Campaign updates
Unfortunately Gabriela lost her battle with cancer but won Heaven.
May God place her with the Saints in the mist of righteousness. Sincere condolences to the family!
Smooth flight ...
Pretend in the light or the rainbow and come back...
May God place you with angels in His Kingdom.
Today is the birthday of young Gabriela Black!
She's turning 19.
Happy birthday with health and happiness!
Know... this life really is beautiful. It's beautiful because, as hard as it is, there's someone who carries us in our arms, soothes our pains and gives us strength to move on. Although I came across many hardships and obstacles, God was always there for me. I can always feel him close, and I hear his voice saying, "You can and must rise from the ground to continue your path." Faith is the cure for any disease. Believe... in you and in God!!!

P.S I'm home now, but in a few days or weeks (I still don't know exactly when) I'll have to go back to Turkey. I admit it took a long time to prepare for this transplant.
It's painful... very painful when you understand that there is nothing more you can do. It hurts when you think that you used to look one way, and now you look at your face in the mirror and see yourself differently. You see a pale stranger in the face, without hair and eyelashes, with dry skin. Then you see your bones and you understand how much you've lost. You look closely at your body, all your scars and you wonder how you put up with so much. How much power does it take to endure so much pain? You raise your eyes and look straight into your soul. Then you see the light. You see that spark that illuminates your face and you realize that you are the most beautiful being in the Universe. You understand that you are pure love, you are God's creation. Does that long hair and those beautiful eyelashes still matter? Does that beautiful figure still matter? Does physics generally matter? Not... Of course you don't. The core of human existence is Love. The one we humans are created from. The soul is everything, and the way we look has no value. Life doesn't have to be perfect to be happy. Happiness is not conditional on having everything, but on having you, being free and having Love in your heart.
I haven't written anything here in a long time.
The treatment turned out to be a ruthless one, so We hardly escaped the torments caused by it. After chemotherapy sessions the pain still persisted, and doctors decided that radiotherapy was also needed. It wasn't until a few days later of radiotherapy that the tumor shrunk and the pain left me. But those sessions came with nausea, vomiting at every meal, headaches and a very severe stomatitis, in other words a real bouquet.

At the moment I need to rest to regain my strength for the next and more difficult stage <Transplantation>.
All these hardships I'm going through are nothing compared to my desire to live. I really believe that this disease does not want to harm me, but on the contrary... try to polish me and prepare me for the future. Please help me so I can fulfill all my dreams. For me, every donation is important, and your prayers and messages of support strengthen me even more. I'm grateful to you all!
It's been a while since I posted anything. That's because I've only just recovered. At first I got a very strong dose of chemistry and I was really sick. Chemotherapy has weakened me completely, my appetite still hasn't come back. About five days I felt like I was in hibernation, sleeping 24 hours a day. Seeing that the pains do not go away, the doctors decided that I had to do some radiotherapy sessions. Today was the fourth day of radiotherapy, the pains improved, but I have great headaches and nausea. The doctors said that everything was going according to plan and that I would rather feel good. And for that, I need your help. Please don't forget about me!!! Help me beat cancer!!!
My dears, I hardly write this post, but I need your help again. Some time ago I announced that I had finished treatment and that I had overcome the disease. I returned home happy to live my life as I imagined it while I was in boarding school.
However, it wasn't long before my health worsened. Several reasons were based, including the poor quality of our dishes in the country, which gave me some side effects of not knowing what was wrong with me, some of them still persist today. By the day I felt worse and worse, it was (and still i am) very hard to move, so my mother would help me to dress and undress, sometimes even feed me, because I didn't have the strength to hold the spoon in my hand. It was a time with many prayers and tears. That's kind of how I spent the winter holidays.
Hearing all this, the doctors in Turkey urgently called us back to get back on the PET-CT. They suspected something was wrong. Recently came some of the results. They're not good at all. With her voice trembling, the translator announced that we needed another chemotherapy and transplant session. But this time the transplant will be from the donor, which makes the amount of treatment even higher, reaching over €100,000.
It's a huge amount and I realize it's going to be hard to accumulate, but nothing is impossible. So many times I've convinced myself that God works through people, I believe with all my heart that we will succeed.
Please help me this time. I want to live. I know God doesn't want to hurt me, but I have to go through all this, I just have to. And I'm going to pass, in places with my head up, somewhere with tears and torments, but this is my way.
I'm sorry to bother you! Unfortunately, I have very bad news. Since I went home my condition has gotten very bad, there have been again unbearable pains that tormented me before, and again I switched to painkillers 4-5 times a day. I spoke to the doctors in Turkey and they told me to come and pass the device (PET-CT). Yesterday the results came in and it was found that the disease appeared again and that I needed to do the treatment again, this time the transplant will be from the donor.
I feel very exhausted, physically, and morally, but I want to live. I'd like to ask you if you can help me with the money collection, please!
Please help me!
I know many of you have been waiting for this news!
yes, yesterday I was discharged from the hospital, and last night I arrived in Moldova. Although I am squeezed by my powers, my heart is at peace and happy.
I won't be able to write much, but I just want to tell you one thing... Thanks... Thank you for saving my life. Thank you for not remaining indifferent and you have been with me throughout your treatment. Although I was told at the beginning that I would stay there longer, the doctors decided to speed up the process because I was in unbearable pain. So they did all my procedures one after the other, without interruption.
A great thank you to those people who helped me and guided me to spiritual healing. Healing starts from the inside, and I've convinced myself many times of this, especially when my tests were growing at a very rapid tempo after the cell transplant, although doctors warned me that recovery would be difficult and long. Spiritual practices have helped me a lot. I admit, I've also had a lot of tears, depression, pain, both physical and emotional, but... #printregreutățisprestele

