
Adriana Mișcu

Campanie din trecut 0 days
26.113671274962% Complete

Amount received

8.500 €


32.550 €

You can donate directly by bank transfer to the following accounts:

Account RON: RO05BTRL00701205W82870XX

Account Euro: RO 28 BTRL EUR CRT 00 W828 7001

Account USD: RO 68 BTRL USD CRT 00 W828 7001

Payments made


Now you can donate extremely simple and fast through the new Application for Android and iOS "Salveaza o Inima"

Bank donors

Chisoi A.
Electric Clasic Studio
Nica G.
Rian C.


Adriana Mișcu

Campanie din trecut

Campaign updates

14 Oct
Payments Fisier 1

The Save a Heart Association paid today the amount of 350 RON according to the attached payment order.
Our fight continues!

11 Oct
Payments Fisier 1

The Save a Heart Association paid today the amount of 890 RON according to the attached payment order.
Our fight continues!

07 Oct
Payments Fisier 1

The Save a Heart Association paid today the amount of 1302 RON according to the attached payment order.
Our fight continues!

24 Aug

Dear partners from Electrik Clasic Technology,

On behalf of Adriana Stefania Movimentu, a 16-year-old girl who is facing a serious diagnosis of grade 96 scoliosis, we would like to express our deep gratitude for the generous contribution of 1114 RON. Your support is an important step towards the necessary treatment that Adriana will undergo at Monza Hospital in Bucharest.

Electrik Clasic Technology, known for the quality of sanitary products and impeccable services offered through the www.elves.ro online store, once again demonstrates its commitment not only to business excellence, but also to the community. Your generosity contributes directly to Adriana's chance to lead a healthy life and overcome this medical challenge.

Every donation matters enormously, and your support brings us closer to our goal of raising the necessary amount for Adriana's life-saving surgery. We are honored to have a company like Electrik Clasic Technology by our side, which understands the importance of involvement and solidarity.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your invaluable support and for choosing to be part of this fight for Adriana's life.

13 Aug

Our dears,

With a grateful soul, I am writing to you on behalf of my daughter, Adriana Stefania, a young woman of only 16 years old who is facing a hard battle against grade 96 scoliosis. Each day that passes brings us closer to the amount needed for the surgery that can change his life. With your help, we have managed to raise 18,887 euros so far, but we still have a long way to go until the 32,000 euros needed.

I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the financial and moral support you have given us these days. Yesterday was a great day for us—no fewer than 14 national and local newspapers joined our cause, sharing Adriana's story, and 528 generous hearts donated to her. This wave of solidarity gives us the strength to move forward.

We will not give up until we manage to save our little girl. Please continue to be with us and share Adriana's story, so that together we can give her a chance at a normal life.

With gratitude and hope, Adriana's Father

12 Aug
  1. HOT NEWS-Life on the edge of the abyss at only 16 years old: The life-saving operation costs 32,000 euros

  2. ROMANIA TV – Life on the edge of the abyss! Adriana, a 16-year-old teenager, is fighting a fierce battle for survival after a trivial, misadministered injection that changed the course of her life

  3. Life on the edge of the abyss at only 16 years old: The life-saving operation costs 32,000 euros

  4. NEWSPAPER ACTUALITATEA-Life on the edge of the abyss at only 16 years old: the life-saving operation costs 32,000 euros

  5. AGORA PRESS-Life on the edge of the abyss at only 16 years old: The life-saving operation costs 32,000 euros

  6. NEWSPAPER PROFIT-Life on the edge of the abyss at only 16 years old: The life-saving operation costs 32,000 euros

  7. BOTOȘĂNEANUL-A wrongly administered injection destroyed Adriana's childhood, desperate parents: We can't do this alone

  8. BOTOSANI NEWS-A wrong injection destroyed Adriana's childhood. Mother: It is extremely difficult to accept that your little girl, who was born perfectly healthy, has become a special child.

