Adrian Miron
Amount received
15.432 €
60.700 €
Account RON: RO05BTRL00701205W82870XX
Account Euro: RO 28 BTRL EUR CRT 00 W828 7001
Account USD: RO 68 BTRL USD CRT 00 W828 7001
Donor list
Campanie din trecut
Campaign started on: 28.05.2021
First name: Adrian
Age: 24
Amount required: 60700 euro
Diagnosis::Stage II Hodgkin lymphoma, a cancer of the lymphatic system, which is part of the immune system.
Treatment will be performed in Turkey at the Emsey Clinic
Adrian Miron's story
It's hard to fight alone in life, especially when the enemy is an unrelenting disease. That's why Adrian Miron was convinced from the moment he was diagnosed with Stage II Hodgkin's lymphoma, a cancer of the lymphatic system that is part of the immune system.
From 2018 until now, the 24-year-old did everything he could to get rid of the serious health problem, but the disease was stronger.
I fought a lot and went through multiple chemotherapies and radiotherapies to stop the disease and go into remission. Unfortunately, the remission did not last long and at the end of 2020 I was again admittedto the oncology hospital , wrote Adrian with pain in my heart.
Currently, cancer is resistant to all treatment regimens, and the body is already exhausted by so many medical procedures and treatments. The only chance of survival for Adrian remained the bone marrow transplant, a very expensive surgery -60700 euros
Without your help, it won't be possible to beat this disease again. Only because of your contribution can I have another chance at life, another hope for the future and an opportunity to be with my loved ones, my family, my little daughter of 2 and a half years, who needs me and my love...
This parent's drama can have a happy ending if we donate as much as we can, so that the amount needed for the transplant is added. Any donation made in the accounts of the "Save a Heart" Association can mean the end of the ordeal and a new beginning for Adrian Miron. Join us and this father and together we can save a life and a family!
Entity Name: Association "SALVEAZA O INIMA"
Tax Registration Code: 31015982
Bank Account (IBAN):
RON Account: RO05BTRL00701205W82870XX
Euro Account: RO28BTRLEURCRT00W8287001
REVOLUT: 0752,753,540
Banca Transilvania Botosani
Please specify for bank transfer name - MIRON