Campaign updates
Dearly beloved, we thank you for joining us and especially Andreea. Today our little fighter got tired and went to God's. He left us with broken hearts and pain, but at the same time proud that we had such a powerful angel. Our beautiful smooth road.
Unfortunately Andrea's condition this weekend has worsened, she's breathing harder and harder, her respiratory system is not working well and her saturation is dropping a lot. It started dropping the emergency drug to see how it reacts. For her everything becomes too hard a fight to fight even if she still doesn't give
up. The news isn't good at all, but the doctors here and the nurses are doing everything they can do.
It's been a year, a year since our little girl's condition started to get worse and worse and her illness was taking her, the power to walk, swallow and talk. We searched with your help for salvation in other countries but unfortunately the answer was not one we wanted to hear. It's so hard to see her like this. After the last EEG that did not look good at all it is possible that Andreea is no longer conscious because she has no reaction when we talk to her. We're still admitted to ATI - fortunately she hasn't had seizures and the doctors are going to start dropping the emergency medicine. I was hoping that even after Andreea dropped, she wouldn't have any more seizures and she'd be quiet. At the moment it's still secret and needs to be sucked up a long time. We hope and continue to pray for Andreea. Have a nice evening, our dears.
Hi dears, we have not posted anything because Andrea's condition is not good at all. Our little girl fights a lot, a lot.. Unfortunately, tracheostoma is being discussed because it no longer coughs effectively to remove secretions. Although doctors are trying to overtake the time of intubation because there are risks, it will most likely end up there. At the moment i'm constantly running the emergency medicine but andreea's not well either. We continue to pray to the Good Lord to give him strength.
We're waiting to go to the MRI. We can't wait to see what the doctors say because everyone's waiting for the result. Andreea sleeps very little during the day and at night. We'll keep you updated after we hear from you. Yesterday we went to a check-up to see if the brain coordinates the movements in the hands and feet well and we have a good result, thank God.
Hello our dears, we arrived safely in Italy, today we have a week. I was in quarantine for 5 days in intensive care during which time he was given an EEG that didn't look good, he also had an epileptic seizure. Since yesterday, we've been in neuropsychiatry and we're hoping to begin further investigations. Andreea still has a lot of secrets, uncontrolled movements, but we're hoping to get rid of all this. Thank you to the Sibiu ambulance service and the Blondy association for being with us and we arrived safely in Italy. The road was quiet and smooth. Thank you, we wish you good health and a quiet day.
We made it to Italy safely. Andreea is being monitored and has already been visited by several doctors. Thank you very much to those who helped us get here.
We're smiling, we're finally on the last hundred meters. Tomorrow morning first thing we'll fly to Italy. We leave with positive thoughts that we will come back with good news and Andreea will be fine. We'll keep you updated on our little girl's condition. We embrace you and wish you a peaceful night.
Today I received the message below:
"Hello Mr. Vlad.
They saw your post the representatives of the Blondie Association and contacted us, said that they were helping us with medical air transport and that we should not pay anything. Respectfully the Teusan family.
Thank you from the heart!"
Next week he has to leave on a private medical plane in Italy but the costs reach 13,000 euros. Andreea Teusan is only 3 years and 7 months old and from Sibiu. Her childhood was compromised by the terrible diagnosis she received two years ago At this age, we are talking about the period of joy, of imagination, of a world open to love and beautiful, in which everything is possible. Instead of enjoying this beautiful period of about a year and a half, little Andreea struggles with a difficult and excruciating disease that endangers her life.
My beloved fighter, I wish I hadn't held you in my arms just dear, I wish I'd run after you, not just stay in bed, I wish there were two of us at the table but three as we once were. I wish all day i wanted to pick up the toys after you, not keep them in the closet so they were clean in the house, I wish every day we could go for a walk, not be afraid you'd get cold. I wish instead of the medicine box I had a box of candy. I wish instead of treatment hours were playtime, everything else. Even if it's a very tough fight, I know one day you'll be the winner. I know that one day all this will disappear and we will remember them as a bad dream.
Two years, two years since your illness started and you little one fight every day. Anisori in which you've been through moments hard to imagine. Nights you haven't slept, days when seizures have been bothering you, days of hospitalizations, stings you've become indifferent to, medicine instead of candy and pain that only you feel and know. Not thinking about anything other than helping you in the hardest fight last summer, we turned to donations to go to Turkey where God did miracles, people who jumped to our aid so that you would be with us today. For you our angel the hospital was the second home and thanks to you we have learned what life really means and that we must thank God for every day that God gives us in our lives. (thank you Lord). We miss seeing you walk around the house so much, dancing the way you liked it so much. However our little one, today I thank God that you are stable and that our hopes are not over, soon we will go to Italy and I am sure that this is where everything will change. You're stronger than the disease and you show us every day that we don't have to give up. First of all, we thank the Good Lord for all the achievements, the people who are with us and you our baby for not giving up. . We love you, our strong Andreea.
