
Andreea Militaru

Campanie din trecut 0 days
58.301078838174% Complete

Amount received

14.051 €


24.100 €

You can donate directly by bank transfer to the following accounts:

Account RON: RO05BTRL00701205W82870XX

Account Euro: RO 28 BTRL EUR CRT 00 W828 7001

Account USD: RO 68 BTRL USD CRT 00 W828 7001

Payments made


Now you can donate extremely simple and fast through the new Application for Android and iOS "Salveaza o Inima"

Bank donors

Cocean C.
Rian C.
Tasnadi O.
Legacy O.
Alin D.


Andreea Militaru

Campanie din trecut

Campaign updates

20 Sep

Wednesday, September 18, 2024, was the day that brought the deepest emotions to the heart of the Militaru family. A day that started early, with hopes and fears intertwined in a heavy silence. Andreea, only 13 years old, was going to go through the hardest test of her life so far: a difficult operation to correct grade 50 scoliosis, a condition that had changed her childhood and overshadowed her joy every day.

The surgery, scheduled at the Monza Hospital in Bucharest, lasted 12 long hours, during which time seemed to stop. Every second of waiting for her parents was filled with anxiety and anxiety. The waiting room seemed endless, and every worried look of the doctors who passed by the door of the operating room gave them chills. In the oppressive silence, Andreea's parents prayed with all their hearts, surrounded by a void that only those who have gone through such moments can understand. There were shards of memories, her innocent smile, her childish desires, all mixed with the fear that everything might change.

But they were not alone. The immense support they received from those who heard Andrea's story brought the Militaru family not only the necessary financial resources – the 24,100 euros – but also an emotional strength that they had never felt before. Every donation, every word of encouragement became a light of hope in a day that seemed to never end. People from all over the country mobilized to help Andreea have a chance at a better life. This wave of generosity reminded the family that they are not alone in this fight, that strangers reached out to them and supported them when they needed it most.

The hours passed, but hope did not leave them for a moment, no matter how hard the wait was. Every minute brought a mixture of desire and fear. The thought that Andreea, their little girl full of life, was fighting for her future in those moments was overwhelming. The mother's and father's heart was broken into thousands of pieces at the thought that they could not do anything to help her, that everything was now in the hands of doctors and God.

Finally, after time seemed to stretch indefinitely, the news they were desperately waiting for came: the surgery had been a success. Tears burst out, tears of relief, gratitude and liberation. Andreea was out of any danger, and the road to recovery could begin. This news turned the longest and hardest day into a hopeful one. For the first time after many months of turmoil and insecurities, her parents were able to really breathe.

Andreea, this incredibly brave little girl, proved an unimaginable power. She is not only a fighter, but also a symbol of hope and resilience. We all know that the road to recovery will be long and full of challenges, but nothing seems impossible now. Every step she takes from now on will be a step towards a better life, one in which physical pain will remain a memory and dreams will be bigger and bolder.

The Militaru family will never forget this day, nor will the people who made this miracle possible. Together, they demonstrated that when there is love, solidarity and hope, any obstacle can be overcome. For Andreea, the future begins now, full of light and beautiful promises.


20 Sep
Payments Fisier 1
17 Sep
Payments Fisier 1

The Save a Heart Association paid today the amount of 78500 RON according to the attached payment order.
Our fight continues!

05 Sep

The Save a Heart Association paid today the amount of 5542 RON according to the attached payment order.
Our fight continues!

04 Sep

The Save a Heart Association paid today the amount of 300 RON according to the attached payment order.
Our fight continues!

01 Aug


We have the pleasure and joy to share with you some wonderful news! We managed to raise the necessary amount for Andreea Militaru's investigations, surgery and recovery. Thanks to your generosity, we have raised a total of 24,100 euros, an essential amount to ensure the treatment Andreea needs.

In this campaign, we were joined by 1,110 people who donated online, 205 people who contributed by bank transfer and 930 people who chose to donate by SMS, each with the amount of 2 euros. We also received considerable support from Allianz-TiriacAsigurari, which donated 5,000 euros, and from Divco Pack & Protect, which contributed 1,000 euros. Every contribution was essential and appreciated wholeheartedly.

With your help, we were able to give Andreea the chance to receive the necessary treatment and recover. We thank everyone who contributed, whether it was a small or large donation, for their support during this difficult time. Without you, this would not have been possible.

We are grateful to you and send you our warmest thanks for being part of this campaign and for bringing light and hope to Andreea's life.

With sincerity and gratitude.

24 Jul

Our dear friends,


Today we write to you with a huge hope in our hearts and with the desire to ask for your help for Andreea Militaru, an extraordinary little girl of only 13 years old, whose story touched us deeply. Andreea is a lively girl with a radiant smile and bright eyes, but her life was overshadowed by the diagnosis of scoliosis gr. 50. Every day, Andreea faces unbearable pain and fear of the future, but she dreams of a normal life, just like any other child her age.

