
Ingrid Onofrei

Campanie din trecut 0 days
67.409090909091% Complete

Amount received

7.415 €


11.000 €

You can donate directly by bank transfer to the following accounts:

Account RON: RO05BTRL00701205W82870XX

Account Euro: RO 28 BTRL EUR CRT 00 W828 7001

Account USD: RO 68 BTRL USD CRT 00 W828 7001

Payments made


Now you can donate extremely simple and fast through the new Application for Android and iOS "Salveaza o Inima"

Bank donors

Mugurel I.
Horia A.
Simion A.
Cocean C.
Borz F.


Ingrid Onofrei

Campanie din trecut

Campaign updates

12 Oct

The Save a Heart Association paid today the amount of 377 RON according to the attached payment order.

Our fight continues!


27 Sep
Payments Fisier 1

The Save a Heart Association paid today the amount of 201 RON according to the attached payment order.

Our fight continues!


20 Sep
Payments Fisier 1

The Save a Heart Association paid today the amount of 460 RON according to the attached payment order.
Our fight continues!

17 Sep

Our dears,

With deep gratitude and joy, we would like to announce that, thanks to your generosity and support, the necessary amount of 11,000 euros for Ingrid Georgiana Onofrei's surgery has been raised in a timely manner. Ingrid, only 21 years old, diagnosed with an ostium secundum atrial septal defect, will be able to benefit from the vital surgery and the necessary treatment at the Monza Hospital in Bucharest.

This success would not have been possible without the involvement of each of you. Through your donations, you have not only given Ingrid a real chance at a healthy life, but you have also given her hope for a future full of opportunities. You have demonstrated, once again, that together we can work miracles and that every contribution matters enormously.

On behalf of the "Save a Heart" Association and Ingrid's family, we send you a sincere thank you. We are honored to have people with a big heart, willing to extend a helping hand to those in need.

With appreciation and gratitude,

The team of the "Save a Heart" Association

10 Sep

On behalf of our Association, but especially on behalf of the young Onofrei Ingrid Georgiana and her family, we would like to send you our most sincere thanks for the support and generosity you have shown. Your involvement has brought a ray of hope and light in an extremely difficult time for Ingrid and her family.

Your generosity was not just a financial aid, but a manifestation of empathy and humanity that shows us that, together, we can change destinies:

Direct Call Center contributed with the amount of 3,000 LEI,

Mario Crew generously donated the amount of 5,000 LEI,

Alero offered the amount of 4,000 LEI,

LINX LMN made a donation of 4,000 LEI,

Total Business Land contributed with the amount of 2500 LEI,

Someșul Cald Produzione offered, with an open heart, the amount of 300 LEI.

Onofrei Ingrid Georgiana, only 21 years old, is diagnosed with Ostium secundum atrial septal defect, a serious condition that requires surgery at Monza Hospital in Bucharest. The total cost of the surgery and treatment is 11,000 euros – an overwhelming amount for his family, but not impossible when there are people like you, willing to get involved.

Through your donations, you have brought Ingrid one step closer to the chance at a healthy life. You have turned anxiety and insecurity into a living hope. It is difficult to express in words how much your support means for this young woman and her family, who, in the most difficult moments, found in you an invaluable support.

Our gratitude comes from the heart, because your gestures are more than simple donations – they are manifestations of compassion and the desire to do good. Together, you are part of Ingrid's recovery story, and this will remain etched in the hearts of everyone involved.

We feel deeply grateful for all that you do, and we want you to know that through your contributions, you have changed a life.

Thank you once again for all your support!

05 Sep


Today, with a heart full of gratitude, I tell you that more than 355 people with a big heart have responded to the call of the "Save a Heart" Association, and this gives me a hope that I could hardly describe in words. Each donation received is more than just a sum of money – it is a sign of solidarity, compassion and love for life. So far, 5,092 euros have been raised from online donations and 5,555 lei and 17 euros by bank transfer. It is a huge step, a light that begins to take shape at the end of this road full of trials.

But I still need you. I still need hands that reach out to me, hearts that beat in unison with mine, to reach the total amount needed. I know there's still a long way to go, but I don't give up hope. With each passing day, I feel closer and closer to this surgery that can save my life. I know that God's mercy is infinite and that your prayers will accompany me throughout this journey.

For me, every day is a gift. A chance to fight on, to dream that the time will come when my heart will beat without fear, without pain. I cannot express in words how much every donation, every good thought, every gesture of support means to me. Each of you has become a part of my story, a ray of light that banishes the darkness of insecurity and fear.

I bow with deep gratitude to each of you. Not only for the money donated, but for the hope you bring into my life, for your faith in the good, in life, in God. I feel that, through you, God is sending me signs of love and guidance, and with each step taken together, I am getting closer and closer to the day when I will be able to breathe a sigh of relief, with a healed heart.

If you want to help me further, you can donate online by accessing the link of my campaign here: https://salveazaoinima.ro/ingrid-onofrei/ 

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything. May your blessings come upon you tenfold, and may your prayers unite us in this struggle for life.

With faith and hope,
Ingrid Georgiana Onofrei


Campaign started on: 31.08.2024

Name: Onofrei

First name: Ingrid Georgiana

Age: 21 years old

Required amount: €11,000

Diagnosis: Ostium secundum atrial septal defect

The surgery and treatment will be performed at the Monza Hospital in Bucharest


The story of young Ingrid


Please help me to live and fulfill my dreams! My life has just begun, but a terrible illness prevents me from enjoying it and building a future as I have always wanted.

 Onofrei Ingrid-Georgiana, is a young woman of only  21 years old and is a student at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration in Iași. Since she was a child, she loved mathematics and dreamed of building a career in this field. She worked hard, studied conscientiously and managed to be admitted without tuition to the desired college. Her dream is to become a manager and contribute to the development of a company in her  hometown, but that dream is now in jeopardy.

For some time now, her life has changed radically. She began to get tired at the slightest effort, and medical investigations revealed a devastating diagnosis: an atrial septal defect of the ostium secundum type. This serious condition affects her heart and endangers not only her future plans but her life itself.

"In order to live, he urgently needs specialized surgery at the Monza Hospital in Bucharest. This surgery, which costs 11,000 euros, is my only chance to recover my health and continue my life. Unfortunately, my family does not have this money, and without your help, this vital treatment remains only a distant dream.

I wish with all my heart not to give up now, when I have so many things to achieve. I want to finish my studies, find a job and build a beautiful future. I want to live! But to do that, I need your help," the young woman told us, crying

Every donation, no matter how small, brings her closer to the chance to be healthy and fulfill my dreams. I ask you from the bottom of my heart to help her raise the necessary amount for this life-saving operation. Any amount transferred to the accounts of the "Save a Heart" Association means an extra chance for Ingrid.

Help me fight for my life, for my dreams, for my future. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your generosity and support!

Let's join forces and show that in our world, compassion and solidarity can bring about miraculous change

Entity name: "Save a Heart" Association

Tax registration number: 31015982

Bank account (IBAN): RON account: RO 05 BTRL 0070 1205 W828 70 XX

Euro Account: RO 28 BTRL EUR CRT 00 W828 7001

USD Account: RO 68 BTRL USD CRT 00 W828 7001

Please specify in the bank transfer, under payment details, the name: INGRID ONOFREI