Campaign updates
In July 2021, with excitement and hope, we started the fundraising campaign for Anastasia Rotaru - at that time, a little girl of only 2 years old who, unfortunately, had been diagnosed with cancer. It was a thrilling fight for life and to raise an impressive sum of over 100,000 euros. The words conveyed by her father touched us deeply: "Unfortunately, we are unable to cover this enormous amount, and we implore you from the bottom of our hearts to help us as much as you can in this difficult situation."
Thanks to the generosity of you, those who donated, we were able to support the Rotaru family in this major trial of life. Today, I received encouraging news from her father: Anastasia is growing healthy, lively, and has only routine checkups to make sure everything is under control.
We are deeply grateful for every donation. Unfortunately, at certain times, money can really make a difference. ❤️
We want to let you know that Anastasia returned home a few days ago. At this time he has oral chemotherapy treatment. In a month's time we are going to go to a repeated check-up at the Medical Park clinic.
Anastasia Rotaru is in remission, but she is still struggling with the reactions caused by Lyme disease, the cause being a tick that infected her. Yesterday she was investigated at the Infectious ward and now we are waiting for the results.
At the moment, treatment with cytostatics has been discontinued.
A short time ago Anastasia had Covid and for 4 weeks the little one's health was unstable and chemotherapy treatment could not be continued. A few days ago the test came out negative and will continue treatment. We are waiting for the completion of the treatment and then a series of medical investigations will follow to see the health eaves and the next treatment plan.
Thank you for joining us!
Last week I did the spinal cord biopsy and the result was a good one, but the treatment does not end here. We have started a new course with hormonal preparations and chemotherapy that will last 30 days. Anastasia is now periodically irritated and very depressed, but this condition is because of the treatment, but we have to accumulate strength and get over it. We also have a note of 25000€ of which 15000€ is paid and we still need 10000€. Please support us as much as you can. Any share or help will be beneficial. Thank you very much
We finished the third cure and after chemotherapy Anastasia often gets a fever and unfortunately the analyzes show that she has the infection. Because of this we are in the hospital and receive the rehabilitation treatment. About two weeks later, the doctors will have the biopsy. After this, the procedure will be established and the protocol for the treatment that awaits us. And only then it will be clear what is the price for the next chemotherapy treatment
I want to honestly admit - every time it is increasingly difficult to write such lines. A huge amount of thoughts swirl in my head with anxiety and stress. Connecting all thoughts into one whole, you understand that everything you think at the moment is related to Nastenka - a little princess.
Our daughter, who is a little over two years old, can not fully enjoy her childhood. We really believe and hope that all this is temporary and in the near future the baby will be healthy.
I almost finished with my third year. Behind an infusion of chemotherapy 24 hours. There were 4+ chemotherapy pills every day. The wall is very tired and an unarmed eye is visible. Unfortunately the temperature rises often. The mood changes. It's hard to imagine what torture a little girl goes through, for which it has become a habit of seeing people in white robes. Uzi, CT scans, daily tests, injections - it doesn't matter how many there have been in the last two months.
In-depth tests are ahead of us to determine future treatment. A few days ago, doctors announced the need to present an expensive test for genetic diseases. But despite all the difficulties, Nastenka already understands a lot. Every day he learns new words with curiosity and enjoys teaching verses, which he tells many of those he sees nearby.
We sincerely believe that every day brings us closer to recovery. Please support us at such a difficult time. Thank you for welcoming us. Any help you make us stronger. May God give health to you and your loved ones.
Not looking at all the problems and hardships, our daughter taught us to look at this world with love, smiles and the hope that everything would be fine... She is the most beautiful example who, with all the pain she endures and all the impediments we encounter, continues to smile and we go firmly convinced towards health!
The second part of the third course of chemotherapy remained behind, and we, gathering forces, we go forward...
From the very first moments when the dropper is adiminstrated to the child, it is hard to watch how from a cheerful and lively child, a weak and sad child appears, who sits in bed and asks the mother's hand to be on her tummy, so being quieter.
It is said that this treatment affects the nervous system, having stress and reliving effects on the patient.
Seeing how the drops of this preparation get into your child's body, you pray that the little one will not have side effects and that everything will end without side effects.
Of course, chemotherapy did not pass without effects, the results of laboratory tests worsened, appetite decreased, the doctor prescribed medication because it is infection according to the latest analyzes.
Thank you all for all you are doing for us... 🙏 You are many and you instill in us hope for a better future.
A share, a post or a small material support would be useful to us further. Thank you so much!
Anastasia had 3 days fever after which we were admitted to the hospital and because of this we started a 3 late chemotherapy cure . Until the therapy goes well the doctors are satisfied with the results they see . If the Lord will give it all well we are already waiting for the 2nd block of chemotherapy in 2 weeks ,in total there are 4 blocks and we do one every 2 weeks,and after we finish this course we will have to do investigations to see how the therapy went and already after the results will decide what we do next .
