
Andreea Mușat

Campanie din trecut 0 days
56.5423183391% Complete

Amount received

16.341 €


28.900 €

You can donate directly by bank transfer to the following accounts:

Account RON: RO05BTRL00701205W82870XX

Account Euro: RO 28 BTRL EUR CRT 00 W828 7001

Account USD: RO 68 BTRL USD CRT 00 W828 7001

Payments made


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Andreea Mușat

Campanie din trecut

Campaign updates

11 Dec

With each sunrise, a new day brings us hope for an adventure in which courage and love write the chapters. Today, our hearts are filled with gratitude and relief, for Andreea, by God's mercy, is well. The surgery was a success, a first step in a long and challenging journey to recovery.

Every day, Andreea faces a rigorous routine: physical therapy, dressing change, regular analyzes and antiquating injections. Each of these tasks, though hard, are small victories on the road to healing. Daily walks, gradually increasing, are small but sure steps towards strengthening the body and spirit.

Vigilance is the watchword at every moment of the day. We need to be aware of every movement, avoiding sudden ones, pay attention to the weight Andreea lifts, and make sure she doesn't stay in one position for too long. It's an ongoing struggle, a delicate balance between doing enough and not doing too much.

In these difficult times, my heart is filled with gratitude for all those who have been and are by our side. My thanks go to every person who has supported us, whether it was through good thoughts, prayers, or practical help. Every gesture of support has been a ray of hope in our dark days.

Andreea is a symbol of resistance and human strength. Every step she takes on this journey is a testament to her incredible courage and willingness to overcome obstacles. Through her struggle, she teaches us all a valuable lesson about inner strength and the importance of community in times of trial.

Thus, we continue to count the minutes, mark progress and celebrate each day as a precious gift. Every day is a new adventure, a new opportunity to grow and heal, not only for Andreea, but for all of us who share this journey with her.

04 Dec
Payments Fisier 1

Community success: Andreea Musat's story

Today, Save a Heart Association shares with great joy and gratitude the wonderful news of the success of the campaign for Andreea Musat, a 9-year-old girl. Battling severe scoliosis of 86 degrees, Andreea underwent successful surgery on November 29, 2023, at the prestigious Brain Institute at Monza Hospital in Bucharest. This triumph was possible thanks to the mastery of Dr. Alexandru Thienry and his team of specialist doctors and nurses.

With a heart full of hope, the Association paid the amount of 137,407 lei, an extraordinary achievement due to the generosity of 1,501 people and companies who united in this cause. The campaign, launched just a month ago, has become a symbol of solidarity and community strength.

We deeply thank the national press, whose involvement was essential. Thanks to 19 publications that spread Andrea's story, our message went far, touching the hearts of thousands of people. This wave of love and support made possible not only the surgery, but also Andrea's future recovery period.

We are overwhelmed with gratitude to every donor, every person who shared Andrea's story, every gesture of support. Together we have created a network of hope and help, demonstrating that when we join forces, we can change lives.

Andreea Muşat is not just a medical success story; It is a story of unity, love and hope. It reminds us that no matter what life's challenges are, together we can face any obstacles.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for joining us and Andreea on this journey. Together, we have not only saved one heart, but brought hope to many others

01 Dec

At the dawn of a new day, in a world where every sunrise brings with it a new adventure, our journey continues with passion and courage. After an exhausting 12-hour operation and another 24 hours in intensive care, my heart fills with comfort and gratitude when I see Andreea, my dear daughter, arriving in the ward next to me. Now, she is fine, still tied to infusions, under the watchful and caring eyes of doctors and nurses, to whom we owe eternal thanksgiving.

In perfect isolation, with impeccable hygiene, we adapt to new circumstances. The rules are strict – we are not allowed to receive visits during hospitalization or during the four weeks of physical therapy that follows. So we remain isolated in a clinic near the hospital, a small refuge where time seems to stand still.

For Andrea's health, my soul, I am ready to do anything. My heart knows that for us there are no winter holidays this year, not even her birthday, December 1st, can be celebrated properly. Instead, for her, there is only unwavering faith in the Virgin Mary and Saint Andrew, her spiritual protectors, who constantly watch over my little girl, Andreea Maria.

