
Maria Moca

Campanie din trecut 0 days
76.282666666667% Complete

Amount received

11.442 €


15.000 €

You can donate directly by bank transfer to the following accounts:

Account RON: RO05BTRL00701205W82870XX

Account Euro: RO 28 BTRL EUR CRT 00 W828 7001

Account USD: RO 68 BTRL USD CRT 00 W828 7001

Payments made


Now you can donate extremely simple and fast through the new Application for Android and iOS "Salveaza o Inima"

Bank donors

Farmacia Tei
Catalin M.
Andrei S.
Dura R.


Maria Moca

Campanie din trecut

Campaign updates

04 Jun

Maria's evolution is very favorable. Last week, on Thursday, the doctor announced that on June 17, if all is well, she will remove Maria's catheter. This is extraordinary news that fills our hearts with hope and joy.

As of this week, Maria only goes one day for tests. In recent weeks, Maria had very good tests, which allowed the doctor to reduce the treatment doses. Each positive outcome brings us one step closer to healing and a normal life for Mary.

On June 1st, we were able to enjoy together our 14th birthday, a new beginning crowned with good news and health. This day was an occasion for celebration and gratitude, a day when I saw light and hope in Mary's eyes. We thank everyone who has been with us on this journey, for their support and prayers. Every kind thought and every gesture of support gave us the strength to move forward. 🙏❤️

04 Jun
Payments Fisier 1

Save a heart Association paid today the amount of 7500 RON according to the attached payment order.

Our fight continues!


02 May
Payments Fisier 1

Save a heart Association paid today the amount of 7500 RON according to the attached payment order.

Our fight continues!


01 Apr
Payments Fisier 1

Save a heart Association paid today the amount of 7500 RON according to the attached payment order.

Our fight continues!


01 Apr

Little Mary's heart was tested in a way that no child should ever have to. After a 100-day period testing every fiber of her stamina and courage, during which she experienced pain, fever and vomiting, this young warrior remained obedient and fearless. Every day was a battle, but with a heart full of hope and eyes open to the future, Mary kept fighting.

Not long after this intense period, side effects of transplantation began to appear. Skin rashes, alarming increases in transaminases and deterioration of vision have brought new challenges. The image of Mary wearing glasses to correct vision impairment becomes a new symbol of her courage, reminding us that every step back is just preparation for a giant leap forward.

Despite these hardships, Mary remains a beacon of hope and determination. His treatment, although long and demanding, is carried with the same patience and strength that he has always shown. Weekly one-day admissions for treatment become milestones in her relentless struggle for health and happiness.

We pray and hope that Mary will remain as strong as she has ever been. Every day with her is a blessing and a reminder of the incredible power of the human spirit. Mary, with her long journey ahead, teaches us all a precious lesson about the resilience of the human heart, about how hope and courage can illuminate the darkest moments.

In the face of this journey, we, as a community, are called to stand by Mary's side and her family. May our love, kind thoughts and support accompany her every step of the way, reminding her that she is not alone in this struggle. Mary, our little fighter, is an inspiration to us all, the symbol of a battle fought with grace, courage and a fearless heart.

04 Mar
Payments Fisier 1

Save a heart Association paid today the amount of 7500 RON according to the attached payment order.

Our fight continues!


02 Feb
Payments Fisier 1

Save a heart Association paid today the amount of 7500 RON according to the attached payment order.

Our fight continues!


04 Jan
Payments Fisier 1

Save a heart Association paid today the amount of 7500 RON according to the attached payment order.


Our fight continues!

01 Dec
Payments Fisier 1

The "Save a heart" Association paid today the amount of 7500 RON, according to the attached payment order.

Thank you for your support!

02 Nov
Payments Fisier 1

Mary and the Power of Solidarity - Help Us Give Chances to Life!

For the past three weeks, Maria, a tireless fighter, has faced obstacles on her way to a life-changing transplant. Her heart beats strongly, but unfortunately, her brother, Cristi, who should have donated her marrow, is facing medical problems. Its platelets do not allow donation, leaving us all in uncertainty.

But where there is life, there is hope. Cristina, Maria's sister, took it upon herself to donate stem cells. She tries to fill the gap left by their brother's complicated situation. Tomorrow we will learn more about the next steps on this journey full of hope and struggle.

Save a Heart Association is with Maria and her family. We covered the costs for the treatment with the amount of 7500 RON, according to the attached payment order. But we don't stop there. We need you, your solidarity and generosity.

Every donation, no matter how small, counts. Help us continue this fight, offer hope and save hearts. Join us in this mission and show that together we are stronger!

