease did not regress, on the contrary, it advanced - recently the young man suffered a stroke and left hemiparesis.
Frightened by the risk of operating in the country, Mădălin's parents tried a solution abroad. Through a family friend, Victoria and Niculai contacted the Emsey Clinic in Istanbul, where he could be operated on urgently with a better pick, but the costs far outweigh any financial possibility of the family.
Where to raise these people in record time 75,000 euros, when Niculai works as a machine mechanic on a salary of 2,000 lei, and Victoria earns only 2,500 lei as a hospital nurse?
Because of the low incomes, Mădălin's life practically depends on the support offered from the outside, more precisely on us, those who understand what pain, powerlessness and borderline situations mean. Without extending a helping hand to him, this boy has no chance.
The amount scares us terribly, but we don't want to give up. We want to give him a chance at life, a chance to grow and learn, as he wishes. He said to me: "Mommy, I want to become a policeman so that I can track and catch criminals, to make it better in the country or to make myself a chef, to cook the goodies I learn from you",told us, crying, Madalin's mother.
Any help is welcome, any donation made in the accounts of the Association "Save a Heart" can be the one that saves Mădălin's life and gives him the chance to fulfill his dream. Only together can we restore happiness in this family hard hit by the terrible cancer!
Donations can be made:
Entity name: Association "SAVE A HEART"
Tax registration code: 31015982
Bank account (IBAN):
RON Account: RO05BTRL00701205W82870XXX
Euro Account: RO28BTRLEURCRT00W8287001
REVOLUT: 0752.753.540
Banca Transilvania Botosani
Please specify for bank transfer the name of the child -ANDREI MADALIN