The 3rd cure cost 23,000 euros in total, from this money was paid 21,500 euros after which it remained to pay 1,500 euros
The oncology department for children is such a sad and gloomy place, where you can not enter the soul without pain ... The place where instead of smiles and joy, you see tears and the suffering of children, but unfortunately, at the moment we depend entirely on this place. This place together with the team of doctors gives us hope and chances at life. On Friday, on 10.09.2021 we start the third course of chemotherapy and I pray to the Lord that it will pass easily. The third course will be difficult, pills, 4 injections of intrarectal into the spinal cord and droppers with chemotherapy 3 days in a row for 24 hours each. 4 times my daughter will receive an enormous dose of chemo preparations...
Now we are outside the hospital and we are getting pills and if all is going to be fine, at the end of the week we will be in the hospital again. I pray to the Lord that my daughter will have many strengths and health to pass the third course.
Thank you all for your support, thank you for your words of encouragement, for your faith and your help.
I ask each of you to help us in every possible way: financially, with a share any help is welcome.
I would never have thought that my child would suffer from such a terrible illness and that it could be so painful for me from what is happening. The most important thing for every MOTHER is the health of her child and I firmly believe that everything we are going through now is not in vain and that soon we will see a positive result and life will change from gloomy colors to brighter ones.
Yesterday I finished my second course of chemotherapy which was quite difficult and almost not at all according to the expectations I had. I thank the Lord for helping us and the doctors who were by our side without whose involvement we would not have finished with the treatment. I'm going to take the third course of chemotherapy treatment, and from this simple thought I get the thrills because I don't know how my daughter Anastasia's body will react... I hope and pray to the Lord that we will not have such serious side effects as in the previous course. But now we have to leave all the relives and thoughts on the second plane because we have two weeks of rest after chemotherapy. We're just going to have doctor visits and laboratory tests. How much I want after the 3.5-month period of hospitals to bring back to my child the life of yesteryear with games, walks, to enjoy small things and not to have thoughts like how my daughter will suffer tomorrow from treatments and medications administered. We still need the support of each of you and I want to ask you to donate as little or a share as would be equally welcome in our support. Thank!
Anastasia continued the treatment and on Sunday she performed the second 24-hour chemotherapy session, followed by a 14-day break.
Thank you for joining us!
Today they were supposed to give us the intractal injection into the spinal cord, but they interrupted the course of chemotherapy again because they detected herpes on their backs. Doctors call this area "Zooster Zone" and we are already treating this problem. We hope it will be resolved as soon as possible. Extremely difficult is the second course...
Last week I continued my second year of chemotherapy, did a biopsy of my spine to see if stopped chemistry affects the disease. I really hope that the result doesn't upset us and is no worse than the previous one.
This week we're waiting for 24-hour chemotherapy and an injection of chemotherapy into the spine. And if all goes well, we finish the second year
very hard, many side effects have been, we have been through a lot and I realize that there is still a lot to go.
Anastasia's smile gives us strength and faith that everything will be fine.
Thank you all for your support, your kind words and your belief that everything will be fine.
Please help us by reposting the fundraiser, donating and inviting friends to the fundraiser... is very important to us.
I don't know where to start, so much has happened lately, so many experiences, so many pains and obstacles to Nastenka's recovery, that sometimes I don't know where to get the strength to go through it all. Unfortunately, our chemotherapy has been temporarily stopped... After another chemotherapy, Nastya got much worse, had fever and vomiting, we were admitted to the hospital. I couldn't even imagine what was waiting for us, I thought the drops would drip and let us go home, because such symptoms often appear after chemotherapy... It's been a day or two, but Nastenka hasn't improved, she felt so bad, she couldn't even turn her head... The doctors came, examined her and left with their faces frightened, then came and left again... have decided to prescribe an ultrasound, an X-ray, a CT scan and many different tests... After passing all these procedures, a doctor came and said that water appeared in the abdominal cavity and in the lungs, after which the surgeon examined and said that until he saw the need for surgery, we will wait for the water to come out naturally. . On the same day, the doctor, without waiting for our consent, ordered an expensive and very effective drug, for which we are very grateful and began intensive care .. during the day, every hour, a new dripper, new drugs.. Doctors said that according to tests, the condition improved a little, but according to Nastya, it was not visible, ultrasounds and X-rays were done 3 times a day ... the doctor said that the water leaves, everything goes well, but our baby still felt sick... And here again the tests, a bunch of devices and now the doctor says that there is almost no water, but because of the numerous drugs, the liver has suffered and now it is necessary to restore it, and this is not as fast as we would like. They've got a bait in which their hands are off. All we had to do was pray and wait... to wait for Nastenka to feel better. At the moment, Nastya is feeling better than before, her liver is recovering by 70%, her tests are back to normal, but doctors are waiting for Nasenka to strengthen, so we'll be in the hospital for another week. Hopefully soon we will be able to continue chemotherapy and all difficulties will be left behind.. Thank you all for your support for joining us. Your help is available to you. is very, very important to us. Let God give health to all 
I often hear the expression that you can look at three things over and over again: how fire burns, how water flows, and how other people work... In our case, I can keep watching the sun rise, how our little princess smiles, and how good people are willing with all our heart to help us collect the necessary amount of money for Anastasia's treatment, because these things allow our daughter to be one day closer to recovery. I am very and very grateful to you. Now we're in the middle of our second course of chemotherapy. During this course, four days a week we get chemoetrapie, we pause for three days and we take pills every night. Anastasia feels better, when she gets worse... chemotherapy is felt, blood tests decrease, immunity is not the same as before, has no appetite, is powerless. Doctors keep everything under control... Where appropriate, administer different drips to maintain the body and immunity. I can't put into words what a difficult way we're going... how painful it is to watch when your child is sick and there is nothing you can do to help him. I hope and believe that all this will be over soon. Lord, give Anastasia health and strength to cope with all hardships. When little powers appear and he can play, laugh and ask for something, for me it's a breath of fresh air. I'm ready to give everything just so my daughter can have a good time... She is everything to me and together we will certainly overcome all the hardships. We thank all the good and indifferent people who pray for our daughter, who helps us with a donation, repost and invites other taxpayers. You're heroes, you're great. Thank you very much, God bless you and your family. Together – we are a force.
