Fabian Nistor
Amount received
5.413 €
11.000 €
Account RON: RO05BTRL00701205W82870XX
Account Euro: RO 28 BTRL EUR CRT 00 W828 7001
Account USD: RO 68 BTRL USD CRT 00 W828 7001
Donor list
Bank donors
Campanie din trecut
Campaign started on: 09.12.2020
Name: Nistor
First name: Fabian Gabriel
Age: 3 years
Amount required: 11000 euro
Diagnosis: Atypical Autism
Clinic where he will perform the operation and treatment: Austria
Fabian's story
Fabian is our little boy, much wanted, who has filled our hearts with love since he was born. He came into the world full of energy and with thoughtfulness and curiosity, growing day by day and amazed us. But one day Fabian stopped smiling at us. Stop eating, refuse food, water and stop calling us by name. The only sound he made was "iii"... he stopped playing with toys, he didn't get the attention of the animals in the yard, he didn't answer us when we called him by his name. Fabian was like he wasn't with us anymore. He was completely absorbed into his world and we, the parents, were no longer his existential center. I cannot explain in words the trauma of the soul caused by this sudden change in our lives. You say that overnight, someone kidnapped Fabian and left us a robot with the face of our precious baby instead. It's so hard to accept that everything can change in the blink of an eye and everything you've built, is ruined and disappears. Fabian is totally changed, he has fits of hysteria, he doesn't feel if he's cold, hot, wet, I always have to be around him because he's totally dependent on me. I started therapies with him, aba and speech therapy but it's not enough... After much research, we discovered a clinic in Vienna where a spinal transplant operation (stem cells) is performed and where, after sending the papers, we were accepted! It is a great chance for Fabian, but the cost of this intervention is well above our financial powers,11000 euros. Until 1 year ago he had no problems, said mom, dad, dad, then between a year and a half and 2 stagnated, didn't do new things, didn't learn new words, then he started to regress, he didn't say anything but the iii continuously, he didn't react, he didn't respond when I called him, he didn't play with toys just obsessively spinning circles and any round object, he didn't react to the amine or anything around, he was just in his world. It's still nonverbal, it doesn't say anything, it doesn't play with children,, it doesn't maintain that visual tact, it doesn't mimic, it doesn't respond to simple commands like give me the mug, bring me water, show your nose etc, eat selectively, nothing that's red, without cabbage, beans, peas, cheese, liver, ect.. Hence the height and small weight for his age (suitable for 2 years, not for almost 4). He has stereos like walking on peaks, waving hands when he enjoys or gets angry, puts his hands to his ears, spins objects obsessively, jumps...
Donations can be made:
Entity Name: Association "SALVEAZA O INIMA"
Tax Registration Code: 31015982
Bank Account (IBAN):
RON Account: RO05BTRL00701205W82870XX
Euro Account: RO28BTRLEURCRT00W8287001
REVOLUT: 0752,753,540
Banca Transilvania Botosani
Please specify for bank transfer the name of the child -NISTOR FABIAN