
Ionuț Fratila

Active campaign 19 days
15.132708333333% Complete

Amount received

7.264 €


48.000 €

You can donate directly by bank transfer to the following accounts:

Account RON: RO05BTRL00701205W82870XX

Account Euro: RO 28 BTRL EUR CRT 00 W828 7001

Account USD: RO 68 BTRL USD CRT 00 W828 7001

Payments made


Now you can donate extremely simple and fast through the new Application for Android and iOS "Salveaza o Inima"

Bank donors

Alexandra L.
Badache C.
Maria L.
Cristinel M.


Ionuț Fratila

Active campaign 19 days

Campaign updates

24 May
Payments Fisier 1

Save a heart Association paid today the amount of 4587 RON according to the attached payment order representing genetic analyzes.

Our fight continues!


15 Apr
Payments Fisier 1

Save a heart Association paid today the amount of 7619  RON  according to the attached payment order representing genetic analyzes.

Our fight continues!


05 Mar

With each passing day, Ionuț finds, step by step, his mobility behind and in his hands, a progress that brings with it a ray of hope. Not so long ago, dizziness overwhelmed him to such an extent that when physical therapists tried to pick him up, he lost consciousness – these moments being a huge barrier on his way to recovery. There was a time when she could not attend therapy sessions as needed, but little by little, these obstacles seem to dissipate, opening the way to normalcy.

On this arduous but hopeful journey, we strongly believe that together with broad-hearted people who choose to support us, we will be able to raise the necessary funds to continue recovery treatment. It is vital that Ionuț does not miss a moment, because a month of stagnation would mean losing everything he has managed to regain so far. Every step forward in his recovery is a triumph over limitations that seemed insurmountable.

As we look with hope to the future, we pray that your kindness and generosity will give Ionut the chance to continue this vital journey of recovery. Together, we can make a difference in his life by helping him face this challenge with courage and determination.

13 Feb

With hearts full of hope and gratitude, we share with you news that gives us courage and strengthens our faith in a better future. After the last MRI, doctors' opinion improved slightly, opening a window of hope, albeit small, for a recovery in mobility. Progress is slow but sure, and there is a possibility that, with hard work and dedication, after a long journey of up to two years of daily therapy, significant improvements will be made.

Today, we tell you about the daily struggle, about the small victories that fill us with joy: feeling the feet that, although they do not yet support independent movements, are an encouraging sign of progress; the ability to grasp objects, a simple gesture that we missed so much; and those precious moments when he can drink a sip of water on his own. These advances, however small, are enormous steps on the road to recovery.

However, the road is long and challenging. Recovery requires daily dedication and considerable resources. At this time, we turn to you, our community, for support. Your help can make the difference between stagnation and progress, between despair and hope. Together, we can offer the chance to an almost normal life, getting closer to the dream of being a united family again, as we were before.

Please join our efforts, contribute as much as you can to this long journey of recovery. Every gesture, no matter how small, matters enormously. Let us join forces and show that, through solidarity and love, we can overcome obstacles that seem insurmountable.

We pray that the Good God will give us the strength and wisdom needed on this difficult road. With your help and support, we trust that we will be able to overcome this trial, bring smiles and offer hope.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for any help offered, for your kind thoughts and prayers. Let us be together in this struggle, to rebuild a future in which we can once again be a happy and united family.

05 Feb

Save a heart Association paid today the amount of 755 RON according to the attached payment order.

Our fight continues!


01 Feb

Save a heart Association paid today the amount of 960 RON according to the attached payment order representing genetic analyzes.

Our fight continues!


29 Dec

Ionuț Frătilă, a young man of 26 years, faces a major challenge in life, being diagnosed with Frankel A, a severe form of paralysis. In these difficult times, hope and support come from an unexpected source. The "Save a heart" Association, known for its dedication to helping those in need, intervened to change Ionuț's life.

With an impressive mobilization and extraordinary generosity, the association managed to raise the impressive amount of 43,350 RON. This money is more than just a financial amount; they are a bridge to a better future for Ionuț. The amount collected will fully cover the expenses for his essential treatment, which will take place over the next two months at Saint Sava Hospital in Bucharest.

This news brings not only material help, but also a ray of hope and a strong message of solidarity and empathy. The community, through the "Save a heart" Association, shows its compassion and desire to support people in difficulty. For Ionuț, this gesture means a chance at a new beginning, at a life full of possibilities and at recovering hope.

Despite the challenges of his health, Ionuț now looks to the future with more optimism, knowing that he is not alone and that there are people who are by his side. This episode is a remarkable example of humanity and generosity, demonstrating that together we can make a difference in the lives of those who need help.

08 Dec

Every day, we witness small but great miracles in Ionuț's life. These moments, illuminated by faith and hope, show us that, with God's help, anything is possible. Recently, I noticed the first encouraging signs in Ionuț's feet - a slight movement of his right leg. It is more than just a gesture; It is a sign that the Divine is reaching out and that our efforts are not in vain. This road we are going through is long and challenging, but these small advances fuel our hope that, in the end, everything will be okay.

Ionuț's hands, once weak, are now gradually gaining strength. Every little object he grabs is a victory, a step forward towards recovery. These daily advances are our miracles, little lights of hope that guide us and give us the strength to keep going.

