
Doina Postolachi

Campanie din trecut 0 days
75.2925% Complete

Amount received

45.176 €


60.000 €

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Doina Postolachi

Campanie din trecut

Campaign updates

18 Jan

Today the writer Doina Postolachi went to Cer.I prayed and I hoped every day that I would receive the news of her healing, instead I received from her mother the message that Doina was gone! What words to say to a mother who loses her second child already?

Doina, your books are a part of your mind and soul, you have left here stories for eternity and you will never be forgotten!

From today, your years of suffering are over, flying to the Kingdom of Heaven, wonderful soul!

May the Lord rest you in peace!

It's still hard for me to believe...

(published Doina's good friend Gratiela Oancea)

21 Jun

I know, for a very long time you waited for news and they weren't coming.

For about 3 days I returned from Moscow.

I am very tired and very weak, I did not have the strength to start posting.

I apologize, publicly.

From the pictures, you can see the story of the treatment.

It is not the same, for every sick person. For me it was a little harder, nitel, but with the help of God and the Holy one that I love a lot and who helped me get to Moscow, St. Matron, everything ended well.

I did chemotherapy, then, the transplant of cerule stem. I stayed in isolation and sterilization of the space 100%, daily.

The nurse is impeccable. God and the Doctor, the famous Dr Denis Fedorenko took care of me and my Life.

After 18 years of illness, torment, pains day and night, crying, howls of despair, the madness of believing that all will be solved, somehow, one day, knowing that there is no chance and no solution, Faith in God, in the Mother of God, in Jesus Christ, my guardian angel, all the saints and all the praying monks and all you, with the ajitor that you gave me, through donations, all of them, helped me to be well today.

I am cured of the disease, but the sequelae have remained.

I can't go, and a few others, I'm not going to make them public.

Now, there will be a very difficult and, ppbl, very long period of recovery.

I still have a hard time walking, I'm bald but I don't care - God gave me another Chance.

The best thing that has happened to me, related to a physical performance, is that in the last 15 years, TODAY, I have been able to beat the matanii, to thank you!!!!!

The monstrous pains in my knees did not allow me to do them, then, I carried myself in my elbows to a corner of the bed, to grab myself and stand up. I had my legs dead.

Believe in God and He will be merciful!!

Thank you all for your help!

May God give you with forgiveness of sins, help, in need, power to love and many joys!!!!


03 Jan


We come at the beginning of the year with good news, thanks to you and with the support of Tei Pharmacy, the amount necessary for the interqueaction and for the recovery period was collected the amount of 65000 euros.

Thank you from the heart!

16 Dec


I finally come with good news about the financial situation within the fundraising campaign for Doina.At the moment, the amount of 41419 euros has been collected per www.salveazaoinima.ro and 15686 euros from the donations and sponsorships made in the accounts of the Save a Heart Association.

We still separate 2895 euros!

Our fight continues for Doina!

We all want them to raise the necessary amount of 60,000 euros and be healthy!


02 Dec


I finally come with good news about the financial situation within the fundraising campaign for Doina.At the moment, the amount of 38430 euros has been collected on the www.salveazaoinima.ro and 8990 euros from the donations and sponsorships made in the accounts of the Save a Heart Association.

We still separate 12580 euros!

Our fight continues for Doina!

We all want them to raise the necessary amount of 60,000 euros and be healthy!



16 Nov

Fourteen years ago, he received the diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis. Ten years ago, lupus also appeared. Five years ago, he blinded his left eye. Multiple sclerosis affects people's hands, head, feet. For many years, Doina was glad that her hands and head were not affected, as she had to graduate from a university and a master's degree. She was glad that her intellectual, cognitive abilities were not affected, as Doina is a writer and needed a living, productive mind. The story of the COVID virus has further complicated things. Because the hospitals were ceded to the COVID patients, Doina missed many routine treatments and here there was a light, a chance. I can do an operation.

I ask you to read her story and that we all help her, as much as we can.

16 Nov


I finally come with good news about the financial situation within the fundraising campaign for Doina.At the moment, the amount of 26906 euros has been collected on the www.salveazaoinima.ro and 7015 euros from the donations and sponsorships made in the accounts of the Save a Heart Association.

Our fight continues for Doina!

We all want them to raise the necessary amount of 60,000 euros and be healthy!