In these moments, we live each day as a gift, a time of reflection and gratitude. Every breath of Andrea, every smile, every look, are small miracles that warm our souls and fill us with hope.

Through this experience, I learned that life is fragile, but at the same time, incredibly powerful. We learned to find joy in the smallest things and enjoy every moment spent together. We have learned to appreciate the gift of life even more and to trust in the power of faith and unconditional love.

Andreea, with her blessed name, is our little fighter, a symbol of resilience and hope. Together, we strive to overcome this trial with faith that eventually all will be well. In our souls remains a song of hope, a hymn of life, which reminds us that, regardless of difficulties, love and faith will always carry us forward.

29 Nov

After more than 12 hours of tense waiting, hopes and prayers, the news finally arrived: Andreea Muşat had successfully overcome the operation. In the intensive care room, the little girl now rests, surrounded by machines that whisper continuously, a chorus of life that watches over her fragile sleep.

Outside the salon, emotions are at an all-time high. Andrea's parents, with tears of relief and joy in their eyes, share their deep gratitude to all the donors and supporters who made this miracle possible. "Without their help and generosity, Andrea's path to healing wouldn't have been so safe," her mother says, her voice trembling with emotion.

Soon, Andreea will be brought to the salon, one step closer to returning home. In everyone's eyes, there is hope: the hope of a quick recovery and a bright future for Andreea. A recovery period awaits her, but everyone is confident that, with the help and support of the community, Andreea will truly enjoy her childhood again.

All around, words of thanks and good thoughts continue to flow. It is a moment of celebration of life and human solidarity, a testament to goodness and hope that persists even in the most difficult moments. Andreea Musat, with her sweet smile, will soon witness her own triumph, a story of hope and courage that will inspire many others.

28 Nov

At dawn, under the gentle rays of the sun, a brave heart stepped into a new beginning. Andreea Musat, a flower of only 9 spring, carries the burden of severe scoliosis. But today, supported by waves of love and hope, she is preparing to welcome a new world, a world where she can dance freely without the chains of pain. In the silent rooms of the hospital, ever since the sky opened its eyes, little Andreea was visited by the light of kindness incarnated in Roxana Ciuhulescu, a presenter and television personality, who, together with her daughter, Andreea Ivănescu, share their own journey through the emotions of such a moment.

With hearts wrapped in hope that builds miracles, the community has united to bring to shore the dream of a pain-free life for our little fighter. In a world often gripped by untold needs, today we can look with pride at what collective kindness can accomplish. In less than a month, people with big souls gathered together the necessary amount for Andreea to spread her wings in the operating room.

Now, as the morning curtain rises and Andreea is about to begin her journey to healing, we clothe our thoughts in prayer clothes and send all good thoughts to her, entrusting her into the hands of those who will work artfully to restore her freedom. Let us unite in thought and keep our fingers crossed, because today, love, faith and hope are intertwined to weave a new story, Andreea's story, which will be written with pages of smiles and a new chapter of life. We thank the donors, the earthly angels, because through your generosity, Andreea will be able to dream of flying.

23 Nov

At the heart of every struggle, there is a story waiting to be told. Ours begins with Andreea Musat, a 9-year-old girl whose smile shines like a promise and whose courage inspires an entire nation. Andreea is not a heroine of fairy tales, but a fighter in the most real and painful sense of the word - a fight for life.

In just eight days, generous hearts from all corners of the country sent 778 SMS, each worth 2 euros, in a wave of solidarity that filled our souls with hope. It is a testimony of the good that flourishes around us, a proof that together we can bring about change.

On November 28, 2023, Andreea is scheduled for life-saving surgery at Monza Hospital in Bucharest. Every moment is precious, every euro we collect brings us closer to victory. We are close, but we are still 2500 euros away from the finish line. This is not just an appeal to donation, but a cry for life, an echo of humanity that resides within each of us.

