
Elena Berea

Campanie din trecut 0 days
56.418% Complete

Amount received

8.463 €


15.000 €

You can donate directly by bank transfer to the following accounts:

Account RON: RO05BTRL00701205W82870XX

Account Euro: RO 28 BTRL EUR CRT 00 W828 7001

Account USD: RO 68 BTRL USD CRT 00 W828 7001

Payments made


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Bank donors

Popovici I.
Popovici I.
Ilin S.


Elena Berea

Campanie din trecut

Campaign updates

27 Jun

The Save a Heart Association paid today the amount of 450 RON according to the attached payment order.

Our fight continues!


18 Nov
Payments Fisier 1

On the darkest days, where hope seems to fade, outstretched hands appear to bring back light. Elena Berea was enveloped by this light of solidarity in her most vulnerable moments. After undergoing a bilateral nasectomy, a procedure both expensive and vital, Elena's heart and hope were sustained by the generosity of those who did not stand aside. The cost of the operation, 31450 RON, became a lighter burden through the decisive contribution of donors and our reliable partner, LINX BOTOSANI, who offered the amount of 20000 RON. Today, with hearts full of gratitude, we announce the payment of the full amount for Elena's surgery. Our joint effort demonstrates the power of community and human compassion. Our fight for health and life continues, and your support strengthens us every day. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for being with us, for being part of this great family of hope. Together, we save lives, together, we save hearts!

13 Nov

My heart is burdened with thoughts and emotions as I share with you a new chapter in my journey. On the streets of Bucharest, between walls that hide countless destinies, we knocked on the door of hope and set the date that will mark a new beginning: November 16, the day of surgery.

The price of this new chance at life amounts to 26,560 lei, an amount that does not include the days of hospitalization, and the pain I carry inside me made me choose the path that keeps me furthest from risks – giving up reconstruction. This pain, which accompanies me every day, has taught me that we cannot always have control over all aspects of life.

The costs I did not anticipate and which add to the already existing weight make me appeal to your generosity and wide heart. After the surgery, I will have to stay in Bucharest, under the watchful eye of the doctor, between dressings and drains, between hope and waiting.

I don't know how I'm going to look at myself in the mirror afterwards, I don't know if I'll accept myself or if my own reflection will make me nauseous. But I know that health is the greatest gift we can have. My journey with cancer is a story that won't end in the operating room; It is a journey that continues day by day, teaching me every morning about the strength and fragility of life.

In the face of the unknown that follows, I sometimes feel like I want to scream in front of the universe, to shout the anxiety that eats away at me. But at the same time, I welcome with open arms all that life and God offer me, whether it is a challenge or a blessing. With every heartbeat, with every breath, I entrust myself to the hands of destiny, knowing that the most beautiful flowers often grow on the roughest rocks.

06 Sep

Elena Berea, an unwavering woman, armed with faith and patience, faces a hard battle against breast cancer. She bravely went through the fifth session, and there are three more challenges ahead of her. The next stage in this battle is held on September 18. Thanks to the generosity of donors, Elena can continue to fight and hope. We thank all those who are by his side in this difficult journey and we are grateful for his unconditional support.

28 Aug

I can't find the right words to express what I'm going through. Chemotherapy is a real ordeal. At the moment when the preparatory infusion begins, and I feel that substance, which feels like poison, penetrating into the veins, tears begin to flow incessantly. I feel fatigue invading my body, as if my heart is torn apart by pain and despair. I try to accept reality, but I feel that the forces are leaving me. I would like, in those moments, to run as far away as possible, to hide from all this pain. The pain is so overwhelming that sometimes I feel like I don't have the strength to continue. The tears, the cries of pain, and the feeling of helplessness overwhelm me, and yet...

When the door to the salon opens and it's time to go home, it's my child, Denis, who gives me courage and tells me that he will be fine. No one knows what the future holds, only the Divine. For Denis, I want to recover. I want to protect my son from the vision of my pain, although sometimes the expression on my face cannot be hidden.

I want to stay strong and thank God for your presence in my life. I'm not perfect, but I'm not perfect either, it's just me, battling this disease that is cancer.

Campaign started on 18.08.2023

Name: Elena

First name: Beer

Age: 53 years

Amount required: 15.000€

Diagnosis: breast cancer DR T2N1M0, luminal B (breast cancer)

The treatment will be performed at Memorial Hospital, Bucharest


Elena's story


Life hit me, but it didn't defeat me. Please help me fight!


We Romanians have a saying: Trouble never comes alone. This is also the case with Elena. A mother hard tried by fate, from Piatra Neamț. 

               "I first saw my child on the brink of death, bedridden, then I got the verdict: cancer. I still remember the face of  the imaging lady She looked me in the eye and replied like this: Cancer is cancer, it's not good or bad. I couldn't believe what my ears heard... I couldn't believe it was happening to me. Especially after three years of experiencing another tragedy. My child fell from a scaffold, from 14 meters high, while building an industrial hall in Dej County. For months I stayed with him in hospitals, he underwent no less than 8 surgeries. For a while he was bedridden. Now he can move on his own, but only for short distances. The day I exchanged one drama for another, I cried, I screamed, trying to understand why God gave me such a burden again," Elena confessed with a trembling voice.

               Thus, a mother's universe was shaken to its foundations again. Although she was encouraged by doctors, who explained that at this moment there is treatment for her condition, laboratory tests looked worse.

               "I started chemotherapy urgently. I commute from Piatra Neamt to Bucharest. I have to leave at 12 o'clock at night to get to the hospital at 7 for treatment. It's really hard, and the post-chemotherapy symptoms are awful. I can't describe the malaise I feel. Only my son's face, his encouragement and the concern I see on his face keeps me on my feet. I have to prove to her that I am strong!"

               In addition to emotional challenges, Elena also has to deal with financial ones. After several sessions of chemotherapy, Elena must undergo an operation to remove both breasts. The intervention will be performed at Memorial Hospital in Bucharest. The required amount of €15,000 is an additional burden for Elena.

               "The thought that there is no money and you can't look for yourself made me crack repeatedly. If in recent years I was the one who encouraged him not to give up, to take another step with the metal frame and another one, now my son is the one who supports me morally. The roles have been reversed, he encourages me to keep fighting and I'm not going to let him down."

               "15,000 euros. This amount represents Elena's chance to be with my son again, to see his smile every day. Any amount transferred to the accounts of the "Save a heart" Association brings her closer to healing, to the future she wants to have with her family and all her loved ones. Cancer doesn't have to be an epilogue, it can just remain a sad memory. It's up to us to change Elena's life story


For donations:

Name of entity: Association "SAVE A HEART"

Tax identification number: 31015982

RON Account: RO05BTRL00701205W82870XX

EUR Account: RO28BTRLEURCRT00W8287001

USD Account: RO68BTRLUSDCRT00W8287001


BIC code: BTRL

Banca Transilvania 

Please specify in the bank transfer, in the payment details, the name Elena Berea!