
Radu Panfil

Active campaign 1 days
100.0380952381% Complete

Amount received

10.504 €


10.500 €

You can donate directly by bank transfer to the following accounts:

Account RON: RO05BTRL00701205W82870XX

Account Euro: RO 28 BTRL EUR CRT 00 W828 7001

Account USD: RO 68 BTRL USD CRT 00 W828 7001

Now you can donate extremely simple and fast through the new Application for Android and iOS "Salveaza o Inima"

Bank donors

Gatina S.
Ielciu D.
Iulia G.
Dumitrache-Chironda, I.
Sichim G.


Radu Panfil

Active campaign 1 days

Campaign updates

28 Jun

Less than 48 hours have passed since the launch of the campaign for Radu, and the emotion and joy we feel cannot be described in words. In this short time, over 385 people with a big heart answered our call and donated from their little to save the life of a young man of only 21 years old. It is a gesture of solidarity and humanity that has filled our hearts with hope and gratitude.

Radu is due to undergo brain surgery next week, a complex and risky intervention. However, we strongly believe in God's mercy and the skill of the medical team, and we are convinced that everything will go well. We wish from the bottom of our hearts that Radu will get through this ordeal and enjoy life again, his family and friends, all the beautiful moments that await him.

Although we managed to raise an impressive amount in such a short time, we still need 2609 euros to cover all the necessary costs. We know that it is not an impossible amount, especially having such a beautiful, united and compassionate community by our side. Every donation, every gesture of support matters enormously and brings us closer to our goal.

In these moments, we ask ourselves with emotion and hope: Did you donate for Radu's life? Every contribution, no matter how small, can make a huge difference. Together, we can perform miracles and restore hope to a young person who has his whole life ahead of him. Let's stand by Radu and give him the chance to a normal and happy life. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all your support and for being with us in this fight!

27 Jun

A story of solidarity and hope

In a corner of Romania, hope has taken shape through the generosity of a company with tradition. COSELI, known for its aromatic essences that have enriched our tastes for over 20 years, came to the support of young Radu, offering him the amount of 5000 RON.

Radu, at only 21 years old, faces an unimaginable challenge. Diagnosed with a brain tumor, he needs the sum of 10500 € to be able to follow the necessary treatment at the Monza Hospital in Bucharest.

The story of COSELI is one of dedication and passion. From the first essences of rum and vanilla created in their laboratories, to the sophisticated flavors of mint, coffee or almonds, COSELI products have brought joy to our homes. Quality and innovation are at the heart of every product, confirmed by international recognition, such as the gold medal obtained at the Brussels Invention Salon for "rum ether".

Today, COSELI adds a new chapter to its success story, one of compassion and solidarity. Through this gesture, COSELI not only supports a young man in his fight for life, but also inspires the community to unite in the face of challenges.

Together for Radu

Each of us can contribute to this story of hope. The hundreds of aromatic drops that have delighted our senses over the years can become the hundreds of gestures of support for Radu. Together, we can bring light into the life of this young man and give him the chance for a healthy future.

The quality of COSELI products is guaranteed by dedicated specialists, who, using special raw materials from Switzerland, Spain and France, create unique flavors. To the same extent, the quality of a community is measured by the care and solidarity shown to those in need.

Let's stand by Radu and prove that, together, we can face any obstacle. Every contribution counts and every gesture of kindness brings hope and healing.

Campaign started on 26.06.2024

Name: Panfil

First name: Radu Andrei

Age: 21 years old

Required amount: €10,500

Diagnosis: Brain tumor

The treatment will be carried out at the Monza Hospital, Bucharest

Radu's story

Please help me to move forward and fight this disease because I really want to live and regain my former life!

If life has put you in front of greater losses than you ever thought and has radically changed you without giving you a choice, then you will fully understand the suffering of Radu Panfil, a young man from Arad.

Last year, devastating news turned her life into a fight for survival. At just 20 years old, Radu was diagnosed with a brain tumor. He was working at a fast food restaurant, unaware that he would soon have to fight for his life.

After a complicated operation in Timisoara, hope began to return for Radu. But recently, a new 7 cm tumor was discovered, threatening his life again.

We thought we had gotten rid of the nightmare, but the tumor has returned and we urgently need help. The cost of the essential surgery is 10500 euros, and after this follows expensive chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatments.

Radu's dream is to become a photographer and buy a professional camera to capture the beauty of the world. But in order to fulfill his dream, he must first defeat this ruthless disease. Our financial situation is precarious, with a monthly income of only 240 euros. Being a widow and having two children to raise, I cannot cover these huge medical costs.

 "I beg you, people, to help us save Radu! It's all I have left and I can't lose it. The tumor grows quickly and every day counts. I ask you from the bottom of my heart to contribute any amount you can. Our hope lies in your kindness, in the mercy and compassion of every person who can help us raise the necessary amount. Thank you from the bottom of my heart and I pray that God will bless you for every gesture of help."Radu's mother told us crying

Radu has a chance to beat this disease, but for that we need your support. Any donation, no matter how small, can make a huge difference in our lives. With gratitude and hope, thank you in advance.

Any contribution made to the accounts of the "Save a Heart" Association can give this young man a real chance in the face of the terrible disease.

For donations:

Entity name: "SAVE A HEART" Association

Tax registration code: 31015982

RON Account: RO05BTRL00701205W82870XX

EUR account: RO28BTRLEURCRT00W8287001

USD Account: RO68BTRLUSDCRT00W8287001



Banca Transilvania Botoșani

Please specify in the bank transfer, under the payment details, the name:RADU PANFIL