
Patricia Sbîrcea

Campanie din trecut 0 days
36.422928870293% Complete

Amount received

8.705 €


23.900 €

You can donate directly by bank transfer to the following accounts:

Account RON: RO05BTRL00701205W82870XX

Account Euro: RO 28 BTRL EUR CRT 00 W828 7001

Account USD: RO 68 BTRL USD CRT 00 W828 7001

Payments made


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Bank donors

Laurentiu -.
Cristian V.


Patricia Sbîrcea

Campanie din trecut

Campaign updates

01 Mar
Payments Fisier 1

Today, in a remarkable demonstration of solidarity and compassion, the "Save a heart" Association managed to pay the impressive sum of 118,497 RON, a gesture that not only attests to the generosity of the community, but also represents a ray of hope for Patricia Sbircea, a 13-year-old girl whose story touched the hearts of many.

Patricia faces an intimidating adversary: scoliosis, a condition that has tested both her body and spirit. However, despite her difficult diagnosis and the difficult road ahead, her courage and resilience are the beacon that guides not only herself but also those around her, demonstrating that hope and willpower can move mountains.

The scoliosis surgery Patricia recently underwent is a crucial step in her battle for a better life. It is a challenging road, but the unconditional support of his family and community turns this journey into a story of courage and hope. In these moments, we see how human unity, compassion and generosity show their true strength.

Patricia's story transcends a girl's struggle against a disease. It is a testament to the power of the community to mobilize and provide support where it is needed most. Every contribution, regardless of its size, is a proof of solidarity and human kindness, a signal that together we can face life's challenges.

Our fight doesn't stop there. Every gesture of support, every message of encouragement continues to be a source of strength for Patricia and her family. We are deeply grateful for everything you have done and for what we continue to do together. It is living proof that, together, we are capable of bringing light even in the darkest moments.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your generosity, support and faith. Together, we manage to make a difference in the lives of those who need us. Thank you for joining us, for sharing hope and for helping us build a better future.

The struggle continues, but together we are stronger. Thank!

01 Mar

In the heart of Botosani, under the sign of dedication and tradition, rises the story of a family business that embraced the dreams and hopes of the community: Lival Import Export SRL. Founded in 1991, the company started as a modest dream, a small business that aimed to bring bread baked with love and craftsmanship to people's tables. It wasn't just the bread that was baked in those original ovens, but also the hope of sustainable growth, of a future thriving community.

With each passing day, Lival broadened its horizons, transforming itself from a small bakery workshop into a modern factory, equipped with state-of-the-art equipment, strictly respecting the norms of the European Union. This development was not only proof of innovation, but also of a promise kept: to provide fresh, nutritious and high-quality bakery products.

With over 50 dedicated employees and its own stores in Botosani, Lival is not just a name on a building, but part of the daily life of residents, a symbol of prosperity and quality. The collaboration with partner stores expands the Lival family, distributing joy and health through each bakery product bearing our signature.

But the story of Lival Import Export transcends the boundaries of business, touching hearts and supporting the community in times of need. The contribution of 5000 RON for Patricia Sbîrcea, a young woman who suffered complications following a scoliosis correction operation, reflects our altruistic spirit and commitment to the good of others. It is a gesture that speaks to our values, faith in humanity and the desire to provide support where needed.

After 18 years of hard work and dedication, Lival Import Export SRL boasts a well-known reputation in the bakery field, a reputation built on quality, innovation and compassion. We are proud of our journey, our evolution and the impact we have had on the community. Every day, we strive to be more than just a business; Let us be a family, a support and an inspiration for all those who cross our threshold.

27 Feb
Payments Fisier 1

Save a heart Association paid today the amount of 500 RON according to the attached payment order.

Our fight continues!


10 Jan
Payments Fisier 1

Patricia Sbircea, a 13-year-old, faces a reality that could intimidate even the strongest among us. Diagnosed with scoliosis, Patricia went through the early stages of a medical journey full of challenges and uncertainties. Despite her young age, her courage and resilience are an inspiration to everyone around her.

He performed the first medical investigations, a necessary and essential step on his way to healing. Emotions are intense, rising as the day of surgery approaches, a moment that will mark a new beginning in her life. This experience is not easy, neither for her nor for her family, who support her unconditionally.