God has listened to our prayers and Andreea has once again shown that she is a fighter. After talking to the doctor we announce that Andreea is stable, they managed to stop her seizures which is most important. Try detubating and stopping the emergency medicine, then tomorrow he will do an EG to see how he reacts after removing it. If it's all right, she'll stay another day or two on therapy and then she'll move to the ward. May God stand with our little girl and tomorrow let us give you equally good news. Thank you, our dears.
Unfortunately we had to check in today, we came urgently with Andreea because the secretions wouldn't let her breathe and she had little saturation. Looks like the problems won't let us. Now we are waiting for the blood results and the result of the covid. God be with our little one.
Hi everyone, I want to announce that Andreea is increasingly cooperative with dolphins, today she had a surprise and met a nice fire seal. I'm so glad she's more active and talkative when she's in therapy. We've got two more days and we're finishing another session. Thank you all for joining little Andreea and wish you a wonderful day.
Hello dears, we want to announce that we have arrived safely in Istanbul. Andreea's tired so she's got her treatment and she's sleeping. We couldn't wait to go to the check-up on Monday. We'll keep you updated and hope to give you all the good news. We embrace you and wish you a beautiful day.
Dearly beloved, after more than two months Andreea returned home. Today at 6 p.m. we arrived with the rescue. We pray that everything will be fine until the October check-up when we return to Turkey.
We embrace you with love.
Today we want to announce that we are discontinuing therapy because Andreea is no longer responding well to treatment and tomorrow we will go to a check-up in Istanbul. He has days when he's better and days when he's got myoclonia, uncontrolled movements and he's not resting well. Thank you and we hope that tomorrow at the check-up we have good news.
Our beloved little girl, we promise to do everything we can to be at least as you were before you went through this. Just like you were a fighter, so we're going to fight, so you can dance again. Folks with a big heart, please keep helping us so that Andreea is no longer a 2-month-old child, a 3-year-old and 8-month-old. I say this because it's very hard to see that he can't support his head, he only sits on his back, his right hand moves very little... that's why he needs a lot of tarapie. This dolphin therapy is expensive but also very effective and the people in the therapy said they will do their best to get Andreea the power she so badly needs. I ask you from the bottom of my heart, a mother who wants to see her child on the piciaore to continue to be with our little dancer. Thank you my dears.
The SMS fundraising campaign is over.
6240 SMS messages were sent to a maximum of 2 euros amounting to 12480 euros.
Andreea arrived in Antalya. Today a therapy team came to see her and tomorrow we'll start the recovery. We really want to see her dance and stand on her feet again. Therapy will last 10 days after which, before we come home, we're scheduled to have a neurological check-up again. For a month while we stay at home Andreea will undergo this treatment and then when we return to the control he will be given another treatment and for that it will require a few days of hospitalization to be under supervision. Our fighting little girl needs you and the good Lord to become a normal child. Thank you and wish you a pleasant evening.
On Saturday he will leave for Antalya where he will begin dolphin therapy.
Thank you
We want to let you know that he's released Andreea today. We'll stay for a while at the hotel where we have to get used to feeding her and administering Andrea's medicine through gastrostoma (storm in the stomach). Unfortunately we could not afford a few more days in the hospital, because they are all very expensive, hospitalization, food and treatments of our little girl. We had to buy her special food that cost us 1,000 euros and that will last Andrea a month. In addition to food, we also had to buy her the treatments she needed and the special bags to put her food. There will be a long and difficult recovery period in which Andreea will have to come to physiotherapy in Turkey, but nevertheless we pray to God that when we come to the control, that is, in a month, Andrea's condition will be even better. We must admit that without the help of you and the Association Save a heart, we would not have made it this far, so we ask you with all your heart to stay with us so that Andreea will become the one that was our little dancer. Thank you
My beloved angel, I remember the day I received this news, partial epilepsy continues. From that day everything changed in our lives, sad days followed, moments of nightmare, moments in which I thought we could not resist but you our little fighter have overcome all the attempts. Unfortunately this is the hardest test. You've been fighting for almost two months to show us how strong you are. It is with great sadness that we remember the 10th of July, the day you couldn't take it anymore and the doctors had to intubate you. From the induced coma you were in, you'd wake up and your seizures wouldn't leave you alone. It was hard to hear, we were fighting to keep her alive. Since then, a fight against the clock has followed. It was very urgent to find the clinic that received you but unfortunately the refusals came from countries such as: Hungary, Austria, Germany, Italy etc. "We can not receive it in this state", this was the answer we received. When we lost all hope God showed us His wonders. Narcissus called us glad that after many searches in Turkey, the Koç Clinic welcomes us. I searched as fast as I could for a medical plane. Unfortunately when I arrived you were in convulsions and the doctors got scared but they didn't give up and stabilized you and here you are not fighting with seizures since. Slowly you started to move your feet, your gloves and say the word mother. Unfortunately your fight continues, a long and hard struggle but which I'm sure will become a bad memory. Now I want to thank you who have been with us and the Good Lord that Andreea because of you has overcome all this. We embrace you and we are grateful. We hope you'll stay with us from now on.
