
Nicolae Turcu

Campanie din trecut 0 days
84.944942528736% Complete

Amount received

14.780 €


17.400 €

You can donate directly by bank transfer to the following accounts:

Account RON: RO05BTRL00701205W82870XX

Account Euro: RO 28 BTRL EUR CRT 00 W828 7001

Account USD: RO 68 BTRL USD CRT 00 W828 7001

Payments made


Now you can donate extremely simple and fast through the new Application for Android and iOS "Salveaza o Inima"

Bank donors

Surugiu G.
Adrian-mihaita C.
Nicoleta O.


Nicolae Turcu

Campanie din trecut

Campaign updates

18 Mar


On a day marked by hope and intertwined fears, Nicholas, a courageous fighter, was confronted with the challenge of his life: major surgery to correct tetralogy of Fallot, a complex heart condition that overshadowed his days. On March 14, 2024, time seemed to stop, while Nicholas' surgery was going on, lasting more than seven hours. In those moments of waiting, Nicholas' grandmother's heart was tightened with emotion, fear and hope, feelings that we all shared, forming a human chain of solidarity and compassion around him.

The intervention took place at Monza Hospital in Bucharest, where the skilled hands of surgeons worked tirelessly, drawing the way to a new beginning for Nicolae. With each passage of minutes, emotions grew, charging the air with tension and unspoken prayers.

Now, with Nicholas' heart beating stronger and healthier than ever, we look to the future with eyes filled with tears of relief and joy. His health is good, a sign that the hardest moments have been overcome. There is a period of recovery, of readjustment to the rhythms of everyday life, but we are full of hope. Nicolae will return to school, embracing the normality of a life he deserves, a life full of promises and dreams waiting to be lived to the fullest.

This trip wasn't just about an operation; It was about courage, about the love of a family and about the strength of a community that came together to support a young soul. In our hearts, Nicholas will always remain a symbol of hope, resilience and the triumph of life over obstacles.

13 Mar
Payments Fisier 1

Dear supporters and generous hearts,

Today, we are proud and deeply moved to share with you news that has filled our souls with hope and gratitude. Nicolae Alexandru Constantin Turcu, a 16-year-old full of life and courage, is preparing for a crucial moment in his fight for a healthy life. Diagnosed with Tetralogy of Fallot, a complex heart condition, Nicholas lived with uncertainty and fear, but he was never alone in this struggle.

In record time, through the generosity and incredible mobilization of our community, we managed to raise the necessary amount of 17,400 euros. It is a testament to humanity's solidarity and power to change lives. It was a race against time, but together we proved that nothing is impossible when our hearts beat in unison for a good cause.

Tomorrow, Nicolae will enter the operating room at Monza Hospital in Bucharest, and emotions are at an all-time high. Not just for him, but also for his grandmother, who was the pillar of support on this challenging journey. In these moments, words are superfluous, but hope and faith in a better future for Nicholas are stronger than ever.

Save a Heart Association paid today the amount of 87,140 RON, according to the attached payment order. It is a huge step towards Nicholas' healing, but also a moment of reflection for all of us, about what it means to give without expecting anything in return.

Our fight doesn't stop there. We continue to support other hearts in need, inspired by Nicholas' story and the incredible mobilization of our community. We thank each and every one of you from the bottom of our hearts for your support. Every donation, every message of encouragement and every kind thought brings us closer to a world where suffering can be alleviated through solidarity and compassion.

On behalf of Nicholas, his grandmother, and everyone we support, thank you! The struggle continues, but together, we are stronger.

With gratitude and hope, Save a Heart Association Team

20 Feb

In just five days since launching our emotional SMS fundraising campaign for Nicholas, we have witnessed extraordinary solidarity. Our community sent 194 SMS, each contributing 2 euros, by a simple message to 8832, with the text "Nicholas". This gesture of generosity reminds us that, together, we can do wonders to bring hope and healing into Nicholas' life. Each SMS is a ray of light to his heart, demonstrating that human goodness knows no bounds.

15 Feb

Today, we invite you to become heroes in the real story of Nicolae Alexandru Constantin Turcu, a 16-year-old who faces a challenge of huge proportions: fighting the Tetralogy of Fallot, a complex heart condition that requires urgent surgery to give him a chance at a normal life.