  9. GAZETA DE BOTOȘANI-Life on the edge of the abyss at only 16 years old: The life-saving operation costs 32,000 euros

  10. LIVE ARAD-Life on the edge of the abyss at only 16 years old: The life-saving operation costs 32,000 euros

  11. PRO BRĂILA – Life on the edge of the abyss at only 16 years old: The life-saving operation costs 32,000 euros

  12. SUCEAVA NEWS-Life on the edge of the abyss at only 16 years old: The life-saving operation costs 32,000 euros

  13. TRANSYLVANIAN OPINION – Life on the edge of the abyss at only 16 years old: The life-saving operation costs 32,000 euros

  14. THE VOICE OF THE CITY-Life on the edge of the abyss at only 16 years old: The life-saving operation costs a lot

  15. Life on the edge of the abyss at only 16 years old: The life-saving operation costs 32,000 euros

  16. INFO IAȘI-Life on the edge of the abyss at only 16 years old: the life-saving operation costs 32,000 euros


08 Aug

Our dears,

9 days have passed since the launch of the fundraising campaign for Adriana, and in this short time, the generous hearts of 463 people have joined this noble cause. It is impressive to see how human compassion and solidarity can bring so much hope and support. So far, €17,156 has been raised, but there is still a long way to go until the necessary amount of €32,550, which will allow Adriana to benefit from the surgery that can save her life.

Adriana is a young woman of only 16 years old, with dreams and aspirations, just like any of us. The diagnosis of scoliosis gr. 96 came as a lightning bolt for her and her family, but her determination to fight for a normal life is a source of inspiration. Without this crucial surgery, the risk of not having scoliosis surgery in a timely manner is huge. A sharp curvature of the spine could pierce the internal organs, endangering its life.

Now, more than ever, Adriana needs our help. Each donation, no matter how small, is a step forward towards reaching the necessary amount and saving her life. We invite you to join us in this mission. Together, heart to heart, we can create a better world and give Adriana the chance to a healthy and happy life.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your support and generosity. Every gesture of kindness brings us closer to giving Adriana a life without pain and full of hope.

05 Aug

In the midst of the tumult of adolescence, Adriana Ștefania Movimentu, a young woman of only 16 years old, faces a huge challenge. Diagnosed with scoliosis gr. 96, she needs specialized treatment at the Monza Hospital in Bucharest. However, the costs of this vital intervention are overwhelming, amounting to €32,000.

In this landscape of hope and struggle, Divco Pack has emerged as a beacon of light. The company, born from the desire of young people to meet the needs of customers and to become a reliable partner in the packaging field, decided to contribute with the amount of 5000 RON to support Adriana's dream of having a normal life.

Divco Pack is not just a packaging company. It is a united team, with extensive experience in the field of technical and luxury packaging, made up of people who understand the importance of every gesture of solidarity. Although young, the company aims to become a leader in the returnable and single-use packaging market in Romania, and to respond to even the biggest challenges.

This contribution is not just financial aid. It is a statement of support, a sign of hope for Adriana and her family. Every penny donated brings Adriana closer to the treatment she needs so much, to the dream of living without pain and having a normal adolescence.

Adriana Stefania, with eyes full of hope, thanks all those who support her. "For me, this contribution means more than money. It is a chance for a new life, for a life without pain. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your help," she says with emotion.

We can all make a difference in Adriana's life. Every donation, no matter how small, is an important step towards healing. Let's join forces and turn Adriana's dream into reality. Together, we can give her the chance to get up and live the life she has always dreamed of.

Divco Pack has demonstrated its commitment to supporting the community, to being more than just a packaging supplier. Behind every product are people with big hearts, ready to make a difference when it matters most.

Be part of this story of hope and contribute to Adriana Stefania's future. Any help counts and can bring a smile to the face of a young woman who deserves all the chances to live a healthy and happy life.

02 Aug

An unforgettable day: Together, we make a difference

On August 1, 2024, we lived a day that will forever remain in our memory as a symbol of solidarity and hope. The community of the Save a Heart Association joined Adriana Movimentu in an invaluable gesture, uniting in a collective effort that brought light in moments of darkness.

In an impressive demonstration of generosity and compassion, 367 donors were actively involved, contributing a total amount of 12,770 euros. This amount, out of a total of 32,550 euros needed, is not only financial support, but also proof that together we can face any challenge.

For the Movimentu family, these contributions are a beacon of hope in their difficult journey. Together, with the help of good people, we are convinced that the huge amount needed will be collected and that their dream of receiving the help they need so much will turn into reality.

From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you for every gesture of kindness and for the invaluable support you have given us. Every contribution, every word of encouragement and every moment of involvement brings a real and tangible change in the lives of those who need us.

Our fight continues, but today, more than ever, we know that we are not alone. You are the empowering force and the motivation that keeps us on the right track. Together, we make a huge difference.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for being with us and the Movimentu family. Together, we will continue to bring hope and change to the world.

