
Mădălina Budescu

Campanie din trecut 0 days
56.884615384615% Complete

Amount received

17.748 €


31.200 €

You can donate directly by bank transfer to the following accounts:

Account RON: RO05BTRL00701205W82870XX

Account Euro: RO 28 BTRL EUR CRT 00 W828 7001

Account USD: RO 68 BTRL USD CRT 00 W828 7001

Payments made


Now you can donate extremely simple and fast through the new Application for Android and iOS "Salveaza o Inima"

Bank donors

Elena-Lavinia R.
Revolut B.
Cocean C.
Nicola A.


Mădălina Budescu

Campanie din trecut

Campaign updates

22 Mar
Payments Fisier 1

Save a heart Association paid today the amount of 2780 EURO according to the attached payment order.

Our fight continues!


15 Mar

Save a heart Association paid today the amount of EUR 3463 according to the attached payment order.

Our fight continues!


11 Mar

Dear friends and supporters,

After three intense days in intensive care, I was transferred to the ward. My experience is truly exceptional, requiring not only a complex heart intervention, but also the use of artificial blood vessels - essential elements without which the operation would not have been possible. This victory in the face of adversity would not have been possible without the support, generosity and active involvement of each and every one of you. The fundraising campaign not only saved my life, but also united us into an incredible community of people who believe in the power of good deeds.

I want to share with you the joy of this achievement, the joy of my family and, of course, my personal joy. However, even though the surgery was a success, the next stage of my recovery requires post-operative hospitalization for another two weeks due to the complexity of the intervention. This involves significant costs, and at this point I make one final appeal to your generosity, asking you whether you could continue to support me.

Any contribution, no matter how small, means a lot to me and my family and helps us get closer to our common goal: a full recovery and return to a normal life.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you have done for me so far, and I hope you can stay with me on this final stage of my healing journey. Together, we can work miracles.

For more details and to contribute, please visit: https://salveazaoinima.ro/madalina-budescu/.

With all gratitude and hope,
Mădălina Budescu

09 Mar

With hearts full of gratitude and eyes shining with joy, we bring you wonderful news about one of our special cases - a case that, in all its essence, comes close to miracle. The operation was a success!

Our dear patient is now recovering in the ICU, where she will remain until Monday, before being transferred to the ward for another two weeks. Her case is truly exceptional, requiring not only a complex correction of the heart, but also the use of artificial blood vessels - elements without which the operation would not have been possible.

This victory over adversity would not have been achievable without your support, generosity and active involvement. Fundraising for her not only saved her life, but united us all into a community of people who believe in the power of good deeds. We share with you the joy of this success, the joy of her family, and, of course, ours - of the team coordinating these efforts.

Despite the success of the operation, we are now facing a new threshold that we want to cross together. The post-operative hospitalization of the patient, necessary for the next two weeks due to the complexity of the intervention, involves significant expenses. Therefore, we make one final appeal to your generosity, asking you if you are willing to continue supporting us.

The patient's hospital account remains open for donations, and any amount, however small, will have an inestimable value for her family and for the recovery process. Each contribution brings us closer to our common goal: to give the patient a new chance at a full and healthy life.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for everything you have done so far and we hope you can stay with us on this last leg of our journey. Together, we can work miracles.

07 Mar

My dear friends and benefactors,

At this point in my life, when words seem insufficient to express the depth of my gratitude and emotions, I find comfort in writing these lines from my heart. I am Maria Madalina Budescu, a young woman of 24 years old, who, through an unexpected turn of fate, faces a huge challenge - a serious malformation of the heart. This diagnosis not only shocked me, but also shook the foundations of my life, but the hope and desire to win remained unchanged.

It is with a soul full of emotion and gratitude that I want to thank each of you for every message of encouragement, for every gesture of support and for every generous donation. Thanks to you, noble souls, who have chosen to join my fight, tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock, I will step with hope and courage into the operating room of Memorial Hospital in Turkey. This moment represents the beginning of a new chapter in my life, one filled with hope and healing.

In these moments, when emotions overwhelm me and hope dances to the beat of my heartbeat, I promise you that I will be strong. I will enter that operating room carrying with me not only my dreams, but also my deep gratitude to each and every one of you.

I will keep you updated with all the news and pray that the good God will help us and supervise every moment of this intervention so that I can share with you the long-awaited news of healing.

26 Feb
Payments Fisier 1

Hello! ❤️

I would like to express my deep gratitude for all your support, positive thoughts and every donation received. Thanks to the generosity of each of you and with God's blessing, I will leave for Turkey on Thursday. 🙏❤️

Our campaign will remain active during my stay in Turkey to cover any additional costs that may arise. 😍

I am infinitely grateful to you and pray that God will bless you! 🙏🥰


Save a heart Association paid today the amount of EUR 33500 according to the attached payment order.