Nicholas is a fighter. Although life has put obstacles in his way that are hard to imagine, he continues to dream and smile. Raised by a devoted grandmother who made countless sacrifices to see him happy and healthy, Nicolae is now preparing for his most important battle: an operation scheduled for March 14, 2024, at Monza Hospital in Bucharest, an institution recognized for excellence in the treatment of heart conditions.

For Nicolae, this operation is not just a medical procedure, but represents the gate to the future, to days full of promises and fulfilled dreams. The amount of 17400 EURO necessary for the intervention is, however, a difficult mountain to climb for Nicolae and his grandmother.

That's where you, our generous and compassionate community, come in. By simply sending an SMS to 8832 with the message "Nicholas", you contribute 2 EURO to the fund for Nicholas' surgery. Each SMS means a ray of hope, an extra chance for Nicolae to live a full life, free from the constraints of heart disease.

In a world where we are often overwhelmed by our own challenges, choosing to help is an act of ultimate courage and kindness. Each of us has the power to change lives, to bring light where there is darkness, and to offer hope where it seems to be dying out.

Please, don't carelessly pass by this chance to do good. With a small gesture, you can give Nicholas and his grandmother the strength to believe in miracles. Together, let's write a happy ending to Nicholas' story, give him the opportunity to dream of a future without limits.

By donating today, you will always carry in your heart the certainty that you were part of something truly great: saving a life. Nicolae thanks you from the bottom of his heart for every extra chance at life you offer him.


07 Feb

In this challenging world, there are stories worth telling and supporting, and the story of Nicolae Alexandru Constantin Turcu, a 16-year-old, is one of them. Nicholas faces a major challenge in his life, being diagnosed with Tetralogy of Fallot, a complex heart condition that requires urgent surgery to give him a chance at a normal life.

The date of the intervention is set for March 14, 2024, at Monza Hospital in Bucharest, a top medical center in the treatment of heart conditions. Emotions are high for both Nicholas and his grandmother, who raised him alone and who now faces the biggest challenge of their lives - raising the necessary amount for surgery.

Considerable efforts have been made and most of the necessary funds have been raised so far. However, we still need your help to raise the last 2,221 euros. This money is not just the cost of surgery, but the price of hope, health and a life full of possibilities for Nicholas.

Any contribution, regardless of size, can make a huge difference in the lives of Nicholas and his grandmother. Each donation brings us closer to our goal and gives Nicolae the chance to a better life, a life without restrictions and suffering caused by this heart condition.

We reach out to our wider community, friends, family and all those who feel they can contribute to this noble cause. Whether you choose to donate, share Nicholas' story with your network, or simply send kind thoughts and prayers, every gesture of support matters enormously.

Together, we can offer Nicolae Alexandru Constantin Turcu a new chance at life, a chance at joy and a bright future. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for any help and we assure you that each contribution will be used exclusively for Nicholas' treatment.

05 Feb

A wave of hope comes from DIVCO PROTECT, who donated 5000 RON, a gesture that symbolizes faith and unity.

Every help counts, turning despair into hope, fear into peace. Let's contribute to a better future for Nicholas, where every beat of his heart brings joy.

Thank you for your support. Together, we are strong.

27 Jan

Dear friends and people with big hearts,

I turn to you today with a story that touched me deeply. It is the story of Nicolae Alexandru Constantin Turcu, a 16-year-old who faces a huge challenge: the Tetralogy of Fallot, a rare and complex heart condition. 

Nicholas is more than a patient or a medical case. He is a young man full of dreams and hopes, who, despite hardships, retains optimism and desire to live a full life. Every day for him is a struggle, not only with illness, but also with time that seems to flow inexorably against him.

The fundraising campaign for Nicolae started with high hopes, but reality showed us how difficult our path is. So far, only 71 people have contributed, raising €804. It is a start, but far from the necessary amount of 17,400 euros for his treatment at Monza Hospital in Bucharest.

In this struggle, we are not alone. Allianz-Tiriac came to the rescue with a generous donation of 23,000 RON, an impressive gesture of humanity and solidarity. But the road to the required amount is still long and arduous.

