
Elena Matache

Campanie din trecut 0 days
60.067111111111% Complete

Amount received

13.515 €


22.500 €

You can donate directly by bank transfer to the following accounts:

Account RON: RO05BTRL00701205W82870XX

Account Euro: RO 28 BTRL EUR CRT 00 W828 7001

Account USD: RO 68 BTRL USD CRT 00 W828 7001

Payments made


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Bank donors

Dra S.
Asociatia Vasile Bogdan Andrei


Elena Matache

Campanie din trecut

Campaign updates

31 May
Payments Fisier 1

Save a heart Association paid today the amount of 9470 RON according to the attached payment order.

Our fight continues!


11 Mar
Payments Fisier 1

Save a heart Association paid today the amount of 3000 RON according to the attached payment order.

Our fight continues!


29 Jan

Today, our hearts are filled with gratitude and excitement as we look to the future with hope and optimism. Through the generosity and dedication of exceptional people, we have witnessed a true miracle, a living example that God works through people.

We want to thank from the bottom of our hearts Vlad Placinta, president of Save a Heart Association, for his invaluable support. Thanks to her tireless efforts and those of her team, the dream of a better life for our little Elena has come true. Without his help, this journey would have been much harder, if not impossible.

We turn with the same warmth and appreciation to Monza Hospital, under the leadership of distinguished Dr. Alexandru Thiery and his team of doctors, nurses and all surgical staff. Each of them played an essential role in this healing process, demonstrating a professionalism and empathy rarely encountered.

Elena, our light, was facing a hard struggle, a fight for health and a pain-free future. But with your help, she is no longer alone. Now, her hopes and dreams can take wing, giving her a chance at a life full of possibilities and happiness.

In these moments, words seem insufficient to express the depth of our gratitude. Every gesture, every word of encouragement, every donation contributed to creating a bright future for Elena. In our hearts, each of you will remain as a silent hero, a source of hope and light in a world often full of challenges.

Thank you for choosing to be part of this wonderful journey of healing and hope. Through you, God has worked miracles and shown us that human kindness and compassion know no bounds.

With souls full of gratitude and love,

Elena's 🙏❤️ family and friends

25 Jan
Payments Fisier 1

In the heart of Bucharest, at Monza Hospital, a miracle happened for a young fighter, Elena Matache. At just 16 years old, Elena silently bore the burden of a heavy condition: scoliosis. This diagnosis wasn't just a word in a medical record, it was a constant struggle with pain and uncertainty, a battle where every day was a challenge.

But on this arduous journey, Elena was not alone. The big heart of the community showed itself in all its splendor through the "Save a heart" Association. These capeless heroes, with a generosity beyond words, brought a glimmer of hope and a chance at a normal life for Elena. They raised the impressive sum of 103,922 RON, a testimony of human solidarity and empathy, to finance the scoliosis correction surgery.

The moment of surgery was full of excitement and hope. Dr. Alexandru Thenry, a respected name in the medical world, took over Elena's case with remarkable dedication and craftsmanship. His skillful hands did more than just surgery; they carved a new beginning for Elena, a future where she could head to heaven without the burden of pain and uncertainty.

The result of the operation was more than a medical success; it was a victory for humanity, compassion and the community that came together to give Elena a chance at a better life. Today, Elena not only walks with her head held high, but also carries her story as a symbol of hope and solidarity. It is a living testimony that when hearts come together to do good, miracles do happen.

In this healing journey, Elena Matache became more than a name; It has become a symbol of courage, resilience and human kindness. Every step he takes now in life is a testament to this struggle and victory not only over scoliosis, but also over the limitations that life has imposed on him. Thanks to the "Save a heart" Association, Dr. Alexandru Thenry and the community that supported her, Elena can now dream and live without barriers, embrace each day with a smile and a heart full of gratitude.

10 Jan

Elena Matache, a 16-year-old diagnosed with scoliosis, recently went through a significant moment in her medical journey. He performed MRI scans for the spine on three regions and a CT scan for the total spine. Emotions are intense and increase as we approach the big day of surgery. At this crucial moment, the "Save a heart" Association intervened with a gesture of extraordinary generosity, paying the amount of 4208 RON necessary for Elena's treatment, according to the attached payment order. This action represents a huge step in the battle for Elena's health and future. We continue the fight with hope and gratitude! We thank all those who join this cause and support the fight for a better life.

16 Dec

Elena Matache, 16, received a difficult diagnosis of scoliosis. However, hope arose thanks to the incredible generosity of 531 people. In only 10 calendar days, these anonymous heroes managed to collect the necessary amount of 28554 EURO for surgery, investigations and recovery. The operation will take place at the prestigious Monza Hospital in Bucharest, under the careful guidance of Dr. Alexandru Thienry. A recovery journey follows at the Recover Clinic, where Elena will receive the best care. This success is more than a medical victory; It's a story about community, empathy and solidarity. With deep gratitude, Elena's family and friends express their thanks to all donors. Their unwavering faith and words of "Glory to God for all" echoed hope and human power to do good.