31 Jul

Adriana Ștefania Movimentu, a young woman of only 16 years old, is at a crucial moment in her life. With a heart full of hope and courage, Adriana prepares for a complex treatment that can change the course of her life. It takes 32,000 euros to give her the chance to live an easier life, without pain and limitations, and every day that her dream becomes closer to reality is a step towards the light at the end of the tunnel.

In this moment of vulnerability, Allianz-Tiriac Asigurari joined Adriana's cause with remarkable generosity, allocating an essential amount of 5,000 euros. This gesture is not just a simple financial contribution, but a profound manifestation of our commitment to be with you in the most difficult moments.

Allianz-Tiriac is not just a name in the insurance industry. We are a team of over 4,000 professionals who believe in the power of community and the importance of providing genuine support. We are here to build, to support and to bring a drop of light into the lives of those in need. For the last 30 years, we have made you the center of our activity, we have worked tirelessly to improve ourselves and to offer the best solutions.

Since joining the German group Allianz in 2000, we have learned that every contribution and every action can make a difference. Every step we take together for Adriana is a symbol of our commitment to bring real and positive change.

Adriana, every moment of support we receive is proof that you are not alone in this journey. Together, we will go through these difficult times and see your dream of living without pain and limitations come true. Every gesture of generosity, every contribution, brings us closer to our common goal: to transform lives and bring hope.

In this journey full of emotion and challenges, Allianz-Tiriac Asigurari is by your side, with an open heart and the desire to make a difference. Together, we are stronger. Together, we can bring light and hope into Adriana's life.

Campaign started on 30.07.2024


First name: Adriana Ștefania

Age: 16 years old

Required amount: 32000 €

Diagnosis: scoliosis gr. 96

The treatment will be carried out at the Monza Hospital in Bucharest

Adriana's story

Adriana came into the world on a summer day, on July 30, and was received with love and joy by her family. Unfortunately, destiny has painful trials in store for him since the first days. Just 3 days after birth, an inadvertent injection touched her femoral artery, causing a serious injury. After many treatments and efforts, she had to lose her left leg at only 17 days. At the age of 4, he underwent open-heart surgery due to a systolic murmur, a huge challenge for such a young child.

These attempts did not stop there. The lack of the amputated limb and wearing a prosthesis from an early age led to the development of severe scoliosis. Every step she took, every smile she gave hides a story of pain and courage. After detailed consultations at the Recover Clinic and Monza Hospital, the doctors decided that Adriana needed robotic surgery to drastically improve her quality of life. The surgery, performed by Dr. Alexandru Thiery's team, is the only real chance for Adriana to live without pain and limitations.

The costs of this intervention are about 32,000 euros, a huge amount for Adriana's family. His mother, Movimentu Delia, is his personal assistant and earns a minimum wage, while his father, Movimentu Marius Gabriel, works in the construction field, also having a minimum wage. They are in an extremely difficult situation, but they do not lose hope and continue to fight for the good of their daughter.

"Every day, I watch my daughter Adriana face suffering that no parent would want to experience. Since birth, her life has been a continuous struggle, but she has always had a strength and determination that inspires us all. We strive hard to provide her with the best care, but now, the high costs of the surgery required to improve her quality of life are beyond our financial means. We wholeheartedly ask you to help us. Every contribution, no matter how small, represents a ray of hope for Adriana. With your help, we can give Adriana a real chance at a better and pain-free life. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your generosity and support." Adriana's mother told us

Now, we need you. Every contribution, no matter how small, can make a huge difference in Adriana's life. We invite you to join our efforts to raise the necessary funds for this vital intervention. Your donations will be a ray of light and hope in this story of courage and determination.

Bank account for donations:

For donations:

Entity name: "SAVE A HEART" Association

Tax registration code: 31015982

RON Account: RO05BTRL00701205W82870XX

EUR account: RO28BTRLEURCRT00W8287001

USD Account: RO68BTRLUSDCRT00W8287001



Banca Transilvania Botoșani

Please specify in the bank transfer, under the payment details, the name:ADRIANA MISCU

In times of uncertainty, the power of community is more important than ever. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your support, generosity and compassion. Together, we can offer Adriana not only surgery, but also hope for a brighter and pain-free future. Every gesture of help counts and will bring a smile to Adriana's face, a smile that has been hard earned and deserves all our love and support.