
Denisa Manciu

Active campaign 21 days
18.317359413203% Complete

Amount received

7.492 €


40.900 €

You can donate directly by bank transfer to the following accounts:

Account RON: RO05BTRL00701205W82870XX

Account Euro: RO 28 BTRL EUR CRT 00 W828 7001

Account USD: RO 68 BTRL USD CRT 00 W828 7001

Now you can donate extremely simple and fast through the new Application for Android and iOS "Salveaza o Inima"

Bank donors

Dl G.
Marian I.
Mircea B.
Marian A.
Vladimir M.


Denisa Manciu

Active campaign 21 days

Campaign updates

28 Sep

When you are faced with a huge challenge, the support of those around you becomes more valuable than anything else. Every gesture of solidarity takes on a special meaning, especially when someone is facing a difficult challenge. Denisa Manciu, a 15-year-old teenager diagnosed with severe grade 134 scoliosis, needs a complex surgery to restore hope for a pain-free life. In this context, the gesture of generosity made by SOCAR Romania, through their donation of 2000€, represents much more than financial support – it is an act of empathy and deep humanity.

This contribution is not just a sum of money that adds to the total needed, but a symbol of the fact that when the community mobilizes, the impossible becomes possible. SOCAR Romania has proven that business is not only about profit and expansion, but also about social involvement. Their gesture shows that, despite the daily challenges of the business world, there is room for kindness, compassion and changing destinies.

For Denisa and her family, this donation is a ray of light in a time marked by uncertainty and pain. Every euro of the 40,900 needed for the vital surgery at the Monza Hospital in Bucharest represents a chance for normality, for a life in which severe scoliosis no longer dictates every movement. And the SOCAR Romania donation brings this chance one step closer to reality.

The involvement of a company of SOCAR Romania's stature sends a clear message: social responsibility is not just a PR initiative, but a way for businesses to become an active part in the lives of those in need. Through their contribution, they have not only helped a young woman get closer to her dream of living without pain, but they have also shown that every company, regardless of its size or field of activity, can make a significant difference in the community.

For Denisa, this donation is more than a financial step forward. It is an encouragement, a proof that she is not alone in this difficult fight and that people she has never met are by her side. Each such gesture brings her closer to the moment when she will be able to smile again, free from the burden of scoliosis, and for this, our thanks go to SOCAR Romania.

Thank you, SOCAR Romania, for choosing to invest not only in business, but also in people. You are an example of responsibility and kindness, and thanks to you, Denisa is closer to a new life, without pain and limitations. Together, we can make a difference and create a world where every help counts.

21 Sep

In the face of such a great challenge, Allianz-Tiriac Asigurari has demonstrated a remarkable commitment to the community, providing essential support to bring hope to a family that is going through a difficult ordeal. Through a generous sponsorship of 5,000 euros, Allianz-Tiriac has taken a significant step in raising the necessary funds for the treatment of Denise Manciu, a 15-year-old girl diagnosed with severe grade 134 scoliosis.

This contribution is not just a financial donation, but a deep gesture of solidarity that brings us closer to our goal of raising the amount of 40,900 euros to give Denisa a chance at a better life. The surgery, which will take place at Monza Hospital in Bucharest, is crucial for her health and future, and this support gives us hope that, together, we can turn this dream into reality.

Every help, every gesture of kindness, brings us closer to the moment when Denisa will be able to live without pain and complications. We thank Allianz-Tiriac Asigurari from the bottom of our hearts for the involvement and dedication they have shown. Together, we can make a real difference!

Campaign started on 17.09.2024

Name: Manciu

First name: Denisa

Age: 15 years old

Required amount: €40,900

Diagnosis: 134 degrees scoliosis

The treatment will be carried out at the Monza Hospital in Bucharest


Help us give back to Denisa's her childhood and dreams!


Manciu Denisa Rebeca is a wonderful 15-year-old girl, full of dreams and the desire to live a normal life, like any teenager. However, since she was only 5 years old, Denisa has been fighting a hard battle with a condition that changed her entire childhood: severe dorso-lumbar scoliosis. A disease that not only affected her development, but also stole her freedom to enjoy the simple and beautiful things that any child should experience.

In these 10 years of uninterrupted struggle, I have tried everything possible. Denisa did physical therapy, Bowen, yumeiho and Schroth, wore corsets in the hope that these treatments would help her regain her health. But unfortunately, her scoliosis has advanced dramatically. Today, her spine has an angle of 134 degrees, a figure that prevents her from leading a pain-free life, limits her breathing, and severely affects her quality of life.

The only chance Denisa has to get rid of this suffering is a complex operation at the Monza Hospital in Bucharest, performed by Dr. Alexandru Thiery. This surgery, which could restore her normality and hope, has an enormous cost: 49,000 euros. For our family, this amount is impossible to reach. But for Denisa, this surgery means everything: it means a pain-free life, the chance to breathe freely and follow her dreams.

Denisa dreams of becoming a psychologist, in order to help other people who, like her, are going through moments of hard suffering. She is an incredibly strong and compassionate girl who, although she has lived in pain for years, wants to dedicate herself to helping those around her. But, in order to fulfill this dream, he needs our help. He needs a chance at life.

We turn to you, with a heart full of hope, and we ask you from the bottom of our hearts to help us raise the necessary amount for the surgery. Every contribution, no matter how small, means for Denisa a step closer to a life without suffering, a life in which she can follow her dreams and become an example of strength and courage.

Help us give him back his childhood and the chance to fulfill his dreams!
Any donation counts, and your support can turn Denisa's suffering into a story of hope and healing.

For donations:

Entity name: "SAVE A HEART" Association

Tax registration number: 31015982

RON Account: RO05BTRL00701205W82870XX

EUR Account: RO28BTRLEURCRT00W8287001

USD Account: RO68BTRLUSDCRT00W8287001



Banca Transilvania

Please specify in the bank transfer, under the payment details, the name DENISA MANCIU

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for every gesture of kindness! God bless you all! 🙏