This period destroyed me, but at the same time it made me see life with other eyes. I had a lot to learn from this cancer. Now all I have to do is say thank you and goodbye!
Enjoy life, please!!! Enjoy nature, people, animals... these are the wonders of the world! And love, because love is the core of human existence.
Beautiful holidays, my dears, and may the spirit of Christmas flood your hearts!
Good evening.
Write the light now from me
I finally settled in and got my wings back!!!
I mean... God again sent someone in my way to help me do this.
Coelho says, "When you really want something, the whole universe conspires to make your wish come true," indeed, I've convinced myself of that.
Few know that this year has brought major changes to my life. I applied to many online courses of personal/spiritual development (one that polished my interior was an 8-week course "Heal your childhood traumas" with Roxana Borz and Pera Novacovici), I meditated daily, I entered that deep state of relaxation, I practiced gratitude, I read many psychological books (the greatest impact on me was Paulo Coelho's "The Alchemist", after reading this book I told Mrs Lucia Gariuc directly that she is my alchemist,
I also fell in love with quantum physics, I also met with my inner child, I eliminated all toxic people from my life and I attracted people who resonated with my values. Somehow I was trying to reprogram my subconscious on my own. But all of this was like "analgesics" to me, which only alleviated my soul wounds at the time, not to resolve the conflict that understood this core. That's all painkillers do, isn't it? I take the pain for a while... not the disease itself!!!
That's why I thanked cancer for ever appearing in my life, because he was my best teacher and gave me the chance to discover all these treasures. I discovered healthy "medicines" that will later become my basic tools, with these tools I propose to get into the field of psychology. That's what I want to do in life, to help people so they can save their own souls through love and acceptance.

I fell in love with psychosomatics very much. I started so much to delve into this sphere that I was working alone with myself in therapy and the results were magical. Obviously, faith works here, if you knew how much capacity our brains are!!!
But I've long wanted to do this with a psychotherapist specializing in the given field. When you disconnect your consciousness you are focused only on breathing just relax... It's impossible to work alone with yourself. You need a guidance, a guide to help your subconscious bring out what's been inhibited there for years. Paradoxically, however, the human psyche directly influences the health of his body. yes, that's how it heals... going back to the past and reliving the fears and emotions that have been inhibited inside.
Look he gave God and I did an online meeting with Mrs. Psychologist Buga Lorina. What do I say, so much light and love in my soul I haven't seen in a long time.
It took me into the past and I experienced the fear that triggered my trauma, I cried, I freed myself from any energy blockage, I saw my ancestors and I accepted each one, I lived in the present, I accepted the chemistry that flowed through my veins... but most importantly, I felt that I loved myself with all my heart. It doesn't play this state in words, it's an inexplicable one.
I thank God for sending her at the right time in my life.
Remember, the secrecy is currently the secret; If you pay attention to the present, you can improve it. And if you improve your present, everything that happens then it'll be better. Forget about the future and live every day with the confidence that God takes care of His children. Each carries eternity in itself.