11 Dec

Today, our campaign for Elena Matache, a 16-year-old girl diagnosed with scoliosis, received a tremendous boost. Convest Logistic, a company with a deep sense of social responsibility, joined our fight, donating the generous amount of 10,000 lei. This substantial support brings us significantly closer to our goal, reducing the amount needed for Elena's treatment to just €8,255 out of a total of €22,500.

The incredible wave of solidarity is manifested not only in corporate support, but also in the impressive contribution of 292 individuals who, within six days of launching the campaign, chose to donate. This gesture of generosity and empathy shows how powerful hope and faith can be when people unite for a noble cause.

Moreover, companies have the unique opportunity to contribute, redirecting 20% of the corporate tax for 2022 until December 21 and for 2023 until December 31, respectively. It's a way businesses can make a real and meaningful impact in the lives of those who need support.

Each contribution brings us closer to the moment when Elena will be able to receive the treatment she needs. It is a journey full of hope and faith, a journey that demonstrates that, together, we can change lives and bring light where it is needed. We thank all those who chose to be part of this story of solidarity and humanity.

08 Dec

Dear supporters and friends of "Save a Heart" Association,

Today, we are honored to share extraordinary news that brings a drop of hope and light into the life of a brave young woman, Elena Matache. Through an impressive act of generosity, Allianz-Tiriac Asigurari contributed with a significant amount of EUR 5,000 to the fund created to support Elena's treatment. This amount is more than just a financial gesture; It is a show of profound solidarity and a compelling example that, together, we have the power to change lives and bring about positive change.

Elena, 16, is battling a major medical challenge – scoliosis – a condition that requires delicate surgery to ensure an improved and pain-free quality of life. Her intervention is scheduled for January 2024, and thanks to this generous contribution, we are one step closer to achieving the goal of covering the necessary costs for the operation.

We would like to address a sincere and profound thank you Allianz-Tiriac Asigurari for this extraordinary gesture. This donation not only financially supports Elena's recovery path, but is also a powerful message of hope and trust for all those facing similar challenges. Demonstrating that empathy and community support can work wonders, this gesture reminds us of the importance of solidarity in difficult times.

On behalf of Elena, her family and the entire Save a Heart team, we thank each and every one of you for any form of support and for choosing to be part of this journey of help and healing. Every contribution, regardless of its size, is a step towards a better and brighter future for Elena.

With deep gratitude,
"Save a Heart" Association Team

Campaign initiated on: 05.12.2023

Name: Matache

First name: Elena Adriana

Age: 16 years

Amount required: 22500 euro

Diagnosis: Scoliosis

The treatment will be performed at Monza Hospital in Bucharest

Elena's struggle: a road to hope

It was an ordinary school day, the sun was shining and the kids were playing on the sports field. But for Elena, that day would mark the beginning of a challenging journey. During physical education class, the teacher noticed something unusual behind Elena's back and advised her to take an X-ray of her spine. At Marie Curie Hospital, the diagnosis was one that shook the whole family: thoraco-lumbar scoliosis with a deviation of 50%.

Elena's mother, with tears in her eyes and a trembling voice, recalls those moments: "I found out about Elena's scoliosis and my heart tightened with pain. We were advised to opt for surgery, but the thought that my daughter would have to undergo such a procedure filled us with fear. We decided to try alternative therapies and spent years searching for the best treatments, from orthopedic corsets to intense physical therapy sessions. But, nevertheless, Elena's condition did not improve, but worsened, and now her pain is greater than ever. It's heartbreaking to see your child suffer and feel like there's nothing you can do to help them."

This touching statement highlights a mother's relentless struggle for her daughter's health. Despite her efforts, Elena's condition worsened, and now the family faces a difficult decision: an expensive surgery, estimated at 22500 euros, an impossible amount for their budget.

In the face of this desperate situation, Elena's family appeals to the generosity and support of the community and charitable foundations. Their story is not only about struggling with physical ailment, but also about solidarity, hope and the incredible power of community to come to the aid of those in need.

 At this crucial moment, every contribution can make the difference between a life full of pain and a chance at healing for Elena. It is an appeal to humanity and to the compassion of each and every one of us.

Name of entity: "Save a Heart" Association

Tax ID: 31015982

Bank account (IBAN): RON Account: RO 05 BTRL 0070 1205 W828 70 XX

Euro Account: RO 28 BTRL EUR CRT 00 W828 7001

USD Account: RO 68 BTRL USD CRT 00 W828 7001

Please specify in the bank transfer, under payment details, the name: ELENA MATACHE