Let's be with Andreea in this race against time, hold her hand tightly and promise her that she will have the chance to a pain-free childhood and a future full of possibilities. Every gesture counts, every euro is a brick at the foundation of her dreams. For Andreea, for all of us, let's make this miracle possible.

21 Nov

Andreea Musat, a 9-year-old traveling star, carries the burden of scoliosis, but also the hopes and dreams of a community that has united to ease her path. Through the kindness of 898 generous hearts, Andrea's every heartbeat becomes easier. This ocean of solidarity turned into waves of generosity that raised €26,616 through the salveazaoinima.ro campaign.

In a world full of uncertainties, this little fighter found certainty in the support of the community. The medical investigations, which opened the way to healing, were paid with 800 euros from this common fund of hope. Now, we are only 3,084 euros away from giving Andrea the chance to a life where every step will no longer be marked by pain.

On November 28, 2023, a new chapter will be written in Andrea's book of life, one in which courage, hope and love will be intertwined in a medical act that will shape her destiny. Our common story is still being written, and each contribution brings us closer to the happy ending that Andreea deserves so much. So, at the dawn of this new day, let us join forces once more, to complete the necessary amount and to accompany Andreea in her triumphant dance towards a full and healthy life.

20 Nov

Andreea Musat, a 9-year-old girl, carries on her fragile shoulders the weight of a disease that prevents her from enjoying childhood as she deserves: scoliosis. But hope has not abandoned her, because on November 28, 2023, at Monza Hospital, she will undergo surgery that can restore her right to normality. The skilled hands of Dr. Alexandru Thenry will have the mission to draw a more just future.

On a sunny day of hope, in the meeting room of Save a Heart Association, we made a decision that will light Andrea's way: to redirect the warmth of our hearts and the generous amounts donated by companies full of kindness. SPICU offered us 20,000 LEI, Kinetomed Star - 884 LEI, Raicu Vivamed - 550 LEI, Amapop - 407 LEI, Medox Gaz - 604 LEI, and Skilled Merchants - 800 LEI. They did not stop here, because X-Abrupto added 239 LEI, Ernst Team - 590 LEI, Ina Fox Presth - 129 LEI, Strib Music - 92 LEI, CIC Natural Meat generously contributed 3,500 LEI, Feeder Shop - 2,123 LEI, and Logistics Shop - 2,175 LEI.

These amounts are not just figures on paper, they are promises of a better future for Andreea, they are steps towards her healing. Together, with united hearts and unwavering wills, we will be able to give Andrea the chance to a life she deserves. For Andreea, for every beat of her heart, we will fight and win. Together we will succeed.

20 Nov


  1. HOT NEWS-Let's do a miracle for Andreea: Donate and be part of her road to recovery

  2. Let's do a miracle for Andreea: donate and be part of her road to recovery!

  3. ACTUALITY NEWSPAPER – Let's do a miracle for Andreea! Donate and be part of her road to recovery

  4. ROMANIA TV-At just 9 years old, Andreea struggles with a galloping malformative scoliosis. 28,000 euros separate her from a normal life

  5. BUSINESS CLUB-Let's do a miracle for Andreea: Donate and be part of her road to recovery

  6. NEWS BOTOȘANI-Let's do a miracle for Andreea: Donate and be part of her road to recovery!

  7. NEWS PAȘCANI-Let's do a miracle for Andreea: Donate and be part of her road to recovery

  8. INFO IAȘI ONLINE-Let's do a miracle for Andreea: donate and be part of her road to recovery

  9. GAZETA DE BOTOȘANI-Let's do a miracle for Andreea! Donate and be part of her road to recovery

  10. DOTTO TV-Let's do a miracle for Andreea: Donate and be part of her road to recovery

  11. BOTOȘĂNEANUL – The little girl who needs our help: Born prematurely due to the beatings suffered by her mother is now fighting to live

  12. SORIN DESIGN-Let's do a miracle for Andreea: donate and be part of her road to recovery!

  13. HUB PRESS-Contribute to Andrea's miracle: donate and help her on her journey to healing!

  14. SIBIU INDEPENDENT-Andreea, a 9-year-old girl needs a miracle: Donate and be part of her road to recovery

  15. BOTOȘANI NEWS-Andreea was born prematurely due to the beatings suffered by her mother while pregnant with her. The girl now needs help to lead a normal life

