
Claudia Rusa

Campanie din trecut 0 days
49.113733905579% Complete

Amount received

11.444 €


23.300 €

You can donate directly by bank transfer to the following accounts:

Account RON: RO05BTRL00701205W82870XX

Account Euro: RO 28 BTRL EUR CRT 00 W828 7001

Account USD: RO 68 BTRL USD CRT 00 W828 7001

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Claudia Rusa

Campanie din trecut

Campaign updates

Campaign started on: 23.07.2020

Name: Claudia

First name: Russian

Age: 40

Amount required: 23,300 euro

Diagnosis: Mesotelioma of the pleura

Clinic where he will perform treatment: LIV HOSPITAL

Claudei's story

Every humanitarian case we approach impresses us and spurs us to fight to solve it, to banish the pain from that person's life, to give him hope that everything will be fine, that evil will disappear. But Claudia Rusa's story has made us think for a long time about life and how unpredictable and cold it can be.

She wrote to us by hand, with few words, but which pierce your heart, about her dream:

I write these lines to you, to your loved ones, in the hope that you will help me fulfill my dream of being healthy and living with my child.

If he'd stopped here, that would have been enough, because... how to dream of being healthy? Isn't that normal? How can you dream of living with your child as a mother? Isn't it natural to be like that? It is, or at least it should be, for all parents, for all people! But the life of each of us is different. Even if on the outside everything seems banal, in the soul hide unknown fights, which distinguish us, transform us and sometimes ostracize us and put us in borderline situations.

In September last year I was diagnosed with a rare form of lung cancer. Unfortunately, despite all the treatments, the disease has evolved. The chemotherapy sessions did not work. My only chance at the moment is an immunotherapy treatment, but it has a very high cost for my financial possibilities: 23,300 euros,Claudia wrote, reading between the lines the pain and fear that were forced into her heart.

The 40-year-old woman works as a high-voltage electrician on the subway, as does her husband and son. They have no way of raising such a sum, especially since time passes very quickly and to your detriment when you suffer from a terrible disease. Claudia did everything she could, as far as she could, now it's our turn to lend her a hand, help this young mother stay with her family. She wants nothing more than to live and enjoy with her boy. Is that too much? No way! Together we can give him another chance at life by donating in one of the accounts opened by the Save a Heart Association.

Every euro counts, which is why I'm asking for your help in this race. Thank you very much for any gesture that will help me fight for my life!


Entity Name: Association "SALVEAZA O INIMA"
Tax Registration Code: 31015982

Bank Account (IBAN):

Account RON: RO 05 BTRL 0070 1205 W828 70 XX

Euro Account: RO 28 BTRL EUR CRT 00 W828 7001

USD CONT: RO 68 BTRL USD CRT 00 W828 7001



Banca Transilvania Botosani

Please specify the last name of the patient-Rusa