02 Oct
Payments Fisier 1

From shadow to light, from pain to hope – this is the path we are walking together with Maria Moca, a 13-year-old girl who, with courage and dedication, faced a difficult period of 5 months in hospital. On September 29, we were happy to learn that Maria could be discharged for a few days, a well-deserved rest before the next essential stage in the healing process.

But Mary's journey doesn't end there. From October 2, she will go to the day hospital for a series of crucial tests: blood tests, punctures, biopsies, thus preparing for the transplant stage that can give her a chance at a normal life. Her brother, as a sign of solidarity and brotherly love, will be by her side, making the necessary analyzes to become her potential donor.

Today, with pride and gratitude, we announce that "Save a heart" Association contributed with the amount of 7500 RON to support Maria and her family's endeavor. This gesture was possible thanks to your generosity and trust.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for every donation, for every message of encouragement and for choosing to be part of this community that saves lives. Together, we are stronger, and together, we can bring light into the lives of those who need our help. 🧡

11 Sep

From 5.09.2023, Maria began a difficult but hopeful path, starting her consolidation chemotherapy treatment that will stretch over 10 days full of trials and fluctuating emotions.

After 4 days of chemotherapy, Maria's condition oscillates deeply, with moments when sadness and pain overshadow her vibrant spirit. Persistent back pain and fatigue in his legs make it difficult for him to move, and his lack of appetite brings him a continuous feeling of exhaustion. However, Mary keeps a flame of courage in her soul, trying to cling to the thought of better days to come.

For the first 5 days, her treatment regimen included cytostatics in tablet form and administered by infusion, a combination designed to prepare the ground for the next stage. From day 6, we switch to an easier regimen, with exclusively oral administration of cytostatics, a change that brings with it a ray of hope and a drop of relief.

After four more days in which every moment seems like an eternity, this difficult stage will end, leaving room for preparations for the big step: the transplant to come. In her tried soul, Mary gathers all her strength, hope and hope, projecting herself on the day when, at the end of October, her life will take on a new beginning.

Our thoughts and prayers are with Mary on this tumultuous journey of courage and determination as she bravely faces every obstacle and takes a determined step toward healing. With unwavering faith in the future, we wish Mary much strength and light in this difficult but saving path she has chosen.

01 Sep

Today, with tears in our eyes and hearts full of gratitude, we are happy to announce an incredible victory: we have collected the necessary amount for a year of treatment for our little Maria. A treatment that gives him a new chance at life, a chance to dream again, play and grow.

In the life of a hard-pressed man, every gesture counts. And even 2 euros can make the difference between hope and despair. Each of you has contributed a part of your hearts, and for that we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

This victory belongs not only to Mary, but to all of us. It is the victory of hope over fear, of love over indifference, of faith over doubt. Maria and her family will continue to fight, but now they do so knowing that they are not alone, and that there are people who support them with love and faith.

Infinite thanks to everyone for their generosity, compassion and love. Through your actions, you have brought light into a challenging world, demonstrating that humanity and goodness are the most powerful weapons we have.

31 Aug
  1. HOT NEWS-Mommy, am I really that sick I can't play anymore?

  2. NEWS ON SOURCES-Mommy, am I really that sick that I can't play anymore?

  3. REFLEQTMEDIA-Mommy, am I really that sick I can't play anymore?

  4. GAZETA DE BOTOȘANI-Humanitarian appeal! At just 13 years old, Maria no longer knows what it's like to be a child! "Mommy, am I really that sick I can't play anymore?"

  5. NEWS BOTOȘANI-Maria, the child who no longer knows what childhood is: "Mommy, am I really so sick that I can't play anymore?"

  6. DOROHOIAN REALITY "Mommy, am I really that sick I can't play anymore?"

  7. BOTOȘĂNEANUL-Maria is only 13 years old and was diagnosed with leukemia: Ask the same question, unanswered - Mommy, am I really that sick I can't play anymore?

  8. LVE ARAD-Mommy, am I really that sick that I can't play anymore?

  9. CONSTANTA 100%-"Mommy, am I really so sick that I can't play anymore?". Maria, a 13-year-old girl, is battling leukemia

  10. SUCEAVA NEWS-Mommy, am I really that sick that I can't play anymore?

  11. She wanted to become a ballerina and nurse, but now her life depends on 15,000 euros for a transplant

  12. NEW WEATHER-Mommy, am I really that sick I can't play anymore?

  13. A 13-year-old girl diagnosed with a rare and devastating disease urgently needs help

  14. BOTOȘANI EXPRESS-Maria is only 13 years old and was diagnosed with leukemia: Ask the same question, without an answer – Mommy, am I really so sick that I can't play anymore?