  16. NEW WEATHER-Andreea needs a miracle and people with a big heart!

  17. DOROHOIAN REALITY – Let's do a miracle for Andr

eea: Donate and be part of her journey to recovery
  • PRO BRĂILA-Donate, and be part of Andreea's road to recovery

  • SUCEAVA NEWS-Let's do a miracle for Andreea: Donate and be part of her road to recovery

  • 17 Nov

    Dear supporters and generous hearts,

    Today, the light of hope shines thanks to each of you for Andreea Musat, a 9-year-old girl struggling with a serious condition, scoliosis. In the first 48 hours after our call, your hearts responded with an impressive wave of support: 132 SMS, each worth 2 euros, were sent to 8832 with the message "Andreea", a small gesture, but full of faith and love.

    Thanks to your generosity, we managed to raise the impressive sum of 18,087 euros, a magnificent achievement that includes contributions from card payments, sponsorships, bank transfers and, of course, SMS. But our journey doesn't end there. We are only 10,813 euros away from the final goal that will allow Andreea to enjoy the necessary treatment and a better, healthier life.

    Every euro counts, every gesture makes a difference, and every SMS is a bridge to Andrea's future. Please continue to send SMS to 8832 with the message "Andreea" and help us bring the ship of hope to shore.

    With a heart full of gratitude and eyes fixed on brighter sights, thank you for choosing to be part of this healing story. Let us be together an example that in a challenging world, kindness and solidarity are the anchor that keeps us united and strong.

    Endless thanks and let's not forget: each "Andreea" sent means a heart that beats stronger towards healing.

    With hope and love,
    Save a Heart Association Team

    15 Nov

    Have you ever felt how your heartbeat can echo a small but huge gesture in meaning? In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, where every coin is carefully weighed, there are times when as little as 2 euros can weigh as much as the whole world. Imagine that this money, which we could spend on a fleeting thing, can instead offer a chance at life for Andreea Musat, a nine-year-old girl who carries too much burden for her fragile shoulders - a severe scoliosis that threatens her future, steals her smile and overshadows her play.

    Each SMS sent to 8832, with the name "ANDREEA", becomes a bridge over the abyss of despair, a bridge to hope, to that saving operation that could give Andrea the freedom to run, to play, to live. With every "ANDREEA" message sent, with every 2 euros donated, you become part of the miracle that can change its destiny.

    We all have the power to be heroes in someone's life, and today, you can be Andrea's hero. Every euro donated is a precious stone in the crown of hope, and with your help, Andreea will be able to benefit from the surgery that can save her life.

    A simple SMS, a small gesture for you, but a universe of possibilities for her. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for choosing to be part of Andreea's story, a story that, with your help, can have a happy ending. For more on her trip, visit salveazaoinima.ro/andreea-musat. There, between the lines, you find not just a story, but a heart that beats because of you.

    13 Nov

    In this vast world, where so often we witness stories that move and test our humanity, today we have the privilege to share with you a ray of light in the story of little Andreea Musat. At only 9 years old, Andreea faces a diagnosis that overshadows her childhood: scoliosis. But even in the darkest moments, hope refuses to fade.

    Andreea needs us, each of you, to collect the amount of 28,900 euros, necessary for the treatment that can restore her smile and freedom of movement. And when we talk about community, about the power to change lives, today we are proud to announce that a ray of hope has entered our story: Allianz-Tiriac Asigurari.

    With a gesture of extraordinary generosity, Allianz-Tiriac Asigurari contributed EUR 5,000 to the fund for Andreea. It's more than a donation; It is an act of profound solidarity, a sign that together we are strong, that together we make a difference.

    Now, we invite you to join this movement of generous hearts. Every contribution, big or small, is one more step towards a brighter future for Andreea. Each of us can be heroes in our own lives, but together we can be the heroes of Andrea's story. Let's join forces and prove that no challenge is too big when compassion and support meet.

