Casa Nicolae
Amount received
9.598 €
40.000 €
Account RON: RO05BTRL00701205W82870XX
Account Euro: RO 28 BTRL EUR CRT 00 W828 7001
Account USD: RO 68 BTRL USD CRT 00 W828 7001
Donor list
Bank donors
Active campaign 16 days
in partnership
Your association "Savea heart"
Casa Nicolae is a story that began 7 years ago in the winter of 2014 through October in the office of an insurance company of a friend. That's when we mobilized all acquaintances to make a warm soup at home and share it on the street with homeless people. That moment was our first contact with the street world--a gray, cold world full of fear and fear, a crazy, chaotic world, a violent world full of vices and addictions, a world where you have to take to survive. A world where you can't close both eyes at night because you never know what's going to happen from one hour to the next. You can be robbed, assaulted, beaten or you can receive a kind word from a stranger, a loaf of bread or on one of those lucky days, a warm soup that seems to warm your soul and give you hope. From that winter we decided to return to the streets. I saw, I understand, maybe not fully then , as much as they need help. A blanket, a tea, a thick coat and a pack of warm food can make the difference between life and death on a frosty winter night . So for 7 years our story continued in the street- with hot soups socks , thick jackets, scarves and gloves . Everything to survive in winter. We made friends, we found stories, we helped , we integrated where possible, we had a greased cases people were saved from the street , we found jobs, housing, we received in our little Happy house to get on their feet. We have had joys and victories just as we have had failures and disappointments. From all this we have learned and learn every day. I learned that in terms of the elders, integration is harder and the end is closer. Sick, powerless and tired of the years they carry behind them for themselves independent living is no longer possible. We lost many "parents, brothers, sisters, grandparents " on the street. They were beaten, bullied, mocked, starved.... the end of some was grim, tragic, violent, as was their survival struggle night after night on the street. We decided to change this- Casa Nicolae is the salvation of parents and grandparents of the street! We are not here to judge and condemn anyone ,we are to help , to understand and to protect.
Casa Nicolae is intended to be a shelter and "home" for the elderly, the disabled, the lonely people on the street. Here we will accommodate about 60 people on the 3 levels of the house located at the exit of the village Frumusica, jud. Botosani , in the village of Rădeni. It is a fairytale place, surrounded by plains, greenery, an orchard of apple trees and cherries. A place where they will find peace and quiet, a place where violence and fear will disappear, a place where they will be able to sleep with both eyes closed without the care of tomorrow - Casa Nicolae .
For all this to be possible we need help for the renovation and arrangement of the Nicolae House.
With your help their story can have a happy ending!
Donations can be made:
Entity name: Association "SAVE A HEART"
Tax registration code: 31015982
Bank account (IBAN):
RON Account: RO05BTRL00701205W82870XXX
Euro Account: RO28BTRLEURCRT00W8287001
REVOLUT: 0752.753.540
Banca Transilvania Botosani
Please specify: CASA NICOLAE