Our fight continues!


16 Feb

In a world where every day brings its own challenges, the story of courage and hope of a 24-year-old girl, Maria Madalina Budescu, reminds us of the incredible strength of community and human kindness.

Maria Madalina faces a life challenge – a serious heart malformation that requires urgent and complex surgery at Memorial Hospital in Turkey. The cost of this essential operation for her survival amounts to 31,200 euros, an amount that seemed unattainable at the beginning of this journey.

However, in just 10 days since the fundraising campaign was launched, the spirit of solidarity has manifested itself in a truly impressive way. No less than 840 generous souls answered the call, donating generously and sharing Maria Madalina's story further. Emotions and tears of joy do not stop flowing, as our community managed to raise almost the entire amount needed for the operation. Now, we are only 3,000 euros away from the final goal.

A significant moment in this trip was the extraordinary generosity of Modern Calor company from Botosani, which donated the impressive sum of 10,000 euros. This remarkable gesture not only brought hope, but also greatly accelerated the achievement of our common goal.

Now, more than ever, Maria Madalina needs our support to overcome this trial. In addition to the costs of the operation, there are other expenses that need to be covered, including travel and accommodation in Turkey, for her and her family.

Every contribution, regardless of size, brings us closer to the moment when Maria Madalina will be able to receive the vital treatment she needs. It is a call to compassion, unity and action – to give a young woman a chance at a full and healthy life.

We invite you to join this solidarity movement by donating and sharing Maria Madalina's story. Every gesture of generosity counts and can make a difference in her fight for life.

Together, we can bring hope where there seems to be only despair. Together, we can change Maria Madalina's destiny.

13 Feb


  1. HOT NEWS-24-year-old woman on list for heart transplant. Saving operation: 31,000 euros

  2. R3MEDIA-Maria Madalina Budescu, a 24-year-old woman, needs our support to live

  3. NEWS ON SOURCES-24-year-old woman on list for heart transplant - Saving operation: 31,000 euros

  4. ROMANIA TV-Humanitarian appeal. At 24, Madalina needs donations for a new heart: "Every beat of her heart could be her last"

  5. BUSINESS CLUB-24-year-old woman on heart transplant list. Saving operation: 31,000 euros

  6. AGORA PRESS-24-year-old woman on list for heart transplant. Saving operation: 31,000 euros

  7. DAY OF CLUJ – Young woman of 24 years, on the list for heart transplant. Saving operation: 31,000 euros

  8. MOLDOVA REGIONAL EVENT-A 24-year-old woman needs a new heart

  9. SUCEAVA NEWS-24-year-old woman on list for heart transplant. Saving operation: 31,000 euros

  10. PRO BRĂILA-Young woman of 24 years, on the list for heart transplant. The life-saving operation: 31,000 euros.

  11. DOROHOIAN REALITY – Young woman of 24 years, on the list for heart transplant. Saving operation: 31,000 euros

  12. GORJ ONLINE-Young woman of 24 years, on the list for heart transplant. Saving operation: 31,000 euros 

  13. INFO IAȘI-Young woman of 24 years, on the list for heart transplant. Saving operation: 31,000 euros

  14. GAZETA DE BOTOȘANI-Young woman of 24 years, on the list for heart transplant. Saving operation: 31,000 euros

  15. GLASUL CITADEL – Young woman of 24 years, on the list for heart transplant. Saving operation: 31,000 euros

  16. HELLO IAȘI-Madalina's boyfriend and father went to work abroad to save her. The illness took everything away from her and forced her to postpone her wedding three times: "I feel worse and worse"
  17. TELE M IAȘI-Madalina, at 24 years old, fights for life: "The list is long and my health condition is getting worse!"

  18. NEWS BOTOȘANI-Madalina, at 24 years old, fights for life: "The list is long and my health condition is getting worse!"

  19. BOTOȘĂNEANUL-Together for Madalina: Help asked for a young woman with a serious illness - Each of us can make a difference

  20. BOTOȘANI NEWS-Madalina, the 24-year-old who lives a nightmare every day."Each of her heart has become a struggle for all of us."


10 Feb

In a constantly changing world, where daily challenges constantly test our ability to cope, there are companies that not only live up to expectations, but also exceed them through concrete actions of support and solidarity. MODERN CALOR, a reference name in the energy and utilities sector in Botosani, is a shining example of how a vision centered on innovation, efficiency and social responsibility can transform the realities of the community in which it operates.

MODERN CALOR's vision to become consumers' first choice in choosing the heating system is based on the promise to provide not only advanced and efficient technological solutions, but also a deep commitment to the good of the community. This is not just a promise; is a reality that materializes day by day through concrete actions, through which MODERN CALOR demonstrates that it assumes an active role in increasing the quality of life and environmental protection.

