Camelia Olari
Amount received
3.090 €
4.000 €
Account RON: RO05BTRL00701205W82870XX
Account Euro: RO 28 BTRL EUR CRT 00 W828 7001
Account USD: RO 68 BTRL USD CRT 00 W828 7001
Donor list
Bank donors
Campanie din trecut
Campaign started on: 22.12.2020
First name:Camelia
Age:2 years
Amount required: 4000 euro (investigations)
Diagnosis: bilateral renal polycystosis
Clinic where he will perform surgery and treatment: Emsey Hospital-Turkey
The story of little Camelia
On the eve of Christmas, a little girl of only 2 years old is waiting for the most suitable gift. It's not about a doll, it's not about any other toys. Camelia Olari urgently needs treatment for the diseases she has been diagnosed with since she first opened her eyes.
At birth, the child had an enlarged belly, and after 11 days she went into a state of drowsiness, stopped eating and has since followed a long line of roads to hospitals. After a CT scan, an endoscopy and an MRI exam, doctors told their parents it was bilateral renal polycystosis.
Instead of sweets, Camelia swallows countless pills and syrups every day to improve her condition. Faced with a situation that exceeds them, the Olari spouses have been advised to go to a clinic abroad, where after further investigation they can find out what is the most suitable treatment for Camelia's disease.
I intervene with the plea to people of good faith and with a great heart to help us. Unfortunately we do not know what the right treatment would be for Camelia which is why we need these investigations, because it is a chance at life of my little girl. She's only 2 years old and lacks the happy childhood that other children of her age have, from the first day of life she's on medication and we already don't know how to handle it and what todo, the little girl's mother told us.
In order to benefit from those investigations, the family must raise an additional 4,000 euros in more than what has already been raised with the help of the good people who have been with Camelia.
Unfortunately, we're stuck halfway as they say, because we don't have enough money for all the investigations. I can't work anywhere, because I'm mostly in hospitals with my little girl. Currently, she has a very enlarged and bloated belly, as usual, she takes pills every day, gets tired very quickly, can't play and run like all the kidsaround, the child's mother wrote.
Camelia must be entitled to a happy childhood. This little girl just needs a chance at proper treatment. It would be the best gift for her now, on the eve of the holidays. Together, we can give him this gift through any donation made in the accounts of the Save a Heart Association. Even you can be Santa Claus for Camelia!
Donations can be made:
Entity Name: ; Association "SALVEAZA O INIMA"
Tax Registration Code: 31015982
Bank Account (IBAN):
RON Account: RO05BTRL00701205W82870XX
Euro Account: RO28BTRLEURCRT00W8287001
REVOLUT: 0752,753,540
Banca Transilvania Botosani
Please specify for bank transfer the name of the child -CAMELIA OLARI