In this period full of trials, the "Save a heart" Association intervened with a gesture of extraordinary generosity. They paid the sum of 1944 RON, according to the attached payment order, thus helping to alleviate part of the family's financial burden. This aid comes not only as material support, but also as a message of hope and solidarity.

Patricia's story is not only about a young girl's struggle against a disease, but also about the power of community to unite and support those in need. Every helper, big or small, contributes to Patricia's struggle and encourages her to stay strong and optimistic.

Our fight continues. We thank each and every one of you for your generosity and support. Together, we make a difference in the lives of those who need us.

16 Dec

Patricia Sbircea, a brave 13-year-old, faced a serious diagnosis of scoliosis, but her story became one of inspiration and hope. In an impressive demonstration of solidarity and generosity, a remarkable 642 people came together, raising the necessary amount of 25618 euros for his operation in just 39 calendar days. This incredible effort was also supported by the national and local press, which published 21 articles, bringing Patricia's story to the hearts of many. The surgery will take place at Monza Hospital in Bucharest, under the expert guidance of Dr. Alexandru Thienry, and the recovery will take place at the Recover Clinic. Family, friends and all those who contributed to this achievement express their deep gratitude to each donor, seeing in this act a true manifestation of faith and humanity. "Glory to God for everything," these words are not just an expression of gratitude, but an echo of hope that permeates every gesture of generosity and support.

14 Dec


  1. NEWSPAPER ON THE NET-A 13-year-old girl risks ending up in a wheelchair. Lifesaving surgery is the only Christmas gift that would make her happy 

  2. SIBIU INDEPENDENT-A 13-year-old girl risks ending up in a wheelchair. Lifesaving surgery is the only Christmas gift that would make her happy

  3. ROMANIA TV-From sports life to wheelchair. The life-saving surgery is the only Christmas gift that would make 13-year-old Patricia happy 


  5. A 13-year-old girl is at risk of ending up in a wheelchair. Lifesaving surgery is the only Christmas gift that would make her happy

  6. NEWS PAȘCANI-A 13-year-old girl risks ending up in a wheelchair. Lifesaving surgery is the only Christmas gift that would make her happy 

  7. BOTOȘANI NEWS-A 13-year-old girl fell on the ice, and her parents took her to the doctor. The doctors' diagnosis came as a shock: "My child's life is at a crossroads."

  8. SOUTHERN GAZETTE – 13-year-old girl risks being wheelchaired

  9. ARGEȘAN UNIVERSE – A 13-year-old girl risks ending up in a wheelchair. Lifesaving surgery is the only Christmas gift that would make her happy

  10. BOTOȘANI EXPRESS-A girl needs help not to paralyze, a saving operation could be the Christmas gift

  11. 24 IAȘI-A 13-year-old girl is at risk of ending up in a wheelchair. Lifesaving surgery is the only Christmas gift that would make her happy

  12. NEWSLIST-From life as an athlete to a wheelchair. The life-saving surgery is the only Christmas gift that would make 13-year-old Patricia happy 

  13. INFO IAȘI-A 13-year-old girl risks ending up in a wheelchair. Lifesaving surgery is the only Christmas gift that would make her happy

  • GAZETA DE BOTOȘANI-A 13-year-old girl risks ending up in a wheelchair. Lifesaving surgery is the only Christmas gift that would make her happy

  • DAILY BUSINESS-Cry of despair, on the eve of Christmas! Patricia is 13 years old and asks to live normally, and Romanians are the only solution

  • BOTOȘĂNEANUL-A girl needs help not to paralyze, a saving operation could be the Christmas gift

  • AGORA PRESS-Cry for help! A young motorcyclist urgently needs help after being seriously injured in a road accident

  • ARAD NEWS-Teenage girl needs financial help for surgery

  • NEW WEATHER – A fall on ice and the rebirth of a Hope: Patricia's fight for healing!

  • NEWS BOTOȘANI-A little girl risks ending up in a wheelchair, the life-saving surgery is the only Christmas gift that would make her happy!