And on this journey, your support is very important. It is of immense importance. Thanks to your generosity and empathy, Ionuț has the opportunity to continue the recovery therapies, giving us the chance to witness even more miracles. Every help we receive brings us closer to that day when Ionuț will be able to enjoy life with all its fullness.

We are deeply grateful for all your support and for choosing to be part of this journey of hope. Together, we dream and fight for a brighter future for Ionuț.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts! 🙏

05 Dec

With deep emotion and gratitude, we bring to your attention a great step taken for Ionuț Frățilă, a young fighter in the face of life's adversities. Diagnosed with Frankel A's palsy, Ionuț now has the chance for a better future thanks to your generous support.

Thanks to joint efforts and open hearts, the "Save a heart" Association managed to pay RON 22,665 for its essential treatment, which will take place at Saint Sava Hospital in Bucharest. This significant gesture not only offers hope and opportunity to Ionuț, but also represents a living testimony of human solidarity and kindness.

Every contribution, regardless of size, made a huge difference. Through your generosity and support, we have demonstrated together that hope, faith, hope and fighting power can change lives. This victory belongs not only to Ionuț, but to all those who chose to get involved and offer a chance at life.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all your support. This moment represents the essence of what we can achieve together - a better world, full of compassion and mutual help. Let us continue to be the light in the lives of those who need us!

27 Nov

In our hearts, Ionuț is more than a name; It is the symbol of a struggle full of courage and hope. In the healing sanctuary of Saint Sava, Ionut slowly but surely finds his way to recovery. Every little movement, every moment he manages to sit on his ass and use his hands, is a ray of light in the long path that lies ahead.

It's not a journey we take alone. Through the generosity and warmth of people with big hearts, Ionuț gets the chance to live a normal life

We look confidently to the sky, hoping that soon we will see the signs of movement in Ionuț's feet. Every day is a challenge, but also a promise that tomorrow can bring a new beginning. Together, we can walk with Ionuț on this journey towards healing, towards a future where every step will no longer be just a dream, but a reality.

Let's join forces for Ionuț, let's be with him on this journey of rediscovering movement and freedom. Every help you give is a stepping stone in building a better world for him. Let us give hope, let us give life, let us give a future.

13 Nov

With hearts vibrating with hope and eyes fixed on the future, we, Ionuț's family and friends, step forward on this journey of healing, armed with an unwavering faith in divine goodness. As the saying goes, "Believe and don't investigate," so we believe that every small step Ionut takes at St. Sava the Sanctified Recovery Center is a dance of triumph over adversity.

A month has passed, a month in which Ionuț, with a resilience that moves us to tears, won small but essential battles. His hands, which once seemed to need wings, are now beginning to regain strength and mobility. It is a real joy to see him regain his strength, how every move is a victory in itself, even if the road to regaining complete freedom of movement for his legs is still long and difficult.

However, despite the recovery marathon that awaits him, Ionuț is not alone. Every progress, every shy smile, every renewed hope strengthens our conviction that, together, we can work miracles.

We call you to join us, to be part of this miracle of recovery. Your financial help is not just a donation, it is a gesture of love, it is the bridge that Ionut will be able to cross to hold his little girl in his arms. Thank you for every contribution, big or small, because each help brings us closer to the day when Ionut will be able to go, not only physically, but also with all of us, on this pilgrimage of hope and healing.

Campaign started on 19.10.2023

Last Name: Fratila

First name: Ionut

Age: 26 years

Amount required: 48,000 euro/year

Diagnosis: Frankel A. (paralysis)

The treatment will be performed at Saint Sava Hospital Bucharest

"A chance for Ionuț!"

Every moment of our lives is a gift, but some moments come with unimaginable challenges. Today, we come before you with a life story, an appeal to the generous souls and compassion of each one.

I would like you to imagine an ordinary day, with the bright sun and plans for the future, but in a split second it turns into a nightmare. This is our story, the story of Ionuț and his family.

Ionuț, a young man of only 26 years, had to face pain and despair after a merciless accident changed his life forever. In an instant, the car he was in overturned three times, leaving him bedridden, unable to move his hands or legs.

Doctors say we need expensive treatments, over 20,000 lei per month, for Ionut to recover his mobility. Despite the love and support we give him on a daily basis, the costs of his treatment and recovery are far too high for our financial situation.

His wife, with tears in her eyes, confesses: "I don't know how to explain my despair. When I look at Ionuț and see how much he wants to get out of bed, to take his daughter to kindergarten, my heart is broken. We pray every day that we have the chance to give him a normal life, as he had before the accident. I beg you, help us! Every donation counts and brings us closer to our dream."

Ionuț grew up in a foster family with limited resources, and now, when he needs it most, his family does not have the financial means for treatment.

Dear people with big hearts, please help us raise the necessary amount for Ionuț's treatment and recovery. Any amount, no matter how small, can bring hope and a chance for a normal life for him.

Together, we can write a new chapter in Ionuț's story, one with a happy ending. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your generosity and support!

To donate, you can use the following details:

Name of entity: Association "SAVE A HEART"

VAT number: 31015982

RON Account: RO05BTRL00701205W82870XX

EUR Account: RO28BTRLEURCRT00W8287001

USD Account: RO68BTRLUSDCRT00W8287001

SWIFT code:


BIC Code: BTRL Bank: Banca Transilvania

Please specify in the bank transfer, under payment details, the name IONUT FRATILA.