To give her this chance, Andreea needs essential surgery at Monza Hospital in Bucharest, which costs €24,100. So far, 957 generous people with warm hearts have joined our cause and donated online or by bank transfer. In addition, 303 donations were made by SMS to 8832 with the message "Andreea", contributing to raising a significant part of the necessary amount.

We are deeply grateful to Allianz-Tiriac Asigurari, which demonstrated a remarkable civic spirit and an open heart, contributing €5,000 for Andreea. This wonderful gesture showed us once again the power of collaboration between the private sector and humanitarian causes. It gives us hope and motivates us to continue the fight for Andreea's future.
So far, we have managed to raise 20578 €, but we still need another 3522 € to cover the full costs of the operation. Every euro counts and brings Andreea one step closer to a life without pain, a happy childhood and a future full of promises.

In the last year, I supported 14 children for scoliosis surgeries, giving them a new life, without pain and without the fear of being marginalized by their peers. We witnessed their transformation and saw how they return to school with a smile on their faces, how they play again without worries and how they regain their self-confidence. These success stories give us hope that Andreea will also be able to live a normal and happy life with your help.

15 Jul

In a world where we need hope and light, DIVCO PACK shows us what true generosity and unity mean. Sponsoring  the amount of  5000 RON is not only an act of charity, but a strong symbol of solidarity and the desire to build a better future.

Every help, no matter how small, has a huge impact. Every contribution has the power to turn despair into hope and fear into confidence. Our joint actions make a difference and bring us closer to our ultimate goal: a better future for Andreea Militaru.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your support. Together, we can achieve great things and create meaningful change.

Let's join forces for a better future!

11 Jul

Humanitarian Cross: "Andreea, a 14-year-old teenager, urgently needs an operation on her spine."

We are waiting for you on Sunday, July 28, 2024, Monument Park, Brăila (main alley - Children's Town), between 10:00 - 12:00.

Link to the humanitarian cross, details and discussion of the event, click here


03 Jul


Today we share with you the emotional story of Andrea Militaru, a 13-year-old girl who struggles with scoliosis gr. 50. In order to have a normal childhood and a healthy future, Andreea needs specialized treatment at Monza Hospital in Bucharest, and its cost is €24,100.

In these difficult times, we have witnessed extraordinary gestures of generosity and compassion. Allianz-Tiriac Asigurari, with a deep civic spirit and open hearts, came to Andrea's support with a generous contribution of 5000 €. This act of kindness has demonstrated to us, once again, the power of collaboration between the private sector and humanitarian causes.

But the story continues. The wonderful community of the Save a Heart Association managed to raise, in a single day, the incredible amount of 5816 €. This wave of solidarity, hope and love has brought light and courage to the hearts of all involved, showing that together we can overcome any obstacle.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your invaluable support, for choosing to be with Andreea in this fight. Every gesture of kindness, every donation and every word of encouragement matters enormously and brings us closer to our goal.

Campaign started on 25.06.2024

Name: Militaru

First name: Andreea

Age: 13 years old

Amount required: €24,100

Diagnosis: scoliosis gr. 50

The treatment will be carried out at the Monza Hospital in Bucharest


Andreea's  story

Andreea Militaru is a lively teenager, who until recently enjoyed her normal childhood. In the summer of 2021, her parents, Stefan and Claudia Floriana, noticed a change in her posture. Following a medical consultation, they received the devastating news that Andreea suffers from scoliosis, with an "S" shaped curvature of the spine of 30 degrees.

From that moment on, Andrea and her family's life changed radically. Her parents began a fight against the clock to find the best solutions. Countless orthopedic recovery sessions followed in various locations in the country, but without concrete results. In May 2024, at a check-up carried out by Dr. Alexandru Thiery at the Recover clinic, found out that Andreea's scoliosis had advanced at 50 degrees, with a sharp rotation and severe thoracic kyphosis.

The situation has become dramatically complicated, and now Andreea urgently needs surgery to continue her life without pain and without restrictions. The surgery is scheduled for September 2024 at the Monza Hospital in Bucharest and has a total cost of 24,100 euros, an amount that the Militaru family cannot cover from their modest income.

Andreea's father, Stefan, is a policeman, and her mother, Claudia, is a saleswoman. The family's monthly income is 7250 RON, and in the last two and a half years they have spent considerable amounts on medical recoveries and consultations, trying to avoid surgery. Unfortunately, all these efforts have not yielded the desired results, and now they are desperate to raise the necessary funds to give Andreea a chance at a normal life.

We appeal to your heart and your generosity. Any amount, no matter how small, can help us get closer to the amount needed for Andrea's surgery. Please help us make this dream possible and give Andreea a chance at a happy and healthy childhood.

Donations can be made to the bank account of the "Save a Heart" Association or through online fundraising platforms.


Entity name: "SAVE A HEART" Association

Tax registration number: 31015982

RON Account: RO05BTRL00701205W82870XX

EUR Account: RO28BTRLEURCRT00W8287001



Banca Transilvania Botoșani

Please specify for the bank transfer the name ANDREEA MILITARU