12 Nov

Because all the hospitals have been ceded to Covid patients, we have missed treatments that I am dependent on and we have made a very aggressive puta.
I didn't give in to my neurologist, he didn't answer the phone, I was scared he died of Covid... :(()
I was looking for another neurogle, you could still find it at private clinics. But it wasn't very helpful to me the neurogleg that I found.
I had my jaw clenched for 3 months, because of the pus, and it did not prescribe me ABSOLUTELY anything. He didn't want to. Just some B vitamins.
He said, "I don't know what weight you have, I don't know how much Magnesium to give you."
For him, it was more important to put me in the national program than to help me be well!
This doctor had a patient who went to Moscow. He could have told me "Miss, try something else, that there are solutions! You are from Bessarabia, you know russian, you try to get to Moscow, there, you can be treated!"
But he didn't tell me. I found out after many more months of torment, from a completely different side.
I am convinced more and more that, in Romania, it is not you that mattered, as a person, but only the money that runs on your back. The more sick you are, the more you are worth. But not you, as a man, as a soul. It's as an insured. As a reliable source of long-term income.
He preferred to imbue me with injections into my belly, injections that didn't help me with anything, and make a target.
I was hungry and I was thirsty, for three months I could not open my mouth even to fit to put a big spoon.
I had heard that acupuncture works wonders, in such matters, and I went to Apitherapy, to Dr. Stan Mariana. After only 3 sessions, my jaw was uncleathed!
I love my country very much... but I have a bitter taste, of disappointment.
Romania is not a country where you feel safe. Romania is not a country where you can treat yourself.
Only with a little more luck, you can find help somewhere else.
God forbid you be sick in Romania!! ...
Healing my affection,
Neurodegenerative, with neuronal demyelination, depends, to a very large extent, on the stem cell transplant operation.
Please support me with a donation so that I can go and operate in Moscow!
Thank you with all my heart!!

01 Nov

I pray to God for the fulfillment of the dream of reaching Moscow at the stem cell transplant operation.

It's more than a Dream. It's an imperative. Without this operation, the prospect is bleak.

I lit a candle and I pray for forgiveness of sins and for health, for all those who are close to me and support the fulfillment of this Dream with a donation!

God bless us all!


Campaign started on:23.10.2021
Name: Doina Postolachi
Age: 41 years old
Amount : 60000 €
Diagnosis : Multiple sclerosis
Clinic : A. A Maximov

Doina Postolachi's story

For a long time I have not read so much pain and helplessness in the words of a woman. Perhaps we have never been so moved by the merciless fate of a person forced to endure an undeserved loneliness, from which a lot of problems spring. We are talking about loneliness born of diseases for which the medical world has little or no solutions and for which the people around them do not have the energy or the time, or maybe even the desire?, to offer help.

We could not amplify with anything the message sent to us by Doina Postolachi, a writer of 41 years, just a few days ago. It's a message that troubles you, it can't leave you indifferent. It's a powerful life lesson - that there are people next to us who desperately need help and not only that, they need to be given at least a chance not to depend on this help for the rest of their lives.

Doina's story reminds us that, yes, we all have hardships, but while some may carry together a bag or a whole suitcase of problems, others are put to move mountains... Alone!

Read and give yourself the chance to be fully human, to remember what we live for, how important are the things we already have, not the ones we often want, how much it can mean for someone to be by his side, to listen to him and understand him, to support him when he needs it, to help him have a normal life when he alone can no longer do anything:

"My name is Doina Postolachi, I am forty-one years old, I am a writer, Member of the Writers' Union of Moldova, Member of the Writers' Union of Romania, originally from Bessarabia. In Romania, in Bucharest, I obtained higher education. I intend to settle here, but without struggling from rent to rent, as has been the case since 1998.

Lately, it's getting harder and harder for me to talk about myself and the disease. Especially, in the last months of the most recent two years.

Since hospitals closed for Covid, I have not been able to benefit from the annual treatments for the two autoimmune diseases I have: multiple sclerosis and lupus. I usually hospitalized myself, annually, for infusions. Even if I follow an injectable treatment, it is not enough for me, as I need annual admissions for MS and lupus.

My condition has worsened considerably. We had problems, we needed medical attention and we couldn't find it anywhere. In the last year, especially, I have roamed all the emergency rooms, called, and three times a week, the rescue. So, for the last two years, I've been talking about myself... Every time, when the rescue came, every time a new doctor saw me at the emergency rooms and every time I got to a private clinic.