  15. PRO BRĂILA-Mommy, am I really so sick that I can't play anymore?


  17. 24 ONLINE NEWSPAPERS – A 13-year-old girl, diagnosed with a rare and devastating disease, urgently needs help

  18. CURRENT AFFAIRS NEWSPAPER-Mommy, I'm really that sick I am

can you play?
  • DAY BY DAY-Maria, a little girl from Ludus, needs our help.

  • BOTOȘANI NEWS-A 13-year-old child is going through terrible moments! Mommy, am I really that sick that I can't play anymore?"


    31 Aug
    Payments Fisier 1

    It is a world where hope is sometimes hard to keep, but in Mary, we see a shining example of what it means to never give up. Beyond the pain and uncertainty, there is a flame of hope and a smile that says, "I will keep fighting."

    We realize that, behind this struggle, there is a whole collective of people who put their shoulders and hearts to the beat. We are grateful for every donation, big or small, because these gestures turn hope into reality.

    Today, with your help and with the support of Save a Heart Association, we managed to pay the amount of 7500 RON, according to the attached payment order. This amount, more than a financial value, represents love, compassion and solidarity.

    Our struggle, Mary's struggle, does not end here. It continues with each new day, with each new challenge. But with you by your side, we know that together we will succeed. For Mary, for all souls who need help, and for the power of community to change lives.

    From the bottom of our hearts, thank you!

    28 Aug

    Maria Moca, a 13-year-old girl, faces a challenge that no child should face: acute lymphoblastic leukemia. In the face of this struggle, the power of the community manifested itself in an incredible way. In less than 12 hours, the staggering sum of 4700 euros was collected, thanks to the generosity of over 330 people who put faith and hope in the face of adversity. This is not only a story about the struggle for life, but also about the incredible power of solidarity, hope and faith in human goodness. We extend our thanks to all the donors who turned this hope into a reality for Maria.

    Our fight continues!

    Campaign started on 28.08.2023

    Name: Moca

    First name: Maria

    Age: 13 years

    Amount required: 15.000€

    Diagnosis: Acute myeloblastic leukemia

    The treatment will be performed at the Pediatric Hospital "Bambino Gesù", Italy


    Mary's story


    I have suffered a lot in my life, but no matter how hard the darkest moments I went through, I cannot imagine the shock, horror and pain in the soul of parents who learn that their little girl can die from a merciless disease.

    It was October last year, when Nina and Eugen went with their daughter, Maria, to the doctor because she was complaining of pain in the kidney area. Preliminary analyzes indicated a problem, and a bone marrow puncture revealed the cause of Maria's pain - the girl suffered from a very rare form of blood cancer, acute myeloblastic leukemia.

    We've been through situations we never thought we'd go through. I received a prescription with a cytostatic called Oncotrone that had to be obtained within five days. I searched all over Romania, but nobody had it. Being in a desperate situation, I took my heart in my teeth and called Cluj. I can say that God enlightened me with this solution because the doctors there gave me the cytostatic and I could take him to the hospital, says Maria's sister, Cristina Moca.

    At just 13 years old, Maria went through very difficult times. Chemotherapy sessions caused infections, mouth sores, and other side effects do not even need to be mentioned. However, it prevailed. Unfortunately, the disease relapsed in March this year.

    The doctor informed us that Maria urgently needed a transplant, her only salvation. Ever since hearing the news, we decided to have the procedure done at the "Bambino Gesù" Hospital in Rome. The treatment will be covered by an insurance made by my father in Italy, but we will not be able to cope with extra-hospital expenses, everything that means rent, transport, etc. The hospital there puts the child's psyche at the forefront, so Maria will stay more at home than hospitalized,Cristina says.

    In total, the Moca family needs €15,000 for Maria to escape the terrible life-threatening condition. €15,000 for a lifetime... How sad reality can sometimes be, especially in the lives of young people at the beginning of the road! The amount is not exorbitant, but neither can it be raised by a family with an income of less than € 1,000 of which 5 souls survive. That's why these people need financial help more than ever. At stake is the life of a 13-year-old girl!

    Any donation made in the accounts of the "Save a heart" Association can save Maria! Only together can we bring joy back to this hard-pressed family. Through our common help, Mary will be able to live healthy, without fear of tomorrow. Be part of the community of human rescuers!


    For donations:

    Name of entity: Association "SAVE A HEART"

    Tax ID: 31015982

    RON Account: RO05BTRL00701205W82870XX

    EUR Account: RO28BTRLEURCRT00W8287001

    USD Account: RO68BTRLUSDCRT00W8287001

    SWIFT code: BTRLRO22

    BIC code: BTRL

    Banca Transilvania Botoșani

    Please specify in the bank transfer, in the payment details, the name Maria Moca!