Campaign updates
Today, with heavy hearts and tears in our eyes, we say goodbye to Raducu, a brave soul who fought 12 uninterrupted years with a relentless disease. Raducu, despite his struggle, was a source of inspiration and joy for all those who knew him and were by his side.
We know that Raducu will live on through your memories and souls. Every smile, every moment spent together, every story shared – all this will continue to keep his spirit alive in our hearts. Raducu was more than a fighter; It was a source of light and warmth for those around us, a reminder of the human strength to find happiness even in the most difficult moments.
Raducu's funeral will take place on Sunday, in the commune of Nuci, Ilfov - a place where he has always found happiness and peace. There, we will celebrate his life, share stories, and mourn his loss, but most of all, honor his memory. There, in the place where his heart has always been happy, we will let him rest in peace.
For all those who loved Raducu, this is not only a day of mourning, but also an opportunity to reflect on the beauty and courage of his life. He was a gift to all of us, and He will remain forever in our hearts. Farewell, Raducu, and thank you for everything.
Slowly we're recovering! The doctor told us that he managed to get enough out of the tumor and we were hoping that the compression on the nerve had been reduced and we would be able to keep the good eyesight. The important thing is that it has not achieved anything, all functions are good and especially the sight in the right eye was not affected! That was the biggest risk! Unfortunately, there's nothing more that can be done for the left! The tumor also has a component that can only be removed by another approach, basically another intervention. However, we hope that what is left will not cause any more problems with the treatment in Germany and that we will be able to slow its growth further! As long as you will all be with us, God will be with us and Raducu will have the power to continue the fight with the bub!!
I have no words to tell you how I felt on the day of the operation and how much the encouragements, messages, phone calls, thoughts and prayers for Raducu helped me!!
To feel like you're loved and you have a whole world around you at such a difficult time... is an invaluable gift left by God to all of us! Thank you so much!
Thank you so much for your prayers! Raducu is fine, has opened a little eye and sees well with the right. We're waiting for recovery!!
As always, your encouragement and good thoughts have pleased my soul and brightened my day so hard! Tomorrow, as Diana so beautifully said, "Raducu meets the third time with the bub in the operating room"! He is the same brave and strong little man but with all of you he will be even stronger and the meeting will be a gentle one, with God by his side! We need all your prayers so much!
A special thank you, from the bottom of my heart, to Mr. Vlad Placinta, who helped us with the money for this intervention. The Save a Heart Association has been with us since the first cry for help, also through our magical Snow White, and helped us collect the donations that you all made and without which we could not have made this intervention tomorrow! We love you!
Back to Germany, on the seventh cure! Today is exactly 2 years since I first asked for help, after 7 years of fighting and at the end of power, I decided then to tell you about Raducu and try to get here at the Clinic, where two years ago I did not even dream of being able to reach because of the costs. There are two years in which our life has changed enormously, firstly because the treatment here is going well and gives Raducu a normal life and then because from the moment we shared our suffering, a whole world has been and is with us and the feeling is wonderful!! Everything that happened in these two years, with so many good thoughts and support, gave us strength, confidence, hope and brought us a lot of happiness!!
We hope it will continue to work, so we can get to the third surgery as late as possible! The situation is still stable, although those frontal cysts sometimes have slight progressions, yet Raducu still feels good and the compression does not pose big problems!
Wonderful people, we love you from the heart and we thank you from the heart for all we live now!!!

God, God is with us!! If the July MRI shows progression again and, at the last meeting in July, the doctor told me exactly that "Let him enjoy this time when he still sees well", now this week's MRI shows that the bug has calmed down again and appears unchanged from the last investigation. It is clear that only God has the power to maintain his good condition and especially the still good visual acuity in the right eye, although the ophthalmologist doctor says at every check "And the right nerve looks as atrophied as the left"!!!!
The neurosurgeon doctor has decided to postpone the surgery, it is still quite risky and is still undecided and on the approach, should do two interventions, not being able to remove both areas that pose problems through a single approach!
Therefore, we are preparing again to leave for Germany for treatment and we will continue as long as we can maintain this condition, thus gaining precious moments and, of course, as long as we still have you with us!!
We love and embrace you and, even if sometimes I have no power to say something, I carry you all in my heart and thank you infinitely for all this time that you gave to Raducu!!