Each of us has specific goals and desires in this life, some are clouded, some more landed... And only a few are vital.
None of us know what's waiting for us tomorrow, but the toughest thing is when tomorrow is unfair and applies to children.
We are not perfect, everyone who reads this post in their lives has certainly broken up, made a mistake and is to blame for something... what can not be said about Nastia, the baby is only one year and 10 months Old...
Now she needs HELP, and each of you can make your mark on this angel's life 
Scroll through the photo,
share this information on your pages, help financially if possible and pray for her health 
I don't want to say much, but I've been thinking a lot about whether I should have written this post. I haven't found an answer for myself, but all I'm thinking about is that my daughter is sick and has a diagnosis- lymphoma. It sounds awful, but does it make sense to blame someone for it? Fate? I don't believe in fate. Doctors? Or maybe I just have to do an introspection and think about where I went wrong? When you're young, you want to prove to everyone that you're cool and that you can do something. But there comes a time when you understand that in life you have to be simply "human". man. man. father. And from the point of view of a father, whose child is 24/7 connected to drips, you understand that in life there are times when you are powerless to help. At times like this, you understand that your power is to be with your daughter and wife... and don't cry. With this message I address you, dear fathers. Appreciate your family and children. And I would like to come with the request to help us raise the necessary amount for the treatment of Anastasia. I totally understand that it's not simple, but I think with your help we're going to make it. I'm sure my daughter is strong and she will succeed. I'm sure he'll have a happy childhood and only faith in the best gives us the opportunity to achieve the impossible. Thank you so much! Take care of your loved ones and wish you well!
Campaign started on: 29.07.2021
Name: Anastasia Rotaru
Age: 2 years
Amount : 100,000 €
Diagnosis: Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma (CANCER LIMFATIC)
Clinic: Medical Park
Anastasia's story
Pain, stress, disappointment and a constant struggle for life... They appear to be the coordinates of an adult life, by no means a child's life. Unfortunately, we are talking about the reality of Anastasia Rotaru, a little girl of only 2 years of age thrown mercilessly into a borderline situation.
It all started with a small lumpinthe ear. As soon as theynoticed, the parents went to the doctor, who encouraged them that there was nothing serious given the results of the tests.
Tatiana, the child's mother, still felt that something was wrong, especially since the lump changed shape and color, which is why she went to the hospital with Anastasia, and there she received the news that changed their lives forever - the little girl has lymphatic cancer.
At that moment I felt like the sky had fallen over me, though it would be a little said, it's hard to describe in words, for my daughter, a small and wiry child, was subjected to too much of a challenge. Without hesitating too much, we decided to go to treatment in a more developed country with all modern technologies in medicine,says Tatiana Rotaru.
That's how they ended up at the Medical Park Clinic in Turkey, where Anastasia is due to endure seven chemotherapy sessions. It has reached the second, and the parents have nowhere to cover the enormous costs, which amounts to 100,000 euros.
Unfortunately, we are not able to pay this enormous amount and we ask you from the bottom of our hearts to help usin this difficult situation , thelittle girl's father, Andrei Rotaru, told us.
Anastasia is far too small for such a tough and unjust fight, her parents are already being cleansed of pain, helplessness and financial resources. We thus remained this child's only chance to survive, to escape from the merciless clutches of cancer. Only together can we save this little girl from certain death. Together through our donations we can give this innocent angel a new chance at life. We've done it in the past, we can do it now. Any donation means life to Anastasia!
Donations can be made:
Entity Name: Association "SALVEAZA O INIMA"
Tax Registration Code: 31015982
Bank Account (IBAN):
RON Account: RO05BTRL00701205W82870XX
Euro Account: RO28BTRLEURCRT00W8287001
REVOLUT: 0752,753,540
Trans Bankilvania Botosani
Please specify: ROTARU ANASTASIA on payment/details