Fourteen years ago, I received the diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis. Ten years ago, lupus also appeared. Five years ago, I blinded my left eye. Multiple sclerosis affects people's hands, head, feet. For many years I was glad that my hands and head were not affected, as I had to graduate from a college and a master's degree. I was glad that my intellectual, cognitive capacities were not affected, as I was a writer and needed a living, productive mind.

From 2010 to 2019, I wrote and edited eleven books. In fact, I wrote two twelfth books, but for the twelfth, I was a ghost writer. We have taken important awards in Italy and Moldova.

Although I successfully graduated (2011) from the Faculty of Tourism and Commercial Management, within the "Dimitrie Cantemir" Christian University and a master's degree (2014) in Administration and Negotiation in Business, within the same University, I could not practice. I can't work at an office because I can't move without a cane, without arm support, but also because the door would close in my nose, because I have no experience. Although, for sure, all of them stillep from scratch, I could not convince any employer that I would be a persevering employee ... Or I would be reproached for my age... It's not out of the question that I would have the motivation that a much younger employee may not have... But that doesn't matter, because, anyway, I wouldn't be able to work from home either. I get tired very quickly and I can not sit either in the chair, at the table, nor in bed, because I have terrible pains throughout the body: in the muscles, bones and joints.

It's very hard to be sick, not being able to work, not being able to work, not having a husband or a

someone who can support you, financially. My only source of income is the disability pension of 500 lei. From 500 lei, I have to pay for the light, maintenance, rent, food, uncompensated medicines.

I don't have a job that justifies higher education, but I have a job that continues my childhood dream: I'm a writer. I find out of help every book I sell: of poetry or prose. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the friends who have bought my books, or at least a book, over the years. They helped me and enjoyed me very much!

About my books, you can read on www.doinapostolachi.ro. You will find a lot of literary criticism, photos from book launches and pictures of readers.

If you are curious to read what I write and want to buy any books, you can write me an email on Doina.ii.postolachi@gmail.com.

For a couple of years, however, I haven't written a book. I don't feel too good, and that's why I couldn't write. Instead, I started learning painting techniques. I started painting also because it attracts me for a long time (I also illustrated a book of verses), and because, after writing a book dedicated to painters, Ambroise, I promised myself that I would start painting, but also because I did not want to let the time pass without creating. I resorted to painting, in order to keep alive, the creativity, but also in the hope that the sale of the paintings would help me, but... I was wrong. Financially, it didn't help me, instead, it helped me. I realized that I could do other beautiful things that would please people's eyes and hearts.

I make icons on the glass. Something else, you can see on Facebook and Instagram, on the page Beautiful gifts, with religious themes, or Gifts.frumoase. All the while, I have been and am grateful to God that I can use my eyes, my mind, and my hands.

I thought that locomotor disability was a small price, a reasonable tribute, that I could sacrifice to the disease, until I found myself totally cut off from society, from the world, from the joys of life. Locomotor disability is no more bearable than other kinds of disability. I can't move without help. I use a cane, on the right, and on the left, I need to hold on to one arm. Around the house, I have to have things arranged in such a way that I can move, from one room to another, holding on to objects and propping myself up to the walls. It started to get harder and harder and that's because I'm weakening my joints.

To be sick with multiple sclerosis means to be a prisoner of loneliness and powerlessness. I depend on the goodwill and understanding of other people, when it comes to shopping or helping me to accompany me to doctors and hospitals. The most painful thing is to depend on other people's time. Everyone has his own and you can't be given, too often or almost never, the time you need... It's very painful when you have to do something, get somewhere and you can't, nor can anyone help you!..

The health insurance house does not want to give money to the attendant. Se

they give money only for the attendant of those immobilized in bed, and those like me are immobilized: immobilized at home, but it is not taken into account. Imo-bedded or immobilized at home, all the impossibility of traveling is. If those in my situation could pay for the time, the gasoline of those willing to help, they could handle it much easier. These deprivations exacerbate depression, and depression will not ease bodily healing, once it maintains stress. Being a neurological disease, MS does better in the bodies of those overwhelmed by worry. You feel marginalized, underestimated, unwanted by society.

