
Darius Oprea

Campanie din trecut 0 days
72.807545454545% Complete

Amount received

32.035 €


44.000 €

You can donate directly by bank transfer to the following accounts:

Account RON: RO05BTRL00701205W82870XX

Account Euro: RO 28 BTRL EUR CRT 00 W828 7001

Account USD: RO 68 BTRL USD CRT 00 W828 7001

Payments made


Now you can donate extremely simple and fast through the new Application for Android and iOS "Salveaza o Inima"

Bank donors

Frangu H.
Olteanu O.
Voicu O.


Darius Oprea

Campanie din trecut

Campaign updates

21 Aug

Today it's been a year since Darius got sick. I can't even express in words what I feel in my heart😢

It's very hard to see my baby that he can't talk, he can't walk, he can't do what other kids his age do😢

But I'm trying to look forward and hope Darius gets better😔. I know and realize it will be very difficult and the recovery will be long-lasting. But no matter how long it takes, it's just that he's better off enjoying everything around him. I believe and hope that God will touch him and restore his healing🙏

13 Aug

We want to tell you that today was the last doctor's check-up here in Turkey. The doctors here told us that we still need to follow the treatment Darius is taking for epileptic seizures and still go with him to physical therapy to recover and get back on his feet. The road will be long and with very high financial needs. Treatment is long-lasting and recovery the same. That is why we ask you to stay with us, because we will need support and help from you, our dear ones. Dariusica is a fighter, a strong and proved this in all these months, exactly it will be done a year this month😔
We are glad that in about two months since we've been in Turkey, Darius has shown that he's a fighter and has shown us signs of recovery. It's much more careful, it's a smile, the body responds immediately to every we know, every touch and that means a lot. On top of that, he started eating more on the mouth than before, even at every meal. We thank God first and foremost that he takes care of himself and all of us, that without his power nothing is done. We also thank you, our dears, for donating your little and so we were able to get with Darius to Turkey. We will move forward, as before in Romania, with confidence in God that we will be able to put Dariusica on his feet. We will start tomorrow morning for Romania with the Ambulance just as we left home. Thank you and we'll come back with some good things about Darius from home.

05 Aug

I got to the hospital in the emergency room. Now we're in intensive care. Darius didn't feel too good. Suddenly the heart rate was too low, values of 40 to 50 beats per minute, they were rising and down again. He is now being monitored and monitored. We'll stay until tomorrow morning at the hospital. We'll see what doctors say. Darius is stable now, it's fine, thank God.

01 Aug

Every day brings something new to the life of each of us. We hope that every moment of the day will delight us with the slightest change in Darius' health. We're glad Dariusica's stable, she's fine. We continue the treatment and wait to see much better results. Unfortunately Darius is not every day as well. There are days when the state of drowsiness does not give him peace. And the crises are still present, but not as strong and as many as they were before. We will go with God forward and we will have patience and faith, that one day everything will be fine. Thank you for staying with us and please donate from your little, there as much as possible, to distribute as many as possible to see as many of us as possible, our sad story, which is unfortunately true. We kiss and hug you fondly.

21 Jul

Today We started a new week of therapy. We're at the 19th meeting, everything's going well at the moment. This week we have an appointment with the neurologist, we'll see what happens next. It's been four weeks since Darius underwent treatment to stop the seizures, from which you can see small changes for the better. We hope that with God's help the results will be better and better.

15 Jul

following the SMS fundraising campaign at the short number 8832, a number of 5964 text messages of 2 euros was collected representing the amount of 11928 euros.


03 Jul

Darius has begun his medical recovery. To date, he's done three sessions.

27 Jun

The results of the tests have come out and unfortunately it is not very good news. The MRI looks really bad. Treatment was recommended to stop epileptic seizures and 30 physiotherapy sessions and during this time will have to stay in Turkey under the supervision of the neurologist. We don't know the costs for this period, they won't pass them on to them on Monday.

25 Jun

The operations went well, there were no complications, thank God. It's just that Darius is a little nervous and upset and that's why he's also being monitored, because the values are a little high. We hope tomorrow will be better and Darius will give us a wonderful smile.

25 Jun

Darius at this point will enter the operating room😢
Two surgeries will be performed at the same time. The operations will take about an hour. Pray with us🙏 that everything will go well.