Raducu continues the fight with the bub! Since June 21st we are back to treatment in Germany after a rather long period of procrastination because of the pandemic! At the last MRI in April the tumor still seemed stable, with the exception of some still altering frontal cysts and for which we do monthly eye checks to avoid compression on the right optic nerve, the only one that still secured its vision. The costs for treatment in Germany are still very high (two weeks of treatment 7,000 euros) but, with your help, all those who have helped us and are still helping us and God willing we will be able to win this time!! Hugs from Nidda! We love you all!
After a slightly tense period, with the thought that we have to postpone the treatment in Germany, we still have good news! At this week's MRI, Raducu's bubita appeared stable, no cysts have grown that in September frightened us because they were right in the optic chiasma!! We're just hoping everything will calm down and we can get out of here as soon as possible!
Raducu is very well and very happy, the whole period of isolation I spent in the country, in his magical land full of animals, birds and lots of greenery!!
It seems that, in the midst of nature, with happiness, much faith and a little of the magic of childhood deals in the country, even the "bubbles stop in the way"!!!
We don't forget for a moment all the good you've done for us! Now, more than ever, we thank God and we thank you, those of you who have always been with us, because we have managed to raise the money for treatment and we can sit still in these moments quite uncertain in all respects! We love you all!
Campaign started on: 19.12.2019
Name: Feather
First name: Radu Alexandru
Age: 9 years
Diagnosis: Optical chiasma glioma (pilocytic astrocytoma)
Estimated required amount for the entire investigation treatment: 7000 euro (operation)+3500 euro/ month
Treatment: Metropolitan Clinic (operation) Treatment Fachklinik Dr. Herzog
Integrative Oncology Clinic
Raducu's story
Raducu turns 9 in January. Eight years ago, at the age of 11 months, in November 2011, we discovered a tumor that, following biopsy and histological analysis, turned out to be an optical chiasma glioma that also incorporates both optic nerves.
In March 2012 he underwent his first surgery at Marie Curie where a 50% resection was achieved, then continued with the first SIOP LGG 2004 chemotherapy protocol, completed in January 2014. Just six months after the completion of chemotherapy the tumor began to grow again.
Meanwhile, being at the age of 3 years we were able to do the first eye check to which Radu collaborated finding out that the left optic nerve is totally atrophied, atrophy considered irreversible. Unfortunately, the tumor also incorporates the right optic nerve partially affected by this compression.
Following a significant progression in February 2015 he underwent the second surgery with a resection of about 60%. Because the simple operation does not stop the tumor from growing, only helping to shrink the volume and suppressing compression we started a new chemotherapy protocol that spread over another two years until, tolerating and very difficult this treatment, a new progression was observed in January 2017. We then tried another chemotherapy treatment without success, in May 2017 the tumor had progressed even further and we decided to resume the first SIOP LEGG 2004 protocol from June 2017.
During this time we have been looking for opinions in Europe about possible interventions for total resection. Unfortunately this is impossible being incorporated there both optic nerves and optical chiasma. I also asked for opinions on proton radiotherapy in France, Germany, Italy. Considering the position of the tumor and the age of Raducu radiotherapy is recommended as late as possible, possibly as a last option especially as, some opinions suggest the risk of total cetate.
The third chemotherapy protocol I finished in December 2018. Because Radu has already had 6 years of chemotherapy, in April 2019 we decided to continue with a non-toxic treatment in Germany, where we were able to leave with the help of money received from donations. The last cure in Germany was in October 2019 and the MRI on November 14showed a new tumor progression. At this point I made the decision to operate again, the tumor having many chsitic parts that can be drained. Unfortunately, because, as I said above, the operation does not stop it from growing we have to continue with another treatment. Raducu has already followed all possible standard tarts, developing an allergy to Carboplatin and Cisplatin. The treatment options are now very few and unfortunately the one proposed by Germany and Spain refers to the treatment with avastin, a very expensive drug. The straps are made every two weeks and the drug costs about 2000 euros per month.
Donations can be made:
Entity Name: Association "SALVEAZA O INIMA"
Tax Registration Code: 31015982
Bank Account (IBAN):
Account RON: RO 05 BTRL 0070 1205 W828 70 XX
Euro Account: RO 28 BTRL EUR CRT 00 W828 7001
USD CONT: RO 68 BTRL USD CRT 00 W828 7001
Banca Transilvania Botosani
Please specify the surname (Pana) of the child for whom you are making the donation!