I want to let you know that yesterday Andreea has successfully passed a milder stomach surgery to feed because the gastro-nasal probe said it was riskier. Yesterday had a tiring day that's why it still makes nan. From today I'll be taught how to feed her so i know when we're going home. The neurologist said he wanted to take them off his meds because he has too much, which is why I'd like to stay a few more days to be under their supervision. Andreea is making progress and amazes us with her desire to become a normal child. He was moving more and more and my mother started saying. In order to stay a few more days we need your help as you have helped us so far. Thank you and we embrace you with love.
I'm sitting here thinking about two and a half weeks ago when I didn't have any hope that there was a clinic to contact us and give us a positive response. Andreea was in intensive care and it's like nothing evening we decided to make a group prayer as big as many of you know. The next day we had the pleasant surprise to find out that Andreea is breathing alone after detubation and that was not all, someone from Turkey whose name I would not want to give us the big news : a clinic in Turkey receives Andreea.Then we knew that it is the only chance for Andreea ,that is why we do not want a please be with thank you.
With your help Andreea is better, more present but unfortunately still can not move, can only feed through the probe and can not speak. I see her how ambitious she is and would like to answer me when she hears my voice but her state of weakness still does not give her please God and I ask you to join us to continue to help Andreea become the child who was,full of life,with the mood of thank you for your kindness that you showed when you first read Andrea's case.
As of today, we started the fundraising campaign via SMS.
A simple SMS number 8832 text message ANDREEA
Andreea's neurologist asked us how long we can stay because it's quite complicated and takes time and they want Andreea to walk away. We've clearly answered as much as it takes.that's why we hope you'll stay with us as before.
Andreea is much more yesterday started treatment for autoimmune encephalitis about what doctors think she has.smiled a lot with us when she heard our voices... he moved his hand and had a fixed look when he looked at us.
Today is the happiest day. God does great miracles. Andreea is much better and has started treatment for encephalitis.
Andreea was prepared and picked up by the medical plane bound for Turkey.
We all want the little girl to return home healthy.
Send an SMS to
Message: ANDREEA
So far 6240 SMS messages of 2 euros have been sent
* SMS number 8832 is valid from 31 JULY 2020 to 30 AUGUST 2020. The amount allocated to the case is 2 Euro. No VAT is charged on subscription donations. In Telekom ,Orange and Digi Mobil networks, for prepaid cards, VAT was withheld when purchasing the credit. For donations on prepaid cards, in the Vodafone network, users do not pay VAT. Number offered free of charge with the support of the Save a Heart Association
*The amount from the site to SMS is added manually.
Campaign started on: 15.07.2020
Name: Andreea
First name: Teusan
Age: 3 years
Amount required: EUR 32000
Diagnosis: Continuous partial severe epilepsy (diagnosis is not very clear)
Clinic where he will perform the operation at Koc University Clinic
The story of little Andreea
Andreea Teusan is only 3 years and 5 months old and from Sibiu. Her childhood was compromised by the terrible diagnosis she received a year and a half ago. At this age, we are talking about the period of joy, of imagination, of a world open to love and beautiful, in which everything is possible. Instead of enjoying this beautiful period of about a year and a half, little Andreea struggles with a difficult and excruciating disease that endangers her life.
At the age of just two years, she was diagnosed with epilepsy, a disease she has been battling to date, and which seems to be getting worse. Andreea had had milder seizures before, but in recent times they have started to get worse and worse. This year, an MRI resulted in some lesions on little Andreea's brain. As of 27.06.2020, the little girl was admitted to the intensive care unit in Sibiu, where doctors say there is not much more they can do to her. Yesterday, doctors found that the little girl had water in her lungs. Fortunately, today the little girl began to react and breathe better. The child's parents have made countless efforts and investigations to the best doctors in Romania, but the case of little Andreea is too difficult and, unfortunately, medicine in Romania is powerless in her case.
A clinic in Turkey accepts Andreea
Fortunately, the prayers of parents and loved ones were heard and the little girl was accepted by a clinic in Turkey. The representatives of the clinic made an estimated cost, which represents a surreal amount for the Teusan Family. The initial investment that the little girl would need, a total cost of around 32,000 euros, but it may increase, depending on the results of the tests and the course of the disease. "It's a neurometabolic or neurogenic disease. Genetic and metabolic examinations should be carried out. The duration of hospitalization can be extended.," said doctors at Koc University Hospital in Instanbul.
Parents are hopeful and hope to help people with a big heart. "God listened to our prayers and after much searching, Andreea was accepted to a clinic in Turkey. The costs are beyond our control, but with your help we know that we will succeed.," said the little girl's father, Andrei Teusan.
Story Source: Sibiu Time
Donations can be made:
Entity Name: Association "SALVEAZA O INIMA"
Tax Registration Code: 31015982
Bank Account (IBAN):
RON Account: RO05BTRL00701205W82870XX
Euro Account: RO28BTRLEURCRT00W8287001
REVOLUT: 0752,753,540
Banca Transilvania Botosani
Please specify the surname (Teusan) of the child for whom you are making the donation!
Media appearances:
Botoşani Exclusive-She's too small to fight alone, and we're too big to be indifferent