23 Jun

Good evening beautiful people☺️you know my sad little story, unfortunately it is also true😔. Now I'm trying to start all over again. The road seems to be a little long, but with God's help I will succeed. I'm too young to go through these trials, I didn't make it during my time as healthy as I was to enjoy my childhood. I have endured a lot of pain and proved to you that I am very strong🙂 because God is with me and helps me. With God's help and your help, i was able to get to this country (Turkey) to start over. Thank you for breaking your little financial and donating to me. Please keep donating so I can pay for whatever it takes here.
I'm small now and sick but I'm going to get better and one day I'm going to thank you ☺️.

22 Jun

Darius arrived safely in Turkey!!

19 Jun

Hi dears, I want to clarify one important thing for those who did not understand why we have now decided to go to Turkey with Darius and not to Spain as I said from the beginning. Because of this CLIVEVirus, we can't go with the baby that far, nor the amount that the hospital in Spain has asked us to have. It's a large amount and we don't have that money at the moment. That's why we decided to go with our son as soon as possible to Turkey to be treated. For Darius and one day, it is very much and his health can get very bad. We'll go with an open heart ahead and see what can be done to get Darius to recover. If there's nothing we can do here, we'll still go all over the world until we figure it out. Please stay with us and we want understanding in the decisions we will make. Any parent wants for his child what is best. Thank

15 Jun


Send an SMS to
Message: DARIUS

So far 80 SMS messages of 2 euros have been sent

* SMS number 8832 is valid from 15 JUNE 2020 to 14 ILIE 2020. The amount allocated to the case is 2 Euro. No VAT is charged on subscription donations. In Telekom ,Orange and Digi Mobil networks, for prepaid cards, VAT was withheld when purchasing the credit. For donations on prepaid cards, in the Vodafone network, users do not pay VAT. Number offered free of charge with the support of the Save a Heart Association

*The amount from the site to SMS is added manually.

10 Jun

The Oprea family decided to go to Turkey for investigation and treatment. Since the current situation in Spain does not allow them to go to treatment as quickly as possible and every day of delay means very high risks for Darius.


Send an SMS to
Message: DARIUS

So far 5660 SMS messages of 2 euros have been sent

* SMS number 8832 is valid from 15 JUNE 2020 to 14 ILIE 2020. The amount allocated to the case is 2 Euro. No VAT is charged on subscription donations. In Telekom ,Orange and Digi Mobil networks, for prepaid cards, VAT was withheld when purchasing the credit. For donations on prepaid cards, in the Vodafone network, users do not pay VAT. Number offered free of charge with the support of the Save a Heart Association

*The amount from the site to SMS is added manually.

Campaign started on: 19.05.2020

Name: Darius

First name: Oprea

Age: 2 years

Amount required: 44000 Euro

Diagnosis: herpetic meningoencephalitis, spastic tetraparesis and epilepsy

Clinic where he will perform the operation and treatment: Hospital SANT JOAN DE'U BARCELONA- Spain


The story of little Darius Oprea


They say what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. But how strong can you be at a young age, when the blows seem to stop?

At just 1 and a half years old, Darius Oprea has herpetic meningoencephalitis, spastic tetraparesis and treatment-resistant epilepsy.

It all started with a common fever. The little boy's body temperature reached 38 degrees one day and because he did not drop, his parents quickly took him to the hospital. As a result of investigations, he was found to have a herpes located on his brain, which caused numerous injuries. For a few days, Darius was intubated because he couldn't breathe on his own. Because of his poor health, he can't even feed, so he's had a nazogastric probe.

As if that wasn't enough, his heart rate rises gallopingly, then drops, and every day he's hit by dozens of epileptic seizures.

In Romania he was not given much chance of recovery, but at the Sant Joan de Déu Hospital in Barcelona, doctors claim that the little boy can be treated. Unfortunately, the costs are commensurate with the severity of his health problems. It takes €44,000, money that the Oprea family doesn't have and wouldn't get. For this reason, Darius' mother, Petronela Oprea, sent us a letter reading the despair of the parent who sees his child tormented every moment.

Darius can be saved through our donations, those who care about an innocent soul. Any amount donated to the accounts of the Save a Heart Association can mean freeing the child from the terrible situation he is in. Join us and together we can give Darius the chance to enjoy life. /p>

Donations can be made:

Entity Name: Association "SALVEAZA O INIMA"
Tax Registration Code: 31015982

Bank Account (IBAN):

RON Account: RO05BTRL00701205W82870XX

Euro Account: RO28BTRLEURCRT00W8287001




REVOLUT: 0752,753,540

Banca Transilvania Botosani

Please specify the surname (Oprea) of the child for whom you are making the donation!