
Mihnea Tabara

Campanie din trecut 0 days
101.02023255814% Complete

Amount received

8.688 €


8.600 €

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Mihnea Tabara

Campanie din trecut

Update: 29.07.2017

STOP DONATIONS!!! Dearly beloved, we announce a new VICTORY! In just 17 days, we collected the necessary amount for the operation that Mihnea Tabara must follow.

Thank you so much for your support!

Campaign started on 12.07.2017

Name: Camp

First name: Mihnea

Age: 12

Amount required: 12,000 Euro

Diagnosis: Turaco-lumbar scoliosis (currently with Cobb 78 degrees)

The operation will be performed at Monza Hospital by Dr. Alexandru Thiery


Mihnea's story

In July 2005, at just 7 months old, Mihnea was diagnosed at St. Mary's Pediatric Hospital in Iasi with infantile idiopathic scoliosis, with a Cobb angle of about 40 degrees.

For a year she wore cheneaux corset, hoping to at least slow the progression of the disease, but the results were unsatisfactory. At one year and 10 months the Cobb angle had reached 45 and 61 degrees, respectively. At that time, doctors in Iasi stated that they did not have the necessary facilities and competence to solve the case and instructed their parents to look for another hospital;

This is how he arrived in Bucharest in June 2006 at a state pediatric hospital, where his case was taken over by a doctor rated as the best on pediatric orthopaedics at the time, and among the few who addressed cases of scoliosis. He decided that, despite his very young age, the only solution is surgery, because at a Cobb angle greater than 40 degrees, the internal organs (heart, lungs, etc.) change their position, which leads to the appearance of insufficient organs, which is incompatible with long-term life.

Thus, in September 2006, there was a national premiere in pediatric orthopaedics, Mihnea being the smallest patient operated by scoliosis in the country at that time.

The surgery went well, although it was difficult, risky and with great postoperative pain. That's when a rod system called Horizon was implanted, which corrected scoliosis at the time, but did not allow growth, being a fixed system. Recovery was quite difficult, the child being admitted several times to Bucharest and Techirghiol for this purpose, for assisted physical therapy. He was too young to do physiotherapy voluntarily. Once every half year, in addition, he went to Bucharest for regular checks.

In 2008, due to fixed rods, the spine began to deform again.

He was admitted again to Bucharest, and in December 2008 he underwent a new surgery in which the Horizon rods were removed and another type of rods, VEPTR, were implanted, which could be elongated periodically and would have allowed him to grow. Due to lack of funds, only one system was implanted on the curvature with the higher Cobb angle, although the child had double scoliosis. It was an extremely heavy operation (basically there were two in one) , with great pain, with prolonged hospitalization.

A series of 4 other surgeries followed (November 2009, November 2010, December 2011, June 2013) in which this rod system was elongated.

In 2014, the attending physician decided that the rods should be repositioned on the spine because they had reached their maximum length and could no longer be elongated.

The repositioning operation took place in December 2014. The possibility of implanting a second system on the second curvature of scoliosis was also considered, not supported in any way until then. This did not happen, Mihnea leaving the operating room only with the existing rod repositioned at the bottom. It was also an intervention with very severe postoperative pain, with prolonged hospitalization.

Two other operations followed to entertain the rod (July 2015, January 2016). Meanwhile, there were pains in the spine, initially bearable, then more and more serious. In June 2016 he could not walk more than 500m without pain and could not sit for long (there were times when he missed school).

However, being in the 4th grade, he took the exam for the 5th grade and entered the Iasi National College, a high school with a national reputation.

By August 2016 he was unable to sit down for lunch. So in September 2016 he was admitted again to the pediatric hospital in Bucharest, with a view to a new repositioning (at the top) of the existing rod and implant of the second system, on the second curvature. The operation took place one month after admission, time spent in the hospital, under the known conditions of the Romanian medical system and with great emotions for what is to come.

He started fifth grade on November 1, 2016. The level was very high, but with the help of parents, teachers and colleagues, he recovered.

Then, on December 19, 2016, something happened that terrified everyone: the upper hook of the second system unfolded. On the X-ray it was found that one end of it was in the medullary canal, and the other end, opening, protruded under the skin. Mihnea interrupted school again (he had taken the thesis) and stayed only in bed with as little movement until December 27, 2016, when he checked himself back in Bucharest and extracted the system just implanted in October. His attending physician no longer had the right to practice in the meantime, being under suspicion of having undertaken experimental operations. The procedure was done by the doctor who was filling in for him.

The parents then began to look for other therapeutic solutions in the country or abroad, because in the state hospital in question they were not offered any more solutions.

In order to have an updated medical file, Mihnea did a CT exam in March 2017. This happened when the repositioning in December 2014 was repositioned and explains the pains that have started to appear ever since.

It should be mentioned that in all these years Mihnea has made medical recovery (inot and physiotherapy) whoare to be fully borne by the family.

After 11 surgeries and years of recovery and hospitalization, he currently has a 78-degree Cobb-angle scoliosis and a rod that jeopardizes his ability to walk through that mispositioned screw. At the same time, over time, scoliosis has also become complicated by a kyphosis.

Under the present conditions, Mihnea requires new interventions consisting of extracting existing rods, correcting the cypho-scoliosis and implanting a correct instrumentation and ensuring its growth up to the age at which it can intervene with definitive rods (currently only 12 years old and in the process of growth, it is not possible to perform a definitive operation).

We note that these interventions can no longer be performed in any state hospital because they do not have the necessary facilities or the necessary experience, a case so complex.

Despite such a difficult year for his health, Mihnea is a very good student, finishing fifth grade with an average of 9.60, at a high school with very high requirements. He wants to become a psychiatrist, because he is fascinated by the human psyche and the differences between people's ways of thinking. He's an intelligent, handsome kid with a special charisma.

Let's help him step into life with confidence and courage, to fulfill his dreams!

Entity Name: Association "SALVEAZA O INIMA"
Tax Registration Code: 31015982

Bank Account (IBAN):

Account RON: RO 05 BTRL 0070 1205 W828 70 XX

Euro Account: RO 28 BTRL EUR CRT 00 W828 7001

USD CONT: RO 68 BTRL USD CRT 00 W828 7001



Banca Transilvania Botosani

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