Our mission to help increase efficiency in heat and power is complemented by a strong commitment to humanitarian values such as generosity, solidarity and responsibility towards others. A recent and convincing example of this commitment is the support given to young Madalina Budescu, at a time when she needed help and hope more than ever. Through the generous donation of 50,000 RON, MODERN CALOR not only offered material support, but also sent a strong message about what it means to be part of a community that supports its members in difficult times.

This action reflects the essence of the values that MODERN CALOR promotes: empathy, compassion and the desire to contribute to a better world. It is a proof that, beyond numbers, development strategies or advanced technologies, the heart and soul of any company's success are the basis of success.

Through the support given to Madalina Budescu, MODERN CALOR not only helped her take an important step towards recovery, but also managed to inspire the community, bring hope and show that, together, we can overcome any obstacle. This gesture of generosity underlines once again our commitment to a society where kindness, care for others and concrete actions in support of those in need are the values that guide us every day.

In conclusion, MODERN CALOR is not just an energy service provider; She is a reliable partner, a supporter of the community and an example to follow in the field of social responsibility. By choosing MODERN CALOR, you not only choose an efficient and sustainable solution for heating your building or business, but you also join a bigger cause, that of contributing to a better, more generous and more humane world.

10 Feb

In these first three days since the beginning of our joint journey on the https://salveazaoinima.ro/madalina-budescu/ platform, the souls of 169 generous people shone brightly, gathering together the amount of 4,105 euros out of the  31,200 euros needed. Every contribution, big or small, was a ray of hope for me, a sign that, together, we can turn my dream into reality.
In these moments, when hope and generosity are intertwined to create a better future, I humbly turn to all of you, praying that you will help me continue this journey. With the help of the Good God and people with big hearts, I strongly believe that we can reach the necessary amount of 31,200 euros.
Time is of the essence, and each passing day brings me closer to the moment when I have to get to the Clinic to receive the treatment I need so much. My hope lies in your kindness and solidarity, in the faith that together we can overcome this challenge.
I ask you from the bottom of my heart to help me get to the Clinic in a timely manner. Any help, no matter how small, is a step towards fulfilling my dream of having a better life, of enjoying again the simple things that bring happiness. Every donation, every word of encouragement, every kind thought sent to me not only helps me get closer to my goal, but also gives me the strength to fight, to hope, and to believe.
In these moments, when my future is in your hands, I am more grateful to you than I can express in words. Thank you for your generosity, for the time and resources you have chosen to share with me. Together, we are strong. Together, we can work miracles.
Please help me turn this hope into reality. Help me get to the Clinic in a timely manner. For me, for my future, for the chance to live a full and happy life. I invite you to visit my https://salveazaoinima.ro/madalina-budescu/  campaign page and become part of my story. Together, we can change a destiny. (Mădălina Budescu)

Campaign initiated on: 06.02.2024


First name: Maria Mădălina

Age: 24 years

Amount required: 31200  euro

Diagnosis: Serious malformation of the heart

The operation and treatment will be performed at Memorial Hospital in Turkey

Together for Maria Madalina: A chance at life

Today we come before you with a story that requires not only your attention, but also your generosity. It is the story of Maria Madalina Budescu, a 24-year-old girl struggling with a congenital malformation that marked the trajectory of her life. Maria Madalina was once like any of us, full of dreams and hopes, until her undiagnosed condition in time required urgent surgery.
Maria sent us the following lines: "For about a year, my life has totally changed. Arriving in intensive care in Iasi, then hospitalized twice in Târgul Mureș, where I was put on the transplant list, I realized that my fight is just beginning. The list is long and my health is getting worse. I get tired at the slightest effort and that keeps me tied to the bed. I found a hope, a solution in Turkey at Prof. Dr. Serkan Durdu, but for this I need your help to be able to get to the surgery that can save my life. Please join me in this fight for life."

The cost of the intervention is 31,200 euros, an amount that far exceeds the possibilities of the Budescu family. In the face of this huge sum, we reach out to the community, knowing that together we can make a difference. Every contribution, no matter how small, means a step towards recovering and regaining hope for Maria Madalina.

We invite you to join this mission of saving a life and offer, through your generosity, a chance to Maria Madalina for a healthy future. Any donation can be made on our official website or through our bank accounts, which you can find in the campaign description. Every moment counts, every help counts, every heart that answers this call counts.

With deep gratitude and hope that together we can bring a smile back to Maria Madalina's face.

Let us join forces and show that in our world, compassion and solidarity can bring miraculous changes

Name of entity: "Save a Heart" Association

Tax ID: 31015982

Bank account (IBAN): RON Account: RO 05 BTRL 0070 1205 W828 70 XX

Euro Account: RO 28 BTRL EUR CRT 00 W828 7001

USD Account: RO 68 BTRL USD CRT 00 W828 7001

Please specify in the bank transfer, under payment details, the name: MADALINA BUDESCU