I'm very lonely, since I've been sick. The disease progresses, takesr I can no longer have a life, as we know it, in its sense of normal life: to have a job, to clean yourself, to do your shopping alone, to visit your friends, to take care of a child, to have a family, to go to the theater, to a coffee, to a movie ... Until a few years ago, I could still go out on the weekends, launch my books at Gaudeamus and go out into the world (helped or accompanied, of course), and now I can't do these either.

A disease like multiple sclerosis takes away your youth, beauty, optimism - everything that gives you joy, everything that is dear to you ... You find yourself a wreck hidden by the world and you miss people so much!... Multiple sclerosis affects my psyche and morale a lot... It's very hard to stay serene, whether you're fighting or resigning yourself, when your body is struggling in pain, sometimes unbearable. I can't sleep at nights sometimes until five o'clock in the morning because of the awful muscle spasms and that's every night, not from time to time. The next day, I start it with fatigue and discouragement.

I looked for all kinds of remedies, tried a lot and they helped me more or less. I couldn't do maybe the most effective things, because I couldn't afford them. Acupuncture, physiotherapy, physical therapy, massage, gym, exercises in the pool and much more, procedures, subscriptions - all together, very expensive. From the disability pension of 500 lei and from a book sale, you can never do them. Perhaps, if I could have done them, it would have somewhat eased the ordeal. But it still wouldn't have brought healing. It is known that multiple sclerosis is an incurable disease, so I was content with little. I was content with any improvement, no matter how small.

Very late, after fourteen years of torment, struggle, resignation, hopelessness, many tears, doubt, many prayers, monasteries, renewed hopes, I resumed my searches. I found out about a clinic in Russia, Moscow, "A. A. Maximov", where, at the Department of Hematology and Cell Therapy, the National Center "Pirogov", of Medical Surgery, miracles happen! The operation and all the treatment, which lasts for 35 - 40 days, does not cost a little. The price is 45,000 euros. With my disability pension of 500 lei, I have no chance to pay these expenses!..

Money will also be needed for round-trip air tickets. It's not just two tickets... Since I can not walk alone, just accompanied, my father will help me. After taking me to the clinic, my father will return to Romania (he lives in rent), because he has nowhere to stay, in Moscow, for 35-40 days. Then, when I have to go back to Romania, all my dad will come to pick me up. There are 6 roads, that is, 6 flights, 6 plane tickets, an extra amount, maybe even a few thousand euros, in addition to the 45,000 euros. After the operation, I will not immediately start walking and running. With complex intervention, the causes of the disease will be removed, but the ravages that the disease has created cannot be removed by that operation.

To return to normality, to rehabilitate locomotor function, I will need to do everything that I did not allow myself during illness. During the illness, physiotherapy, physical therapy, massage, a personal trainer, at the gym, for recovery, would have diminished, a little, the brunt, but they could not have healed me. Now, however, my body will be ready to rebuild some functions from scratch. All the costs of the procedures, made with perseverance, at least 1 year, amount to another few thousand euros. And it's very important that, this time, I stick to them. It would be a great pity if, after such an enormous effort, I abandoned the fight halfway. It would be a great pity not to be able to continue healing and not complete the recovery. The muscular dystrophy I have can be cured by extra effort, following some courses of physio / kinetotherapy, pelvis, acupuncture, etc. (which also cost). I really want to continue with the recovery therapies after the surgery. I don't want to sit with my breast anymore, doing nothing. This is how I stayed for many years, because I had no financial possibilities. All of them, gathered together, amount to about 60,000 euros.

For this reason, we appealed to the intercession of the Association "Save a heart!", to ask for help in succeeding in completing the long and arduous path of my spiritual journey, in this life, in search of Transformation through Healing. I chose thanks to Mr. Vlad Placinte for his willingness to allow me to tell my story and for the magnanimity of having accepted to help me through the "Save a Heart" Associate! I would like to mention that everything is transparent, the money does not go into my pocket, but to the Association, where every expense will be justified by proof of payments, receipts and invoices. Otherwise, I will not be able to benefit from the medical services, which I will need, further, for recovery.

The National Center "Pirogov" is the only place in the world, where this miracle happens! For over 10 years, she has been treating MS patients in all the world. It's very hard to get there, appointments are made for a year or two years before. I got a place for May, 2022, but to secure my place, I have to confirm the payment.

Others, more fortunate, found out about this chance after only 1- 2 years or 5,

from the onset of the disease. It took me 14 years!! ....