I turn now to each of you, not only as a cry for help, but also as an appeal to compassion and kindness. Nicholas not only needs funds, but also our faith in a better future for him. Every euro donated, every message of encouragement, every good thought sent to him means a step closer to saving the life of a young man who deserves to fight for his dreams.

Let us join forces and turn hope into reality. Let us show that, together, we can overcome any obstacle and that every young person's life deserves to be lived to the fullest. Nicholas matters. Your help matters.

Thank you for every gesture of support and for choosing to be with Nicolae in these important moments.

25 Jan

In the heart of each of us lies the power to make a change, to bring light where darkness threatens to win. Today, I share with you the story of Nicolae Turcu, a young man of only 16 years old, whose life is a continuous struggle for normality and health.

🌟 Diagnosis: Tetralogy of Fallot - a name that for many may be foreign, but for Nicholas, this is a daily opponent. Nicholas' heart fights a battle that no child should have to fight.

🏥 Hope comes from Monza Hospital in Bucharest, where his treatment can be a chance for a normal life, a bright future. But the road to healing is arduous and expensive. The amount needed for Nicolae's intervention is EUR 17,400 – an enormous sum for an ordinary family.

💖 A ray of hope enters the scene: Allianz-Tiriac Asigurari, which, with impressive generosity, contributed with the amount of 23,000 RON. This magnificent gesture is not just a donation, but a message of faith, hope, love and unity.

🙏 Every contribution is one step closer to victory. Collective effort can make the difference between despair and hope, between fear and tranquility. Let us unite and offer a future to Nicholas, a future in which every beat of his heart is a song of joy, not an echo of struggle.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for every support, for every gesture of kindness and for every good thought sent to Nicholas. Together, we can work miracles.

Campaign initiated on: 23.01.2024

Name: Turcu

First name:Nicolae Alexndru Constantin

Age: 16 years

Amount required: 17400 EURO

Diagnosis:Tetralogy of Fallot

The treatment will be performed at Monza Hospital in Bucharest

Alexander's story... Lionheart

Today, we write to you with a deep sense of hope and faith that together we can make a significant difference in the life of a courageous young man. His name is Turcu Nicolae Alexandru Constantin, a 16-year-old boy who, despite life's challenges, strives to follow his passions and enjoy every day.

Nicholas was diagnosed with tetralogy of Fallot, a complex heart condition, and underwent his first surgery at the age of 6. Now, he faces a major new challenge: the need for lung valve replacement, a vital procedure to ensure a healthy and full life.

A student at the Energy Technological High School, Nicolae dedicates himself to his studies, with grades between 5 and 9, and finds joy in football and swimming. His grandmother, Turcu Sofica, is the pillar who supported him in all these challenges, raising him with love and enormous sacrifices.

The cost of the surgery is 17400 Euro, an amount that far exceeds the possibilities of Nicolae's family. At this critical time, we appeal to your generosity and kindness. Every donation, no matter how small, brings hope and can radically change the future of this brave young man.

Since he was little, I have been by his side, seeing him face difficulties that no child should face. After the surgery at the age of 6, I hoped that the hardest moments had passed, but now, Nicolae faces a new challenge that threatens his future.

Every day we spend together is a blessing, but also a reminder of the ongoing struggle for his health. My love for him is endless, and my desire is to see him grow up, play football, swim and live life to the fullest, as any young person deserves.

I ask you, from the bottom of my heart, to help us. Every donation, be it small or large, is a step towards saving Nicholas, a step towards a life where he can breathe a sigh of relief, laugh and dream without fear of a new surgery.

We invite you to join this noble cause and contribute to the necessary funds for Nicholas' surgery. Donations can be made in the accounts of the "Save a Heart" Association, and each contribution will be a step towards a better future for Nicolae.

Thank you for your constant generosity and support. Together, we can make a real difference and offer hope where it is needed most.
Name of entity: Association "SAVE A HEART"

CIF: 31015982

RON Account: RO05BTRL00701205W82870XX

EUR Account: RO28BTRLEURCRT00W8287001

USD Account: RO68BTRLUSDCRT00W8287001


BIC code: BTRL

Bank: Banca Transilvania Botoșani

Please specify in the bank transfer, in the payment details, the name Nicolae Turcu