  • SUCEAVA NEWS-A 13-year-old girl risks ending up in a wheelchair. Lifesaving surgery is the only Christmas gift that would make her happy

  • NEWS FROM IAȘI-The Christmas gift that a 13-year-old girl who risks ending up in a wheelchair wants


    08 Dec

    Dear supporters and friends of "Save a Heart" Association,

    With great joy and gratitude, we want to share with you extraordinary news that brings hope and comfort into the life of a young fighter, Patricia. Through a remarkable gesture of generosity, Allianz-Tiriac Asigurari contributed with the generous amount of 5,000 euros to the fund created to support Patricia's treatment. This donation is much more than financial aid; It is an act of deep solidarity and a sign that when we join forces, we can make a difference in the lives of those in need.

    Patricia, 13, faces a serious medical challenge - scoliosis. This condition requires specialized surgery to ensure a pain-free and full of possibilities life. Her surgery is planned for January 2024, and the generous contribution of Allianz-Tiriac Insurance It helps us move closer to the goal of covering the costs of this essential intervention.

    We would like to express our sincerest thanks to Allianz-Tiriac Asigurari for this noble gesture. It not only provides vital financial support to Patricia's recovery, but is also a source of inspiration and hope for our entire community. It is concrete proof that solidarity and human kindness can work miracles.

    On behalf of Patricia, her family and the Save a Heart team, we thank you all for every form of support and for choosing to be part of this journey of relief and healing. Every contribution, big or small, is a step towards a better and brighter future for Patricia.

    With deep gratitude,
    "Save a Heart" Association Team

    Campaign started on: 07.11.2023

    Name: Sbîrcea

    First name:Patricia Maria

    Age: 13 years

    Amount required: 23900 €

    Diagnosis: Scoliosis 

    The treatment will be performed at Monza Hospital in Bucharest

    "A Fall on the Ice and the Rebirth of a Hope: Patricia's Struggle  for Healing"

    One frosty winter morning, the steps of a 13-year-old girl suddenly stopped on the way to school, not because of the cold, but because of an unexpected fall. What seemed like just a small accident became a turning point in her life. The diagnosis received at the doctor resounded like a devastating echo: thoraco-lumbar scoliosis. From that moment on, friends and family began to call her "Scolo", a nickname that, although it said a lot about her struggle, did not define her courage.

    Patricia's story is one of courage, hope and unity. After an MRI in Pitesti, which revealed the progression of the disease, conventional treatments no longer offered a solution. Her only chance was a complex operation in Bucharest, at the Marie Curie Clinic. But, as in any truly powerful story, a new challenge emerged: heart problems that jeopardized any surgery.

    Patricia's family, wrapped in a cloak of concern, sought another hero on this medical journey - Dr. Radu Vatasescu, a renowned cardiologist, who offered a drop of hope by approving the operation. But their joy was short-lived, as the clinic's anesthesiologist refused to participate in the operation, leaving them again in limbo.

    But in a land not so far away, at the Monza Clinic, a new ally was found in the person of Dr. Alexandru Thiery, a surgeon with a big heart who accepted the challenge of operating on Patricia. Now, with a heart full of hope, she is waiting for a Christmas gift - the gift of health.

    Patricia finds herself at the crossroads between fighting for health and dreaming of a normal life. Her moving story is a call to kindness and generosity. With a need of €23,900 for surgery that could give her the freedom to walk, run and live pain-free, every contribution, no matter how small, can bring a smile and hope.

    This story is not just Patricia's, but of each and every one of us who believes in the power of community. It is an invitation to become part of her healing and celebrate every victory, every step towards a normal life together.

    Thank you for reading Patricia's story and we urge you to share this message, donate if you can, and spread the word. Together, we can be the outstretched hand that brings health and joy to the world of a brave little girl.

    Name of entity: Association "SAVE A HEART"

    CIF: 31015982

    RON Account: RO05BTRL00701205W82870XX

    EUR Account: RO28BTRLEURCRT00W8287001

    USD Account: RO68BTRLUSDCRT00W8287001

    SWIFT code: BTRLRO22

    BIC code: BTRL

    Bank: Banca Transilvania Botoșani

    The request of the organization is that donors mention in the payment details from the bank transfer the name: PATRICIA SBIRCEA