Thank you for your daily donations and I ask you to continue to help me!!!
You can donate directly by bank transfer to the following accounts:
Account RON: RO 05 BTRL 0070 1205 W828 70 XX
Euro Account: RO 28 BTRL EUR CRT 00 W828 7001
USD Account: RO 68 BTRL USD CRT 00 W828 7001
CHF Account: RO 12 BTRL CHF CRT 00 W828 7001
Good night!
If by now we'd started with good news, today I'd come here with colder grades. It's been a few days since I started treatment, but I'm already down. I would be lying if I said that everything is fine (even now I write this text with great torment). Chemotherapy turned out to be a very powerful one. Since the adverse reactions have occurred, I can hardly find my place and inner peace. What worries me most is that I'm getting a little weaker every day, but I'm not giving up, I'm fighting to the last breath. I'm getting a lot of messages from you. I am deeply grateful for all your care and support. You are very dear to my soul. I'm still asking you to help me save my life.
I beg you to help me collect the amount needed for the transplant which amounts to 50,000 euros so far I have collected the sum of 22,200 euros.
Last night I arrived at the hospital in Turkey!
I want to tell you that I'm in God's hands!
The doctors here give me so much confidence and security that I already see myself as winners.
Now they've put me in the central catheter. It was the fifth anesthesia this year. I'm really glad that every time I recover, I'm in a very good mood, sometimes I even laugh at how I can't.😂
In a few minutes, I'll start chemo. I'm not afraid, I'm really dying. Like I said, she's going to take away my pains that won't let me sleep at night. I miss the days when I slept without a care in the world.
So, dear friends, you value life. Pretend that you can sleep, that you can rest, have fun, eat, etc. Someone else can't!
Thank you so much for all your support!
Please continue to help me so that we can pay the full amount.🙏🏻❤️
I'm coming to thank you for everything you do for me. I can't put into words how grateful I am. From the very beginning I knew that God works through people. Now I've convinced myself once again that it's faith that saves lives.
The power of thought works wonders. Although my condition is getting worse, every day I tell myself that I am healthy and that, in fact, I am in the process of healing. I believe with all my heart that God has big plans for me.
Every wound, every failure and every lost battle comes with a message. A message that if you understand, you'll become immune to everything that hit you. In life, it's all in your favor. You lose something to win something else. Nothing comes to hurt you, just to make you stronger. Beyond all the hardships, I can say, as Albert Camus, "In the depths of winter, I have learned that in me there is an invincible summer." I always had an inner teacher, a guide who spoke to me and showed me the way.
The hardships they go through do nothing but polish the diamond inside me.
Yesterday I received very nice news. I was told that I would soon be flying to Turkey to start treatment. I can't express how happy I am. I will finally part with the pains that torment me day and night. I'll finally be able to fulfill all my dreams!
But for that I need your help and continue. But from the gift it's made bad!
Campaign started on: 19.10.2020
Name: Black
First name: Gabriela
Age: 18
Amount required: 50000 euro
Diagnosis: Stage 4 Holdkin Lymphoma (CANCER)
Clinic where he will perform treatment: Emsey Hospital Clinic
Cancer - blessing, not punishment
We really appreciate what we only have when we feel we're losing. I felt like I was losing my soul, losing myself.
It's hard for me to remember the beginning period, when I didn't know anything, when it was just a bunch of intuition or the sixth sense, when it was a pain in the soul rather than a physical, now I understand that the disease was sprouting in me... it evolved so fast that physically I was completely overwhelmed. I was in terrible pain every day, I came from high school exhausted and I could barely cope, but I was very lucky to be a student of golden teachers who understood my pain. I'm very grateful to them.
Then my body's condition worsened. Cancer has taken hold of me. He first decided to play with my ear, nose and neck. Then there were four surgeries, almost one after the other. I realize that all this was doing nothing but advancing my cancer stage, so I got to the fourth.
Later, the ENT doctor told me that the blood was not flowing from where it should flow (I also had nasal bleeding), but from somewhere in the brain, and suspected it was a brain tumor (which was not true.)
And here's how my cancer was progressing and haunting my body, and I still didn't know it existed, no one knew.
After a very long time, God sent me in the way doctors who understood what I really have. Or... maybe I was the one who understood what was with me, subconsciously of course, because often an inner voice told me That I had cancer.
Very hard I got this news, but even harder my parents got it. I was the one who supported them and told them I was going to be okay.
I started chemotherapy in January, and as with any oncology patient, side effects occurred, including total hair loss. It was a shock to me. I'd go into depression, I'd dream about my 60-centimetre long hair every day, and when I woke up, I'd realize i didn't actually have it anymore. The question I asked myself every day was, "Why is it me?" It was terrible, I never thought I'd get out of that state. But we succeeded thanks to the doctors and nurses in the "Hematology for Children" section who give their soul only to be healthy children and to feel at home.
It was as if a ray of sunshine had appeared on my window, the pains were gone, the ganglia were deflating, I was convinced that a little more and that's it, I'm winning.
For me the age of 18 has become maturity and wisdom, not just in words, but literally. God has sent me people who have enriched me with goodness and inner power, people with the face of an angel who have shown me that it is faith that heals. I have regained my wings and now I go forward with the conviction that all the hardships I go through is the road to absolute happiness. But recently I was told that the treatment done in Moldova had little effect and my condition worsened. I'm going to do more chemotherapy procedures and finally stem cell transplants.
But all this has a surreal price for my family, it's $59,000, but I know that God has this money for me, he works through people.
I am grateful and proud of myself that this news has not brought me down and that I still have the strength to move on. I know our body has an incredible ability to heal.
Yes, this period destroyed me, but it destroyed me in a special way, so that, I became stronger.
Donations can be made:
Entity Name: Association "SALVEAZA O INIMA”
Tax Registration Code: 31015982
Bank Account (IBAN):
RON Account: RO05BTRL00701205W82870XX
Euro Account: RO28BTRLEURCRT00W8287001
REVOLUT: 0752,753,540
Banca Transilvania Botosani
Please specify for bank transfer last name -NEGRUTA