    13 Nov
    Payments Fisier 1

    With hearts full of hope and hands united in solidarity, today we share with you the story of the courageous Andreea Musat, who stands on the threshold of a significant day - the day of surgery that will change the course of her life. Thanks to your generosity and the tireless efforts of our team, we managed to cover the amount of 4000 RON necessary for Andreea's essential medical investigations.

    This success is the pure fruit of the love and hope you share with us. Every donation, regardless of size, is a ray of light in Andrea's fight for a healthy and happy life. Now more than ever, we need your support to ensure that the great day of the intervention, carried out by the eminent doctor Alexandru Thenry, will materialize in a triumph of life over adversity.

    We invite you to continue to be with Andreea, as you have been until now, with any symbolic contribution, to ensure that her path to recovery is paved with love and care. Every gesture of support brings us closer to our common goal: a saved heart, a transformed life.

    Thank you for being part of this journey and choosing to be light in darkness to those who need it so much. Let's give Andrea a chance at a fresh start. Together, we can make a difference!

    Campaign started on: 04.11.2023

    Name: Muşat

    First name:Andreea Maria

    Age: 9 years

    Amount required: 28900 €

    Diagnosis: Scoliosis 86 degrees

    The treatment will be performed at Monza Hospital in Bucharest

    Similar cases financially supported by Save a Heart Association: Daria Molea, Marinela Canuta, Mihnea Tabara, Gabriela Curcan, Alexandru Țucă, Delia Husein, Ana Ivănescu, Georgeana Melinte, Teodora Bălan, Bianca Bodea

    The Dawn of Healing: Overcoming obstacles with Andreea

    In a universe where every star represents the hope of a dream coming true, one of the brightest stars is a mother's hope for the health of her child. This story is not about imaginary heroes, but about a real heroine - Andreea, a little girl who has struggled with a huge challenge since her premature birth and about her continuous struggle for a normal life.

    Born with cerebral hypotonia and facing grim medical prognosis, Andreea, together with her mother, proved that faith and perseverance can change destiny. Despite being told she wouldn't walk or communicate normally, Andreea progressed in ways that amazed everyone.

    Her language became English, an unexpected choice that now helps her express her thoughts and emotions smoothly, despite all the obstacles she had to overcome. Beyond her impressive struggle with physical difficulties, Andreea also had to face the separation of her parents and the emotional difficulties that come with it.

    Now, Andreea and her family face a difficult new chapter: a rapidly worsening malformative thoracic scoliosis. Despite growing uncertainties and pain, there is hope. An innovative surgery known as Gruwing Rod with clips may give Andreea a chance at a better life, but the road to surgery is fraught with financial obstacles.

    It takes 28,900 euros, an enormous sum for a family that has fought tirelessly to provide the best for their daughter. Therefore, this campaign is more than just an appeal for donations. It is an appeal to humanity, to compassion, to the belief that together we can change a destiny.

    Let's join forces to support Andreea and her family in this fight. Let us give them hope that they are not alone in this journey and that, together, we can build a bridge across this whirlwind of challenges to a territory of healing and joy.

    Let us witness a miracle created through generosity and love. Let's be the part of the world that says "yes" to possibility, "yes" to hope and "yes" to a better future for Andreea. Each contribution, small or large, brings us closer to the necessary amount and each leu donated is a step towards a healthier and happier life for Andreea.

    This story isn't just about a struggle, it's about what it means to be a family, to have community, and to believe in the power of unity. Each of us can be part of this extraordinary story, each donation brings us closer to a happy ending.

    For Andreea, for her tireless mother, for their family - to show that the world is full of good people who stand up to help. Let us unite and give hope today.

    Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your generosity and for choosing to join us in this fight.

    Name of entity: Association "SAVE A HEART"

    CIF: 31015982

    RON Account: RO05BTRL00701205W82870XX

    EUR Account: RO28BTRLEURCRT00W8287001

    USD Account: RO68BTRLUSDCRT00W8287001

    SWIFT code: BTRLRO22

    BIC code: BTRL

    Bank: Banca Transilvania Botoșani

    The request of the organization is that donors mention in the payment details from the bank transfer the name: ANDREEA MUSAT