Andrei Măzăroaie
Amount received
10.846 €
19.662 €
Account RON: RO05BTRL00701205W82870XX
Account Euro: RO 28 BTRL EUR CRT 00 W828 7001
Account USD: RO 68 BTRL USD CRT 00 W828 7001
Donor list
Bank donors
Campanie din trecut
Campaign initiated on: 03.06.2024
Name: Măzăroaie
First name: Andrei Mihai
Age: 17 years
Amount required: 19662 euro
Diagnosis: spastic tetraparesis
The treatment will be performed at the Paley European Institute Poland
Andrei's story
Andrei Mihai Măzăroaie was born in Iasi on 11.12.2006 and is currently residing in Roman, Neamţ County. He is now 17 years old and is a ninth grade C student at the Roman Catholic Theological High School "Saint Francis of Assisi" in Roman.
Andrei's story starts like this: he was born prematurely, at 28 weeks. Undergoing special treatment, he suffered an accident and had a cardio-respiratory attack (stroke) and fell into a coma for 12 hours. From that moment began his brain and locomotor disease, being diagnosed with cerebral palsy and spastic tetraparesis. From the first year of his life he began his medical recovery, through various therapies, then he did various surgical operations, herniated disc, then eye operations, then myofibrotomy operations, needing every month special drugs that are not found in Romania. For this reason, every time his family has to look for medicines abroad, sometimes in Italy, sometimes in Belgium.
Andrei has always been confined to a wheelchair. Despite this, he continued to be included in the education system, and now he has reached the high school level, with special regime, continuing medicinal therapy and kinesiotherapy. Andrei's great wish is to be able to walk alone. According to doctors' statements, this would be possible with therapy and other surgeries.
However, his recent situation has become critical. In March 2024 he was consulted by a doctor in Bucharest who indicated a necessary, but somewhat special, operation to avoid the risk of crossing his legs. With this operation, Andrei would take a step forward towards being able to walk and be independent.
The most difficult part is that the surgery cannot be done in Romania. In clinics and hospitals in Romania there is no special equipment for this type of intervention and no specialists. For this reason, his parents searched and found a clinic in Warsaw, Poland, in the European Paley Institute, the closest and least expensive country that could do this type of surgery. The total price is 34,662 euros, plus travel and accommodation costs for parents. The time for this intervention is quite short. The operation should be done in June 2024. His parents do not have financial means to cover the cost of the operation.
Our goal is to help Andrei to be able to do this surgery in June, which will improve his health, not risk crossing his legs and help him in his recovery. If this operation is not possible, then Andrei's situation will worsen, and his legs will cross in a relatively short time. This will lead to a loss of hope of ever being able to walk again... But Andrei is one of us, and like any other, he also has the right to life, dignity and education, he also has the right to dream of a fulfilled life.
The operation must be done between June 20-24, 2024, then there will be 28 days of recovery, receiving other equipment and therapies necessary to improve his situation.
"There are days when my despair peaks. I watch my child and see how every day goes by without him being able to do simple things that other children do effortlessly. We have done everything we could so far, but the costs are huge and we are running out of resources. I always hoped I would find a way to help him, but now I feel powerless. I beg you, as a mother, to help me give Andrei the chance to a normal life. We only ask for one chance, just one. I know that if we manage to raise this money, Andrei will be able to walk, play and be the happy child he deserves to be. I don't know who to turn to anymore, but I believe in the power of solidarity and goodness. Any help matters enormously. Please help us fulfill this dream!"Andrei's mother told us
Name of entity: Association "SAVE A HEART"
CIF: 31015982
RON Account: RO05BTRL00701205W82870XX
EUR Account: RO28BTRLEURCRT00W8287001
USD Account: RO68BTRLUSDCRT00W8287001
BIC code: BTRL
Bank: Banca Transilvania Botoșani
Please specify in the bank transfer, in the payment details, the name: ANDREI MAZAROAIE