The truth is that we have not even looked for solutions, year after year... I only searched at first... And when my disease started, this activity at the "Pirogov" clinic still did not exist... I searched and searched, then, when I saw that I could not find anything, I gave up... It is one of the most precious lessons, learned, in so many years (of loneliness): not to give up, that you will still find Divine help one day, God does not leave you, but you lose years of life, of alms, giving up the search. And nothing compares to the regret of Lost Time.

At the moment, I am undergoing a belly injection treatment, Rebif, 3 times a week, received through the National Program. But these injections did not help me with anything, my condition did not improve in any way. I'm even worried that if I interrupt them, I immediately make a switch. That's what happened when the pandemic started. I lost touch, at one point, with the neurologist, interrupted the injections and immediately did the. Over the years, I have sought explanations and help in books; I found a lot of understanding and a living source of energy in them. Now, I no longer have reserves of power... My body urgently needs serious repairs!...

I dread living the rest of my life in a wheelchair. I'm scared to stop being able to read a book, to talk about a book I like, but most of all, I'm afraid to lose my literary talent...

When I was a kid, I dreamed of life differently at forty years old. I did not imagine that life is so complicated and that it can be so different from our dreams. I saw myself as a wife, a mother, a successful writer, translated into many foreign languages... There was none of that. Not so far.

But whether the fulfillment of all this depends, to the greatest extent, on my health?... Maybe, by healing myself, will I save my dreams and fulfill my destiny?

Multiple sclerosis is a destructive disease!! ... The operation in Moscow is my chance at a new life! To a normal life. I really want to get to Moscow for the stem cell transplant operation. The next day, after the operation, will be a second birthday!... I'm still young... I can still enjoy Life!... I can still be a mother. I no longer want to be, for anyone, a burden. I also want to make myself useful. I want to be able to work, I want, and I, others, to be able to help!! ... I want to go back to writing. I want to keep fighting for the books I wrote. I really want to find a translator who works with foreign publishers and translate my novels Ambroise and A Secret in Los Angeles. With God's help, I will strive to publish them abroad. I took important literary prizes with these two books (in Chisinau), but in Romania, there is no promotion whatsoever... I want to get well, to be able to walk freely on two legs, to give up the cane, so that I can get more involved in the destiny of my books.

In the Bible it says to honor our parents. I wish very much that through the joy of wineto my deceration, to honor my parents. For all their suffering, caused by my illness, for all their trouble, related to the death of the two older brothers, for all their worries, for all their cares for me and for their prayers, I want to honor them, giving them this joy!...

My parents are both retired. My father is an engineer, a colonel, my mother is a teacher of language and literature Romanian. I have simple, honest, hardworking parents, beautiful, God-fearing people. I have a younger brother: he gave up a lot for the sake of my healing. It is a wonder that I found out about this clinic in Moscow, after I painted, on glass, an icon with the Holy Matron in Moscow. I prayed that they would help me, while I was painting it, and I think she heard my prayer!... There's another Saint, a Russian, he was abbot, to whom I prayed and I think he received my prayers: St. Nicholas Gurianov. I thank God for giving me this chance to heal!... I thank God for this insatiable and blessed chance. I thank all the people with good hearts who will be close to me.

I hope, when I tell you more about myself, that it will be only good in the next book!"

Anyone who has read between the lines the pain and helplessness of this woman and does not want to extinguish her hope for healing, can donate to the accounts of the Association "Save a Heart". 60,000 euros can be a huge amount for many of us, but we have raised much larger sums together, we have proved that just as some sick people are forced to move mountains of despair and limitations, so we have moved mountains of "financial impossiosities". Doina deserves to carry on her talent as a writer, she deserves to have a normal life, a fruitful life, to enjoy those around her with the poems and prose written from the heart. But she can't do anything of all that cruel loneliness caused by the terrible multiple sclerosis and the lack of an income to help her get through this world already full of other problems. Everyone's little can become enough for this woman who can only "go" forward. Together we can prove to her that she is not alone in this extremely hard fight and that, yes, miracles exist where there is solidarity!

Donations can be made:

Entity name: Association "SAVE A HEART"
Tax registration code: 31015982

Bank account (IBAN):

RON Account: RO05BTRL00701205W82870XXX

Euro Account: RO28BTRLEURCRT00W8287001




Banca Transilvania Botosani

Please specify: DOINA POSTOLACHI